<h1>Giblog - Website and Blog builder</h1> Giblog is <b>Website and Blog builder</b> written by Perl. You can create <b>your website and blog</b> easily</b>. All created files is <b>static HTML</b>, so you can manage them using <b>git</b>. You can <b>customize your website by Perl</b>. <h2>Website</h2> <a href="https://new-website-example.giblog.net/">Website</a><br><br> <a href="https://new-website-example.giblog.net/"><img src="/images/giblog-website.png" style="widht:98%;border:1px solid #ddd"></a><br> <h2>Blog</h2> <a href="https://new-blog-example.giblog.net/">Blog Example</a><br><br> <a href="https://new-blog-example.giblog.net/"><img src="/images/giblog-blog.png" style="widht:98%;border:1px solid #ddd"></a><br><br> <h2>Usage</h2> Giblog is command line tool. <pre> # New empty web site giblog new mysite # New web site giblog new_website mysite # New blog giblog new_blog mysite # Change directory cd mysite # Add new entry giblog add # Build web site giblog build # Serve web site giblog serve # Publish web site giblog publish origin main # Add new entry with home directory giblog add --home /home/kimoto/mysite # Build web site with home directory giblog build --home /home/kimoto/mysite </pre> <h2>Features</h2> Giblog have the following features. * Build Website and Blog. * Linux, Mac OS Support. In Windows, need WSL2 or msys2. * Responsive web site support. Default CSS is setup for PC and Smart phone. * Header, Hooter and Side bar support * You can customize Top and Bottom section of content. * Automatical Line break. p tag is automatically added. * Escape E<lt>, E<gt> automatically in pre tag * Title tag is automatically added from first h1-h6 tag. * Description meta tag is automatically added from first p tag. * You can customize your web site by Perl programming laugnage. * You can serve your web site in local environment. Contents changes is detected and build automatically(need L<Mojolicious>). * Build 645 pages by 0.78 seconds in starndard linux environment. * All build files is Static. you can manage files by Git. <h2>Giblog Doument</h2> If you try Giblog, see the following doucment. [Giblog Document](https://metacpan.org/pod/Giblog) <h2>LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT</h2> Copyright 2018-2019 Yuki Kimoto C<< <kimoto.yuki at gmail.com> >> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the the Artistic License (2.0). You may obtain a copy of the full license at: [Artistic License 2.0](http://www.perlfoundation.org/artistic_license_2_0)