package RRDTool::Rawish; use strict; use warnings; use 5.008; use Carp (); use Capture::Tiny qw(capture); use File::Which (); our $VERSION = '0.02'; sub new { my ($class, @args) = @_; my %args = @args == 1 && ref $args[0] eq 'HASH' ? %{$args[0]} : @args; my $rrdtool_path = $args{rrdtool_path} || File::Which::which('rrdtool') or Carp::croak 'Not found rrdtool command'; if (not -x $rrdtool_path) { Carp::croak "Cannot execute $rrdtool_path"; } return bless { command => $rrdtool_path, remote => $args{remote}, rrdfile => $args{rrdfile}, rrderror => "", }, $class; } sub errstr { $_[0]->{rrderror} } sub create { my ($self, $params, $opts) = @_; Carp::croak 'Require rrdfile' if not defined $self->{rrdfile}; Carp::croak 'Not ARRAY reference: params' if ref($params) ne 'ARRAY'; Carp::croak 'Not HASH reference: opts' if defined $opts && ref($opts) ne 'HASH'; $opts->{'--daemon'} = $self->{remote} if $self->{remote}; my $exit_status = $self->_system($self->{command}, 'create', $self->{rrdfile}, _opt_array($opts), @$params); return $exit_status; } sub update { my ($self, $params, $opts) = @_; Carp::croak 'Require rrdfile' if not defined $self->{rrdfile}; Carp::croak 'Not ARRAY reference: params' if ref($params) ne 'ARRAY'; Carp::croak 'Not HASH reference: opts' if defined $opts && ref($opts) ne 'HASH'; $opts->{'--daemon'} = $self->{remote} if $self->{remote}; my $exit_status = $self->_system($self->{command}, 'update', $self->{rrdfile}, _opt_array($opts), @$params); return $exit_status; } sub graph { my ($self, $params, $opts) = @_; Carp::croak 'Not ARRAY reference: $params' if ref($params) ne 'ARRAY'; Carp::croak 'Not HASH reference: $opts' if defined $opts && ref($opts) ne 'HASH'; $opts->{'--daemon'} = $self->{remote} if $self->{remote}; my ($img, $exit_status) = $self->_readpipe($self->{command}, 'graph', _opt_array($opts), @$params); return $img; } sub dump { my ($self, $opts) = @_; Carp::croak 'Require rrdfile' if not defined $self->{rrdfile}; Carp::croak 'Not HASH reference: $opts' if defined $opts && ref($opts) ne 'HASH'; $opts->{'--daemon'} = $self->{remote} if $self->{remote}; my ($xml, $exit_status) = $self->_readpipe($self->{command}, 'dump', $self->{rrdfile}, _opt_array($opts)); return $xml; } sub restore { my ($self, $xmlfile, $opts) = @_; Carp::croak 'Require rrdfile' if not defined $self->{rrdfile}; Carp::croak 'Require xmlfile' if not defined $xmlfile; Carp::croak 'Not HASH reference: opts' if defined $opts && ref($opts) ne 'HASH'; my $ret = $self->_system($self->{command}, 'restore', $xmlfile, $self->{rrdfile}, _opt_array($opts)); return $ret; } sub lastupdate { my ($self) = @_; Carp::croak 'Require rrdfile' if not defined $self->{rrdfile}; my $opts = {}; $opts->{'--daemon'} = $self->{remote} if $self->{remote}; my ($text, $exit_status) = $self->_readpipe($self->{command}, 'lastupdate', $self->{rrdfile}, _opt_array($opts)); return $text if (!$text and $exit_status != 0); my $lines = [ split "\n", $text ]; my ($timestamp, $tmp) = split ':', $lines->[2]; return $timestamp; } sub fetch { my ($self, $CF, $opts) = @_; Carp::croak 'Require rrdfile' if not defined $self->{rrdfile}; Carp::croak 'Require CF' if not defined $CF; Carp::croak 'Not HASH reference: opts' if defined $opts && ref($opts) ne 'HASH'; $opts->{'--daemon'} = $self->{remote} if $self->{remote}; my ($text, $exit_status) = $self->_readpipe($self->{command}, 'fetch', $self->{rrdfile}, $CF, _opt_array($opts)); return $text if (!$text and $exit_status != 0); my $lines = [ split "\n", $text ]; return $lines; } sub xport { my ($self, $params, $opts) = @_; Carp::croak 'Not ARRAY reference: params' if ref($params) ne 'ARRAY'; Carp::croak 'Not HASH reference: opts' if defined $opts && ref($opts) ne 'HASH'; $opts->{'--daemon'} = $self->{remote} if $self->{remote}; my ($xml, $exit_status) = $self->_readpipe($self->{command}, 'xport', _opt_array($opts), @$params); return $xml; } sub info { my ($self) = @_; Carp::croak 'Require rrdfile' if not defined $self->{rrdfile}; my $opts_str = $self->{remote} ? "--daemon" : ""; my ($text, $exit_status) = $self->_readpipe($self->{command}, 'info', $self->{rrdfile}, $opts_str); return $text if (!$text and $exit_status != 0); my $value = {}; my $lines = [ split "\n", $text ]; for (@$lines) { my ($k, $v) = split ' = ', $_; $v =~ s/"(.+)"/$1/g; if ($k =~ /^rra\[(\d+)]\.(.+)\[(\d+)\]\.(.+)$/) { # rra[0].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN $value->{rra}->[$1]->{$2}->[$3]->{$4} = $v; } elsif ($k =~ /^rra\[(\d+)\]\.(.+)$/) { # rra[0].cf = "LAST" $value->{rra}->[$1]->{$2} = $v; } elsif ($k =~ /^ds\[(.+)\]\.(.+)$/) { # ds[rx].type = "DERIVE" $value->{ds}->{$1}->{$2} = $v; } else { $value->{$k} = $v; } } return $value; } sub _system { my ($self, @expr) = @_; my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit_status) = capture { system(_sanitize(join(" ", @expr))); }; chomp $stderr; $self->{rrderror} = $stderr if $exit_status != 0; return $exit_status; } sub _readpipe { my ($self, @expr) = @_; my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit_status) = capture { system(_sanitize(join(" ", @expr))); }; chomp $stderr; $self->{rrderror} = $stderr if $exit_status != 0; return ($stdout, $exit_status); } sub _sanitize { my $command = shift; $command =~ s/[^a-z0-9#_@\s\-\.\,\:\/=\+\-\*\%]//gi; return $command; } sub _opt_array { my ($opts) = @_; return map { ($opts->{$_} eq 1) ? $_ : ($_, $opts->{$_}) } sort(keys %$opts); } 1; __END__ 1; __END__ =head1 NAME RRDTool::Rawish - A RRDtool wrapper with rawish interface =head1 SYNOPSIS use RRDTool::Rawish; my $rrd = RRDTool::Rawish->new( rrdfile => 'rrdtest.rrd', # option remote => '', # option for rrdcached ); my $exit_status = $rrd->create(["DS:rx:DERIVE:40:0:U", "DS:tx:DERIVE:40:0:U", "RRA:LAST:0.5:1:240"], { '--start' => '1350294000', '--step' => '20', '--no-overwrite' => '1', }); my $exit_status = $rrd->update([ "1350294020:0:0", "1350294040:50:100", "1350294060:80:150", "1350294080:100:200", "1350294100:180:300", "1350294120:220:380", "1350294140:270:400" ]); my $img = $rrd->graph([ "DEF:rx=rrdtest2.rrd:rx:LAST", "DEF:tx=rrdtest2.rrd:tx:LAST", "LINE1:rx:rx#00F000", "LINE1:tx#0000F0", ]); # error message $rrd->errstr; # => "ERROR: hogehoge" =head1 DESCRIPTION RRDTool::Rawish is a RRDtool wrapper class with rawish interface. You can use the class like RRDtool command interface. And RRDTool::Rawish has less dependencies and it is easy to install it. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item my $rrd = RRDTool::Rawish->new([%args|\%args]) Creates a new instance of RRDTool::Rawish. =item $rrd->create($params, [\%opts]) Returns exit status rrdtool create =item $rrd->update($params, [\%opts]) Returns exit status rrdtool update =item $rrd->graph($params, [\%opts]) Returns exit status rrdtool graph Returns image binary. =item $rrd->dump([\%opts]) rrdtool dump Returns xml data. =item $rrd->restore($xmlfile, [\%opts]) rrdtool restore Returns exit status =item $rrd->lastupdate rrdtool lastupdate Returns timestamp =item $rrd->fetch rrdtool fetch Returns output lines as an ARRAY refarence =item $rrd->xport rrdtool xport Returns xml data =item $rrd->info rrdtool info Returns info as a HASH refarence Examples: is $value->{filename}, "rrd_test.rrd"; is $value->{rrd_version}, "0003"; is $value->{step}, 20; is $value->{last_update}, 1350294000; is $value->{header_size}, 904; is $value->{ds}->{rx}->{index}, 0; is $value->{ds}->{rx}->{minimal_heartbeat}, 40; is $value->{ds}->{rx}->{min}, "0.0000000000e+00"; is $value->{ds}->{rx}->{max}, "NaN"; is $value->{ds}->{rx}->{last_ds}, "U"; is $value->{ds}->{rx}->{value}, "0.0000000000e+00"; is $value->{ds}->{rx}->{unknown_sec}, 0; is $value->{ds}->{tx}->{index}, 1; is $value->{ds}->{tx}->{type}, "DERIVE"; is $value->{ds}->{tx}->{minimal_heartbeat}, 40; is $value->{ds}->{tx}->{min}, "0.0000000000e+00"; is $value->{ds}->{tx}->{max}, "NaN"; is $value->{ds}->{tx}->{last_ds}, "U"; is $value->{ds}->{tx}->{value}, "0.0000000000e+00"; is $value->{ds}->{tx}->{unknown_sec}, 0; is $value->{rra}->[0]->{cf}, "LAST"; is $value->{rra}->[0]->{rows}, 240; is $value->{rra}->[0]->{cur_row}, 95; is $value->{rra}->[0]->{pdp_per_row}, 1; is $value->{rra}->[0]->{xff}, "5.0000000000e-01"; is $value->{rra}->[0]->{cdp_prep}->[0]->{value}, "NaN"; is $value->{rra}->[0]->{cdp_prep}->[0]->{unknown_datapoints}, 0; is $value->{rra}->[0]->{cdp_prep}->[1]->{value}, "NaN"; is $value->{rra}->[0]->{cdp_prep}->[1]->{unknown_datapoints}, 0; =back =head1 AUTHOR Yuuki Tsubouchi C<< <> >> =head1 THANKS TO Shoichi Masuhara =head1 SEE ALSO L<RRDtool Documetation|> =head1 LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2013, Yuuki Tsubouchi C<< <> >>. All rights reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See L<perlartistic>. =cut