This is an alternative to String::Trim (and similar modules, see "SEE
    ALSO"). Instead of a single trim function, this module provides several
    from which you can choose on, depending on your needs.


 ltrim($str) => STR

    Trim whitespaces (including newlines) at the beginning of string.
    Equivalent to:

     $str =~ s/\A\s+//s;

 ltrim_lines($str) => STR

    Trim whitespaces (not including newlines) at the beginning of each line
    of string. Equivalent to:

     $str =~ s/^\s+//mg;

 rtrim($str) => STR

    Trim whitespaces (including newlines) at the end of string. Equivalent

     $str =~ s/[ \t]+\z//s;

 rtrim_lines($str) => STR

    Trim whitespaces (not including newlines) at the end of each line of
    string. Equivalent to:

     $str =~ s/[ \t]+$//mg;

 trim($str) => STR

    ltrim + rtrim.

 trim_lines($str) => STR

    ltrim_lines + rtrim_lines.

 trim_blank_lines($str) => STR

    Trim blank lines at the beginning and the end. Won't trim blank lines
    in the middle. Blank lines include lines with only whitespaces in them.

 ellipsis($str[, $maxlen, $ellipsis]) => STR

    Return $str unmodified if $str's length is less than $maxlen (default
    80). Otherwise cut $str to ($maxlen - length($ellipsis)) and append
    $ellipsis (default '...') at the end.


    For trim functions: String::Trim, Text::Trim, String::Strip,

    For ellipsis/eliding: Text::Elide (elide at word boundaries),
    String::Elide::Parts (elide with more options).