Class::PublicPrivate - Class with public keys with any name and a
    separate set of private keys


    PublicPrivate is intended for use as a base class for other classes.
    Users of class based on PublicPrivate can assign any keys to the object
    hash without interfering with keys used internally. The private data
    can be accessed by retrieving the private hash with the private method.
    For example, the following code outputs two different values, one for
    the public value of start and another for the private value of start.

     package ExtendedClass;
     use base 'Class::PublicPrivate';
     sub new{
        my $class = shift;
        my $self = $class->SUPER::new();
        my $private = $self->private;
        # initialize one of the private properties
        return $self;
     package main;
     my ($var);
     $var = ExtendedClass->new();
     $var->{'start'} = 1;
     print $var->{'start'}, "\n";
     print $var->private()->{'start'}, "\n";


    Class::PublicPrivate can be installed with the usual routine:

     perl Makefile.PL
     make test
     make install


 YourClass->new(classname ,[initikey1=>initvalue [, ...]])

    Returns an instantiation of YourClass, where YourClass is a class that
    extends Class::PublicPrivate. Additional key=>value pairs are stored in
    the private hash. Programs that use your class can store any date
    directly in it w/o affecting the object's private data.


    Returns a reference to the hash of private data.


    Copyright (c) 2015 by Miko O'Sullivan. All rights reserved. This
    program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself. This software comes with NO
    WARRANTY of any kind.


    Miko O'Sullivan




    Version 0.80, June 29, 2002

      First public release

    Version 0.81 May 18, 2014

      Minor tightening up of code. Fixed problems in packaging for CPAN.

    Version 0.82 January 2, 2015

      Minor tidying up code formatting and POD. Modifed tests to include
      test names. Modifed files to use Unix style newlines, and to be
      encoded UTF-8.