Sub::Assert - Subroutine pre- and postconditions, etc.

      use Sub::Assert;
      sub squareroot {
          my $x = shift;
          return $x**0.5;
             pre     => {
                # named assertion:
               'parameter larger than one' => '$PARAM[0] >= 1',
             post    => '$VOID or $RETURN <= $PARAM[0]', # unnamed assertion
             sub     => 'squareroot',
             context => 'novoid',
             action  => 'carp';
      print squareroot(2), "\n";  # prints 1.41421 and so on
      print squareroot(-1), "\n"; # warns
                                  # "Precondition 1 for main::squareroot failed."
      squareroot(2);              # warns
                                  # "main::squareroot called in void context."
      sub faultysqrt {
          my $x = shift;
          return $x**2;

             pre    => '$PARAM[0] >= 1',
             post   => '$RETURN <= $PARAM[0]',
             sub    => 'faultysqrt';
      print faultysqrt(2), "\n";  # dies with 
                                  # "Postcondition 1 for main::squareroot failed."

    The Sub::Assert module implements subroutine pre- and postconditions.
    Furthermore, it allows restricting the subroutine's calling context.

    There's one big gotcha with this: It's slow. For every call to
    subroutines you use assert() with, you pay for the error checking with
    an extra subroutine call, some memory and some additional code that's

    Fortunately, there's a workaround for mature software which does not
    require you to edit a lot of your code. Instead of use()ing Sub::Assert,
    you simply use Sub::Assert::Nothing and leave the assertions intact.
    While you still suffer the calls to assert() once, you won't pay the
    run-time penalty usually associated with subroutine pre- and
    postconditions. Of course, you lose the benefits, too, but as stated
    previously, this is a workaround in case you want the verification at
    development time, but prefer speed in production without refactoring
    your code.

    The assert subroutine takes a key/value list of named parameters.

    sub The only required parameter is the 'sub' parameter that specifies
        which subroutine (in the current package) to replace with the
        assertion wrapper. The 'sub' parameter may either be a string in
        which case the current packages subroutine of that name is replaced,
        or it may be a subroutine reference. In the latter case, assert()
        returns the assertion wrapper as a subroutine reference.

    pre This parameter specifies one or more preconditions that the data
        passed to the transformed subroutine must match. The preconditions
        may either be a string in case there's only one, unnamed
        precondition, an array (reference) of strings in case there's many
        unnamed preconditions, or a hash reference of name/condition pairs
        for named preconditions.

        There are several special variables in the scope in which these
        preconditions are evaluated. Most importantly, @PARAM will hold the
        list of arguments as passed to the subroutine. Furthermore, there is
        the scalar $SUBROUTINEREF which holds the reference to the
        subroutine that does the actual work. I am mentioning this variable
        because I don't want you to muck with it.

        This parameter specifies one or more postconditions that the data
        returned from the subroutine must match. Syntax is identical to that
        of the preconditions except that there are more special vars:

        In scalar context, $RETURN holds the return value of the subroutine
        and $RETURN[0] does, too. $VOID is undefined.

        In list context, @RETURN holds all return values of the subroutine
        and $RETURN holds the first. $VOID is undefined.

        In void context, $RETURN is undefined and @RETURN is empty. $VOID,
        however, is true.

        Note the behaviour in void context. May be a bug or a feature. I'd
        appreciate feedback and suggestions on how to solve is more

        Optionally, you may restrict the calling context of the subroutine.
        The context parameter may be any of the following and defaults to no
        restrictions ('any'):

        any This means that there is no restriction on the calling context
            of the subroutine. Please refer to the documentation of the
            'post' parameter for a gotcha with void context.

            This means that the assertion wrapper will throw an error of the
            calling context of the subroutine is not scalar context.

            This means that the assertion wrapper will throw an error of the
            calling context of the subroutine is not list context.

            This means that the assertion wrapper will throw an error of the
            calling context of the subroutine is not void context. Please
            refer to the documentation of the 'post' parameter for a gotcha
            with void context.

            This restricts the calling context to any but void context.

        By default, the assertion wrapper croaks when encountering an error.
        You may override this behaviour by supplying an action parameter.
        This parameter is to be the name of a function to handle the error.
        This function will then be passed the error string. Please note that
        the immediate predecessor of the subroutine on the call stack is the
        code evaluation. Thus, for a helpful error message, you'd want to
        use 'carp' and 'croak' instead of the analogeous 'warn' and 'die'.
        Your own error handling functions need to be aware of this, too.
        Please refer to the documentation of the Carp module and the
        caller() function. Examples:

          action => 'carp',
          action => 'my_function_that_handles_the_error',
          action => '$anon_sub->',  # works only in the lexical scope of $anon_sub!

    Exports the 'assert' subroutine to the caller's namespace.

    Steffen Mueller <>

    Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Steffen Mueller

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.


    Look for new versions of this module on CPAN or at