Text::Conversation - Turn a conversation into threads, one line at a

    version 0.053


            use warnings;
            use strict;
            use Text::Conversation;

            my $threader = Text::Conversation->new();

            my %messages;

            while (<STDIN>) {
                    next unless
                            my ($speaker_name, $their_text) = /^(\S+)\s+(\S.*?)\s*$/;

                    my ($this_message_id, $referent_message_id) =
                            $threader->observe($speaker_name, $their_text);
                    $messages{$this_message_id} = "<$speaker_name> $their_text";

                    print $messages{$this_message_id}, "\n";
                    if ($referent_message_id) {
                            print "  refers to: $messages{$referent_message_id}\n";
                    else {
                            print "  doesn't refer to anything.\n";

    Text::Conversation attempts to thread conversational text one line at a
    time. Given a speaker's ID (often a name, screen name, or other
    relatively unique identifier) and the text of their message, it attempts
    to find the most likely message they are referring to. It will also
    indicate times when it cannot find a referent.

    The most common question so far is "How does it work?" That's often
    followed by the leading "Does it just look for another speaker's ID at
    the start of the message?" Text::Conversation uses multiple heuristics
    to determine a message's referent. To be sure, the presence of another
    speaker's ID counts for a lot, but so do common words between two
    messages. Consider them similar to quoted text in an e-mail message.

    Text::Conversation also keeps track of people who have spoken to each
    other, either explicitly or implicitly. Chances are good that an
    otherwise undirected message is aimed at a person and is part of an
    ongoing conversation.

    The module also incorporates penalties. The link between two messages is
    degraded more as the module searches farther back in time. Likewise,
    there are penalties for referring to messages beyond the speaker's
    previous message, or the addressee's.

    Text::Conversation is considered by its author to be "beta" quality
    code. The heuristics are often uncannily accurate... if you steadfastly
    ignore their shortcomings. I am trapped in a module factory. Please send
    feedback and patches.

    So, like, what are the methods? So far the module only supports these.
    I'm sure others will emerge as people use the module.

      Create and return a new Text::Conversation object. The constructor
      takes a few parameters, specified as name/value pairs. All the
      parameters are optional.

      Here's a constructor that uses all the parameters. Unfortunately, the
      coder has sillily used all the default values when writing it.

              my $threader = Text::Conversation->new(
                      debug         => 0,
                      thread_buffer => 30,

      "debug" turns on a lot of warnings that most people won't be
      interested in to begin with. They may become curious and enable it
      after they come to realize the module often does a lousy job of
      threading. Please roll 1d4, and subtract that number from your Sanity
      if you enable debugging.

      "thread_buffer" sets the number of messages that the module keeps in
      its short-term memory. These messages are the ones considered when
      looking for referents. If you're looking for an analogy, consider it
      the number of messages that fit or your terminal, and you can't scroll
      back. When someone says something peculiar, and you skim your screen
      for what the heck they're talking about, there's only "thread_buffer"
      number of messages visible.

      The thread buffer shouldn't be too large. Messages are penalized the
      farther back they are in time, so a huge buffer just consumes memory
      with little or no gain. The default of 30 lines seems sane today.

      Ask Text::Conversation to observe a "spoken" message. observe()
      returns two values: the unique ID of this new message, and the ID of
      the message the speaker is most likely referring to. If we're lucky,
      the referent ID is actually meaningful.

      Oh, if Text::Conversation decides they're just spouting into the void
      (that is, what they've said doesn't refer to anything in its
      short-term memory), then the referent ID is undefined. I hope the
      example in the SYNOPSIS adequately portrays this behavior.

              my ($new_message_id, $referent_id) = $threader->observe(
                      $screen_name, $what_they_said

              if (defined $referent_id) {
                      print "They're referring to message '$referent_id'.\n";
              else {
                      print "Uh-oh.  $screen_name is on their soapbox again.\n";

    The heck if I know. Suggest something.

    Text::Conversation is considered beta code. Thank Ford it's not alpha!
    The threading heuristics are interesting, and sometimes they are
    surprisingly effective, but they aren't perfect.

    This module's locale is hardcoded for English. Please send patches to
    support your native tongue if you cannot read this.

    Consecutive messages by the same author, where the subsequent messages
    begin with conjunctions, are most likely a monologue. The subsequent
    messages are more likely to address the same destination as the first
    one. LotR suggested this. And I believe he's right.

    At least in Perl-related IRC channels there is a convention whereby
    people "correct" previous messages by stating simple substitutions. For

            <bynari> my butt hurts
            <bynari> s/butt/head/

    The second message states that the previous message was in error, and
    "butt" should be replaced with "head".

    The module doesn't consider periods of time where a speaker is not
    present. It will happily link someone's message to a thread they
    couldn't possibly have known about. Be careful fixing this one: Someone
    may arrive and immediately refer to a thread that occurred before they

    If an unaddressed message matches a message farther back in a thread,
    perhaps they're referring to something farther along that branch.

            01 <one> A lot of creatures really don't know how to deal with a
                            glue trap.  They do that tarbaby thing with increasing
            02 <two> yeah.  so, imagine bambi stuck to one.
            03 <three> I am imagining my neighbors in a glue
                            trap...frantically rolling around trying to get free yet picking
                            up various objects in their struggle ... (hey...this sounds
            04 <two> hee
            05 <one> Like that game!
            06 <three> Yeah! But with our NEIGHBORS!
            07 <three> (comic relief IN MY MIND)

    At the time of this writing, this conversation threaded like this:

            01 <one> A lot of creatures....
                    02 <two> yeah.  so, ....
                    03 <three> I am imagining ....
                    04 <two> hee
                            05 <one> Like that game!
                                    07 <three> (comic relief....
                    06 <three> Yeah! But....

    It should instead thread like this:

            01 <one> A lot of creatures....
                    02 <two> yeah.  so, ....
                            03 <three> I am imagining ....
                                    04 <two> hee
                                    05 <one> Like that game!
                                            06 <three> Yeah! But....
                                            07 <three> (comic relief....

    The problem occurs in the rule where "If a message's referent is by the
    same speaker, then set the current referent to the referent of the
    previous message." In the broken case, 06 refers to 03 (by the same
    person), so it's "fixed" to point to 01 (because 03 refers to that).

    There are probably other things.




    Rocco Caputo conceived of and created Text::Conversation with initial
    feedback and coments from the residents of various channels on

    Except where otherwise noted, Text::Conversation is Copyright 2005-2013
    by Rocco Caputo. All rights are reserved. Text::Conversation is free
    software. You may modify and/or redistribute it under the same terms as
    Perl itself.