RT::Extension::Nagios - Merge and resolve Nagios tickets

    Nagios <> is a powerful monitoring system that
    enables organizations to identify and resolve IT infrastructure problems
    before they affect critical business processes.

    This extension allows email alerts generated by Nagios to be aggregated
    and resolved as it generates them. It does this by examining the
    standard subject line that Nagios generates; by default, these take the

        PROBLEM Service Alert: localhost/Root Partition is WARNING

    There are 5 useful parts in subject; we call them type, category, host,
    problem_type and problem_severity. These are parsed from the subject via
    a regular expression; in the above example, the extension would extract:

        type:             PROBLEM
        category:         Service
        host:             localhost
        problem_type:     Root Partition
        problem_severity: WARNING

    After the new ticket is created, the following is done:

    1.  Find all the other active tickets in the same queue with the same
        values of category, host and problem_type. If the configuration
        setting NagiosSearchAllQueues is set (see below), all queues are

    2.  If the configuration setting NagiosMergeTickets is set (see below),
        merge all matching tickets.

    3.  If type is 'RECOVERY', resolve them.

    perl Makefile.PL
    make install
        May need root permissions

    make initdb
        Only run this the first time you install this module.

        If you run this twice, you may end up with duplicate data in your

        If you are upgrading this module, check for upgrading instructions
        in case changes need to be made to your database.

    Edit your /opt/rt4/etc/
        If you are using RT 4.2 or greater, add this line:


        For RT 4.0, add this line:

            Set(@Plugins, qw(RT::Extension::Nagios));

        or add RT::Extension::Nagios to your existing @Plugins line.

    Restart your webserver

    This extension has three configuration settings; setting them should be
    done in

        If set, this causes step 1, above, to search for matching Nagios
        tickets in an queue. In most configurations, Nagios notifications
        will arrive in one queue, and remain there. If your workflow
        involves triaging Nagios notifications from there into other queues,
        you will want to set:

           Set( $NagiosSearchAllQueues, 1 );

        Controls if the extensions merges tickets about the same incident
        together. By default, each PROBLEM, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, and RECOVERY
        notification will remain as its own ticket; when the RECOVERY email
        is received by RT, all will be resolved.

        Setting this configuration parameter to 1 causes the extension to
        merge all old tickets on the same topic into new tickets as they
        arrive; as such, the Created date will respect the most recent

        Setting it to -1 causes the extension to merge new tickets into any
        existing tickets as they arrive; the Created date will respect the
        oldest message, and the ticket ID will remain constant:

            Set( $NagiosMergeTickets, -1 );

        Since RT allows for custom lifecycles on queues, this extension's
        default of setting tickets to Resolved upon RECOVERY may be
        incorrect for the queue they are in. If the queue your Nagios
        tickets reside in does not have a Resolved status, or you would like
        tickets to be transitioned to a different status on RECOVERY, set

            Set( $NagiosResolvedStatus, 'recovered' );

    Best Practical Solutions, LLC <>

    Based on work by Todd Chapman.

    All bugs should be reported via email to


    or via the web at


    This software is Copyright (c) 2014 by Best Practical Solutions

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991