..::Acme::AsciiArt2HtmlTable version 0.01

=head1 NAME

Acme::AsciiArt2HtmlTable - Converts Ascii art to an HTML table

=head1 VERSION

Version 0.01


    use Acme::AsciiArt2HtmlTable;

    my $table = "ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "ggggggyyyyrrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "ggggggyyyyrrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "gggggyyyyyyrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "gggggyyyyyyrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "ggggggyyyyrrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "ggggggyyyyrrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\n" .
                "ggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrr\n" ;

    my $html = aa2ht( { td => { width => 3 , height => 3 } } , $table);

    # $html now holds a table with a color representation of your
    # ascii art. In this case, the Portuguese flag.


=head2 aa2ht

Gets ascii text and converts it to an HTML table. This is how it works:

=over 4

=item * each line is a C<tr> element

=item * each letter is a C<td> element

=item * each C<td> has background of a specific color, which is
defined by the letter that created it


=head3 OPTIONS

You can pass a reference to a hash before the text you want to

=head4 id

In order to save space in the output, C<td> and C<tr> elements'
attributes are not in each element, but rather in a C<style> element.

This causes a problem if you want to put two different outputs with
different attributes on the same page.

To solve this problem: C<id>.

When creating a table, use the parameter C<id> to make sure it doesn't
end up mixed up with something else.

  my $html = aa2ht( { 'id' => 'special' } $ascii );

The result will be something like this:

  .special td { width:1; height:1; }
  .special tr {  }
  <table class="special" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">

=head4 use-default-colors

If set to a false value, no default mappings are used.

  my $html = aa2ht( { 'use-default-colors' => 0 }, $ascii);

Behind the curtains, there is still a mapping: the default mapping to

=head4 colors

You can override color definitions or specify your own.

  my $html = aa2ht( { 'colors' => { '@' => 'ffddee',
                                    'g' => '00ffff' } }, $ascii);

=head4 randomize-new-colors

If set to a true value, letters with no mappings are assigned a
random one.

  my $html = aa2ht( { 'randomize-new-colors' => 1 }, $ascii);

You might want to remove the default mappings if you're really
interested in a completely random effect:

  my $html = aa2ht( { 'use-default-colors' => 0,
                      'randomize-new-colors' => 1 }, $ascii);

You might also want to keep the white space as a white block:

  my $html = aa2ht( { 'use-default-colors' => 0,
                      'colors' => { ' ' => 'ffffff'},
                      'randomize-new-colors' => 1 }, $ascii);

=head4 table

With the parameter C<table> you can specify specific values for fields
like C<border>, C<cellpadding> and C<cellspacing> (all these have
value "0" by default).

  my $html = aa2ht( { 'table' => { 'border' => '1' } }, $ascii );

These attributes go directly into the C<table> tag.

=head4 tr

With the C<tr> parameter you can specify specific values for C<tr>'s

These attributes go into a C<style> tag. The table class uses that

=head4 td

With the C<td> parameter you can specify specific values for C<td>'s
attributes, like C<width> or C<height>.

  my $html = aa2ht( { 'td' => { 'width' => '2px',
                                'height' => '2px' } }, $ascii);

These attributes go into a C<style> tag. The table class uses that


=head4 optimization

Table optimization, which is disabled by default, uses the C<rowspan>
and C<colspan> C<td> attributes to save up space.

  my $html = aa2ht( { 'optimization' => 1 }, $ascii );

When the optimization algorithm sees a chance of turning some cells
into a big one, it does so. It always chooses the biggest area
possible for optimizing.

If two different areas suitable for optimization starting from a given
cell are available and both present the same area size, the algorithm
picks the one that maximizes width.

=head4 default color

By default, an unmapped character is mapped to the default color,
which is black.

You can override this color by assigning a different mapping to
"default" with the C<colors> option.

  my $html = aa2ht( { 'colors' => { 'default' => 'ffffff' } }, $ascii);

This, for instance, makes the default color be white, thus making only
the recognized characters show up colored on the table.


The following letters are mapped to colors in the following way:

   l          000000   # black
   b          0000ff   # blue
   o          a52a2a   # brown
   g          00ff00   # green
   a          bebebe   # gray
   e          bebebe   # grey
   m          ff00ff   # magenta
   o          ffa500   # orange
   p          ffc0cb   # pink
   u          a020f0   # purple
   r          ff0000   # red
   w          ffffff   # white
   y          ffff00   # yellow

   L          000000   # light black
   B          add8e6   # lighe blue
   O          a52a2a   # light brown
   G          90ee90   # light green
   A          d3d3d3   # light gray
   E          d3d3d3   # light grey
   M          ff00ff   # light magenta
   O          ffa500   # light orange
   P          ffb6c1   # light pink
   U          9370db   # light purple
   R          cd5c5c   # light red
   W          ffffff   # light white
   Y          ffffe0   # light yellow

Spaces are mapped to white:

              ffffff   # white

By default, everything else is mapped to black

  default     000000   # black

=head1 SEE ALSO

The examples/ directory.

=head1 AUTHOR

Jose Castro, C<< <cog@cpan.org> >>

=head1 CAVEATS

If you specify the C<rowspan> or C<colspan> for C<td> elements and you
also ask for optimization... I don't even want to imagine what will

=head1 BUGS

Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<bug-acme-tablethis@rt.cpan.org>, or through the web interface at
L<http://rt.cpan.org>.  I will be notified, and then you'll automatically
be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.


Copyright 2005 Jose Castro, All Rights Reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.