Tcl extension module for Perl5


    The Tcl extension provides a small but complete interface into libtcl
    and any other Tcl-based library. It lets you create Tcl interpreters
    (as perl5 objects), bind in commands to them (either perl subroutines
    or C functions dynamically loaded with the DynaLoader extension) and
    execute Tcl code in those interpreters. There is a Tcl::Tk extension
    (not to be confused with "native" perl5 Perl/Tk extension) distributed
    separately which provides a raw but complete interface to the whole of
    libtk via this Tcl extension.

    Using "tcl stubs", module could be built even without tcl-dev package
    installed on system. Still, tcl (or tcl/tk) must be installed during
    module build. --nousestubs also supported. Tcl versions 8.4, 8.5, 8.6
    and above are supported.

Build in the usual way for a perl extension:

1. Do not tweak Makefile.PL, rather - specify parameters to Makefile.PL.
Use --help option to find out supported parameters to Makefile.PL:

   perl Makefile.PL --help

Usualy, you do not need any parameters, default ones should be fine.

2. perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

See License, Authors sections in, or with 'perldoc Tcl' - once it
is installed - to have acknowledged on this type of information.