NAME Test2::Tools::TypeTiny - Test2 tools for checking Type::Tiny types VERSION version v0.90.1 SYNOPSIS use Test2::Tools::Basic; use Test2::Tools::TypeTiny; use MyTypes qw< FullyQualifiedDomainName >; type_subtest FullyQualifiedDomainName, sub { my $type = shift; should_pass_initially( $type, qw< >, ); should_fail( $type, qw< www ftp001 .com domains.t x.c prod|ask|me >, ); should_coerce_into( $type, qw< ftp001-prod3 prod-ask-me nonprod3-foobar-me >, ); }; done_testing; DESCRIPTION This module provides a set of tools for checking Type::Tiny types. This is similar to Test::TypeTiny, but works against the Test2::Suite and has more functionality for testing and troubleshooting coercions. FUNCTIONS All functions are exported by default. Wrappers type_subtest type_subtest Type, sub { my $type = shift; ... }; Creates a buffered subtest with the given type as the test name, and passed as the only parameter. Using a generic $type variable makes it much easier to copy and paste test code from other type tests without accidentally forgetting to change your custom type within the code. Testers These functions are most useful wrapped inside of a "type_subtest" coderef. should_pass_initially should_pass_initially($type, @values); Creates a buffered subtest that confirms the type will pass with all of the given @values, without any need for coercions. should_fail_initially should_fail_initially($type, @values); Creates a buffered subtest that confirms the type will fail with all of the given @values, without using any coercions. This function is included for completeness. However, items in should_fail_initially should realistically end up in either a "should_fail" block (if it always fails, even with coercions) or a "should_coerce_into" block (if it would pass after coercions). should_pass should_pass($type, @values); Creates a buffered subtest that confirms the type will pass with all of the given @values, including values that might need coercions. If it initially passes, that's okay, too. If the type does not have a coercion and it fails the initial check, it will stop there and fail the test. This function is included for completeness. However, "should_coerce_into" is the better function for types with known coercions, as it checks the resulting coerced values as well. should_fail should_fail($type, @values); Creates a buffered subtest that confirms the type will fail with all of the given @values, even when those values are ran through its coercions. should_coerce_into should_coerce_into($type, @orig_coerced_kv_pairs); Creates a buffered subtest that confirms the type will take the "key" in @orig_coerced_kv_pairs and coerce it into the "value" in @orig_coerced_kv_pairs. (The @orig_coerced_kv_pairs parameter is essentially an ordered hash here, with support for ref values as the "key".) The original value should not pass initial checks, as it would not be coerced in most use cases. These would be considered test failures. TROUBLESHOOTING Test name output The test names within each should_* function are somewhat dynamic, depending on which stage of the test it failed at. Most of the time, this is self-explanatory, but double negatives may make the output a tad logic-twisting: not ok 1 - ... # should_*_initially "val" should pass # simple should_pass_initially failure "val" should fail # simple should_fail_initially failure # should_* "val" should fail (initial check) # should_fail didn't initially fail "val" should pass (no coercion) # should_pass initally failed, and didn't have a coercion to use "val" should pass (failed coercion) # should_pass failed both the check and coercion "val" should fail (coerced into "val2") # should_fail still successfully coerced into a good value "val" should pass (coerced into "val2") # should_pass coerced into a bad value # should_coerce_into has similar errors as above Type Map Diagnostics Because types can be twisty mazes of inherited parents or multiple coercion maps, any failures will produce a verbose set of diagnostics. These come in two flavors: constraint maps and coercion maps, depending on where in the process the test failed. For example, a constraint map could look like: # (some definition output truncated) MyStringType constraint map: MyStringType->check("value") ==> FAILED is defined as: do { package Type::Tiny; ... ) } StrMatch["(?^ux:...)"]->check("value") ==> FAILED is defined as: do { package Type::Tiny; !ref($_) and !!( $_ =~ $Types::Standard::StrMatch::expressions{"..."} ) } StrMatch->check("value") ==> PASSED is defined as: do { package Type::Tiny; defined($_) and do { ref(\$_) eq 'SCALAR' or ref(\(my $val = $_)) eq 'SCALAR' } } Str->check("value") ==> PASSED is defined as: do { package Type::Tiny; defined($_) and do { ref(\$_) eq 'SCALAR' or ref(\(my $val = $_)) eq 'SCALAR' } } Value->check("value") ==> PASSED is defined as: (defined($_) and not ref($_)) Defined->check("value") ==> PASSED is defined as: (defined($_)) Item->check("value") ==> PASSED is defined as: (!!1) Any->check("value") ==> PASSED is defined as: (!!1) The diagnostics checked the final value with each individual parent check (including itself). Based on this output, the value passed all of the lower-level Str checks, because it is a string. But, it failed the more-specific StrMatch regular expression. This will give you an idea of which type to adjust, if necessary. A coercion map would look like this: MyStringType coercion map: MyStringType->check("value") ==> FAILED FQDN->check("value") ==> FAILED Username->check("value") ==> FAILED Hostname->check("value") ==> PASSED (coerced into "value2") The diagnostics looked at Type::Coercion's type_coercion_map (and the type itself), figured out which types were acceptable for coercion, and returned the coercion result that passed. In this case, none of the types passed except Hostname, which was coerced into value2. Based on this, either Hostname converted it to the wrong value (one that did not pass MyStringType), or one of the higher-level checks should have passed and didn't. AUTHOR Grant Street Group COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2024 - 2025 by Grant Street Group. This is free software, licensed under: The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)