## [CCLog](https://github.com/ccworld1000/CCLog) Simple and lightweight cross-platform logs, easy-to-use simple learning, and support for multiple languages, such as C, C++, Perl 6, shell, Objective-C support ios, osx, watchos, tvos support pod, cocoapods https://cocoapods.org/pods/CCLog ## Perl 6 There are 2 (CCLog & CCLogFull) ways of binding. Call CCLog.pm6  Call CCLogFull.pm6  ## Shell Provide simple commands. fg: ccnormal ccwarning ccerror cctimer ccloop ccthread ccprint ccsay ccdie ccnetwork These commands are automatically installed locally and can be called directly. Call shell  ## C && C++ && Objective-C You can use C library or C source (CCLog.h CCLog.c) code directly. Call C && C++ && Objective-C  ## Objective-C Objective-C can call C directly, Or follow other ways to import. or use pod https://github.com/ccworld1000/CCLog pod 'CCLog' ## Local installation and unloading zef install . zef uninstall CCLog ## Network install zef update zef install CCLog ## Check if the installation is successful The installation may be as follows  Installation failure may be as follows, you can try again  ## Color display control Perl6 CCLog.pm6 call ccshowColor Perl6 CCLogFull.pm6 call CCLog_showColor C && C++ && Objective-C call CCLog_showColor fg:  ## Tips display control fg:  ## Display log control fg: