# NAME Starch::Store::Amazon::DynamoDB - Starch storage backend using Amazon::DynamoDB. # SYNOPSIS my $starch = Starch->new( store => { class => '::Amazon::DynamoDB', ddb => { implementation => 'Amazon::DynamoDB::LWP', version => '20120810', access_key => 'access_key', secret_key => 'secret_key', # or you specify to use an IAM role use_iam_role => 1, host => 'dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com', scope => 'us-east-1/dynamodb/aws4_request', ssl => 1, }, }, ); # DESCRIPTION This [Starch](https://metacpan.org/pod/Starch) store uses [Amazon::DynamoDB](https://metacpan.org/pod/Amazon::DynamoDB) to set and get state data. # SERIALIZATION State data is stored in DynamoDB in an odd fashion in order to bypass some of DynamoDB's and [Amazon::DynamoDB](https://metacpan.org/pod/Amazon::DynamoDB)'s design limitations. - Empty strings are stored with the value `__EMPTY__` as DynamoDB does not support empty string values. - References are serialized using the ["serializer"](#serializer) and prefixed with `__SERIALIZED__:`. DynamoDB supports array and hash-like data types, but [Amazon::DynamoDB](https://metacpan.org/pod/Amazon::DynamoDB) does not. - Undefined values are serialized as `__UNDEF__`, because DynamoDB does not support undefined or null values. This funky serialization is only visibile if you look at the raw DynamoDB records. As an example, here's what the ["data" in Starch::State](https://metacpan.org/pod/Starch::State#data) would look like: { this => 'that', thing => { goose=>3 }, those => [1,2,3], name => '', age => undef, biography => ' ', } And here's what the record would look like in DynamoDB: this: 'that' thing: '__SERIALIZED__:{"goose":3}' those: '__SERIALIZED__:[1,2,3]' name: '__EMPTY__' age: '__UNDEF__' biography: ' ' # REQUIRED ARGUMENTS ## ddb This must be set to either hash ref arguments for [Amazon::DynamoDB](https://metacpan.org/pod/Amazon::DynamoDB) or a pre-built object (often retrieved using a method proxy). When configuring Starch from static configuration files using a [method proxy](https://metacpan.org/pod/Starch#METHOD-PROXIES) is a good way to link your existing [Amazon::DynamoDB](https://metacpan.org/pod/Amazon::DynamoDB) object constructor in with Starch so that starch doesn't build its own. # OPTIONAL ARGUMENTS ## consistent\_read When `true` this sets the `ConsistentRead` flag when calling [get\_item](https://metacpan.org/pod/get_item) on the ["ddb"](#ddb). Defaults to `true`. ## serializer A [Data::Serializer::Raw](https://metacpan.org/pod/Data::Serializer::Raw) for serializing the state data for storage when a field's value is a reference. Can be specified as string containing the serializer name, a hashref of Data::Serializer::Raw arguments, or as a pre-created Data::Serializer::Raw object. Defaults to `JSON`. Consider using the `JSON::XS` or `Sereal` serializers for speed. ## table The DynamoDB table name where states are stored. Defaults to `starch_states`. ## key\_field The field in the ["table"](#table) where the state ID is stored. Defaults to `__STARCH_KEY__`. ## expiration\_field The field in the ["table"](#table) which will hold the epoch time when the state should be expired. Defaults to `__STARCH_EXPIRATION__`. ## connect\_on\_create By default when this store is first created it will issue a ["get"](#get). This initializes all the LWP and other code so that, in a forked environment (such as a web server) this initialization only happens once, not on every child's first request, which otherwise would add about 50 to 100 ms to the firt request of every child. Set this to false if you don't want this feature, defaults to `true`. # METHODS ## create\_table\_args Returns the appropriate arguments to use for calling `create_table` on the ["ddb"](#ddb) object. By default it will look like this: { TableName => 'starch_states', ReadCapacityUnits => 10, WriteCapacityUnits => 10, AttributeDefinitions => { key => 'S' }, KeySchema => [ 'key' ], } Any arguments you pass will override those in the returned arguments. ## create\_table Creates the ["table"](#table) by passing any arguments to ["create\_table\_args"](#create_table_args) and issuing the `create_table` command on the ["ddb"](#ddb) object. ## set Set ["set" in Starch::Store](https://metacpan.org/pod/Starch::Store#set). ## get Set ["get" in Starch::Store](https://metacpan.org/pod/Starch::Store#get). ## remove Set ["remove" in Starch::Store](https://metacpan.org/pod/Starch::Store#remove). # SUPPORT Please submit bugs and feature requests to the Starch-Store-Amazon-DynamoDB GitHub issue tracker: [https://github.com/bluefeet/Starch-Store-Amazon-DynamoDB/issues](https://github.com/bluefeet/Starch-Store-Amazon-DynamoDB/issues) # AUTHORS Aran Clary Deltac <bluefeet@gmail.com> # ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to [ZipRecruiter](https://www.ziprecruiter.com/) for encouraging their employees to contribute back to the open source ecosystem. Without their dedication to quality software development this distribution would not exist. # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.