CPAN-Testers-Data-Uploads-Mailer ================================ This distribution is part of the CPAN Testers tools that provides verification of CPAN uploads and mails reports to authors where uploads would fail to be tested by CPAN Testers, and thus don't typically conform to the standard package format that most modern CPAN distributions use. INSTALLATION To install this module type the following: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install DEPENDENCIES This module requires these modules: Email::Simple File::Basename File::Path File::Slurp Getopt::ArgvFile Getopt::Long IO::File Template Time::Piece For testing the module requires these modules: File::Basename File::Path File::Slurp IO::File Test::More Test::Trap For optional testing the module would like these modules: Test::CPAN::Meta Test::CPAN::Meta::JSON Test::Pod Test::Pod::Coverage SYNOPSIS my $mailer = CPAN::Testers::Data::Uploads::Mailer->new(); $mailer->process(); For further information please read the POD documentation. CPAN TESTERS FUND CPAN Testers wouldn't exist without the help and support of the Perl community. However, since 2008 CPAN Testers has grown far beyond the expectations of it's original creators. As a consequence it now requires considerable funding to help support the infrastructure. In early 2012 the Enlightened Perl Organisation very kindly set-up a CPAN Testers Fund within their donatation structure, to help the project cover the costs of servers and services. If you would like to donate to the CPAN Testers Fund, please follow the link below to the Enlightened Perl Organisation's donation site. If your company would like to support us, you can donate financially via the fund link above, or if you have servers or services that we might use, please send an email to with details. Our full list of current sponsors can be found at our I <3 CPAN Testers site. BUGS, PATCHES & FIXES There are no known bugs at the time of this release. However, if you spot a bug or are experiencing difficulties, that is not explained within the POD documentation, please send an email to However, it would help greatly if you are able to pinpoint problems or even supply a patch. Fixes are dependent upon their severity and my availability. Should a fix not be forthcoming, please feel free to (politely) remind me. SEE ALSO CPAN::Testers::Data::Uploads (Reports), (Statistics), (Wiki), (Development) (Blog) AUTHOR Barbie, <> for Miss Barbell Productions <>. COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Barbie for Miss Barbell Productions This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic Licence v2.