Copyright © 2004, Mark Jaroski.  All rights reserved. This program is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
Perl itself.

WWW::Mediawiki::Client provides a very simple cvs-like interface for
Mediawiki driven WikiWiki websites, such as Wikitravel or Wikipedia.  The
interface mimics the two most basic cvs commands: update and commit with
similarly named methods.  Each of these has a shorter alias, as in cvs.
Verbosity is controled through an output_level accessor method.

Included with the module is a command line wrapper called "mvs":

mvs is a command line client whose purpose is to simplify offline editing
of Wiki content.  It allows you to get any number of pages from a given
Mediawiki site, edit the pages with any editor, get and merge any
concurrent updates of the pages, and then safely commit the users own
changes back to the version of the page on the server.

All mvs commands allow you to specify one or more files to get from the
wiki server.  If no file is specified on the command line mvs will
attempt to perform the specified commnd on all files under the current
working directory with the extension .wiki.