Object::Remote - Call methods on objects in other processes or on other

    Creating a connection:

      use Object::Remote;

      my $conn = Object::Remote->connect('myserver'); # invokes ssh

    Calling a subroutine:

      my $capture = IPC::System::Simple->can::on($conn, 'capture');

      warn $capture->('uptime');

    Using an object:

      my $eval = Eval::WithLexicals->new::on($conn);

      $eval->eval(q{my $x = `uptime`});

      warn $eval->eval(q{$x});

    Importantly: 'myserver' only requires perl 5.8+ - no non-core modules
    need to be installed on the far side, Object::Remote takes care of it
    for you!

    Object::Remote allows you to create an object in another process -
    usually one running on another machine you can connect to via ssh,
    although there are other connection mechanisms available.

    The idea here is that in many cases one wants to be able to run a piece
    of code on another machine, or perhaps many other machines - but without
    having to install anything on the far side.

    The "main" API, which provides the "connect" method to create a
    connection to a remote process/host, "new::on" to create an object on a
    connection, and "can::on" to retrieve a subref over a connection.

    The object representing a connection, which provides the "remote_object"
    in Object::Remote::Connection and "remote_sub" in
    Object::Remote::Connection methods that are used by "new::on" and
    "can::on" to return proxies for objects and subroutines on the far side.

    Code for dealing with asynchronous operations, which provides the
    "start::method" in Object::Remote::Future syntax for calling a possibly
    asynchronous method without blocking, and "await_future" in
    Object::Remote::Future and "await_all" in Object::Remote::Future to
    block until an asynchronous call completes or fails.

      my $conn = Object::Remote->connect('-'); # fork()ed connection

      my $conn = Object::Remote->connect('myserver'); # connection over ssh

      my $conn = Object::Remote->connect('user@myserver'); # connection over ssh

      my $conn = Object::Remote->connect('root@'); # connection over sudo

      my $eval = Eval::WithLexicals->new::on($conn);

      my $eval = Eval::WithLexicals->new::on('myserver'); # implicit connect

      my $obj = Some::Class->new::on($conn, %args); # with constructor arguments

      my $hostname = Sys::Hostname->can::on($conn, 'hostname');

      my $hostname = Sys::Hostname->can::on('myserver', 'hostname');

        When starting a new Perl interpreter the contents of this
        environment variable will be used as the path to the executable. If
        the variable is not set the path is 'perl'

        Setting this environment variable will enable logging and send all
        log messages at the specfied level or higher to STDERR. Valid level
        names are: trace debug verbose info warn error fatal

        The format of the logging output is configurable. By setting this
        environment variable the format can be controlled via printf style
        position variables. See Object::Remote::Logging::Logger.

        Forward log events from remote connections to the local Perl
        interpreter. Set to 1 to enable this feature which is disabled by
        default. See Object::Remote::Logging.

        Space seperated list of class names to display logs for if logging
        output is enabled. Default value is "Object::Remote::Logging" which
        selects all logs generated by Object::Remote. See

    Large data structures
        Object::Remote communication is encapsalated with JSON and values
        passed to remote objects will be serialized with it. When sending
        large data structures or data structures with a lot of deep
        complexity (hashes in arrays in hashes in arrays) the processor time
        and memory requirements for serialization and deserialization can be
        either painful or unworkable. During times of serialization the
        local or remote nodes will be blocked potentially causing all remote
        interpreters to block as well under worse case conditions.

        To help deal with this issue it is possible to configure resource
        ulimits for a Perl interpreter that is executed by Object::Remote.
        See "Object::Remote::Role::Connector::PerlInterpreter" for details
        on the perl_command attribute.

    User can starve run loop of execution opportunities
        The Object::Remote run loop is responsible for performing I/O and
        managing timers in a cooperative multitasing way but it can only do
        these tasks when the user has given control to Object::Remote. There
        are times when Object::Remote must wait for the user to return
        control to the run loop and during these times no I/O can be
        performed and no timers can be executed.

        As an end user of Object::Remote if you depend on connection
        timeouts, the watch dog or timely results from remote objects then
        be sure to hand control back to Object::Remote as soon as you can.

    Run loop favors certain filehandles/connections
    High levels of load can starve timers of execution opportunities
        These are issues that only become a problem at large scales. The end
        result of these two issues is quite similiar: some remote objects
        may block while the local run loop is either busy servicing a
        different connection or is not executing because control has not yet
        been returned to it. For the same reasons timers may not get an
        opportunity to execute in a timely way.

        Internally Object::Remote uses timers managed by the run loop for
        control tasks. Under high load the timers can be preempted by
        servicing I/O on the filehandles and execution can be severely
        delayed. This can lead to connection watchdogs not being updated or
        connection timeouts taking longer than configured.

        Deadlocks can happen quite easily because of flaws in programs that
        use Object::Remote or Object::Remote itself so the
        "Object::Remote::WatchDog" is available. When used the run loop will
        periodically update the watch dog object on the remote Perl
        interpreter. If the watch dog goes longer than the configured
        interval with out being updated then it will terminate the Perl
        process. The watch dog will terminate the process even if a deadlock
        condition has occured.

    Log forwarding at scale can starve timers of execution opportunities
        Currently log forwarding can be problematic at large scales. When
        there is a large amount of log events the load produced by log
        forwarding can be high enough that it starves the timers and the
        remote object watch dogs (if in use) don't get updated in timely way
        causing them to erroneously terminate the Perl process. If the watch
        dog is not in use then connection timeouts can be delayed but will
        execute when load settles down enough.

        Because of the load related issues Object::Remote disables log
        forwarding by default. See "Object::Remote::Logging" for information
        on log forwarding.

    IRC: #web-simple on

    mst - Matt S. Trout (cpan:MSTROUT) <>

    phaylon - Robert Sedlacek (cpan:PHAYLON) <>

    triddle - Tyler Riddle (cpan:TRIDDLE) <>

    Parts of this code were paid for by

      Socialflow L<>

      Shadowcat Systems L<>

    Copyright (c) 2012 the Object::Remote "AUTHOR", "CONTRIBUTORS" and
    "SPONSORS" as listed above.

    This library is free software and may be distributed under the same
    terms as perl itself.