NAME Tags::HTML::Table::View - Tags helper for table view. SYNOPSIS use Tags::HTML::Table::View; my $obj = Tags::HTML::Table::View->new(%params); $obj->cleanup; $obj->init($data_ar, $no_data_value); $obj->process; $obj->process_css; METHODS "new" my $obj = Tags::HTML::Table::View->new(%params); Constructor. Returns instance of object. * "css" 'CSS::Struct::Output' object for "process_css" processing. Default value is undef. * "css_table" CSS class for table. Default value is 'table'. * "header" Boolean flag, that means that header is in first line. Default value is 1. * "tags" 'Tags::Output' object for "process" processing. Default value is undef. "cleanup" $obj->cleanup; Process cleanup after page run. Returns undef. "init" $obj->init($data_ar, $no_data_value); Process initialization before page run. Variable $data_ar are data for table. Each item in array could be: * Scalar Add scalar variable to field. * Array with scalars Add scalar variables to field. * Code Run this code with argument $self of this module. * Data::HTML::Element::A instance Serialize link to field. Variable $no_data_value contain information for situation when data in table not exists. Returns undef. "process" $obj->process; Process Tags structure for table view. Returns undef. "process_css" $obj->process_css; Process CSS::Struct structure for output. Returns undef. ERRORS new(): From Class::Utils::set_params(): Unknown parameter '%s'. From Tags::HTML::new(): Parameter 'css' must be a 'CSS::Struct::Output::*' class. Parameter 'tags' must be a 'Tags::Output::*' class. process(): From Tags::HTML::process(): Parameter 'tags' isn't defined. Bad value object. process_css(): From Tags::HTML::process_css(): Parameter 'css' isn't defined. EXAMPLE1 use strict; use warnings; use CSS::Struct::Output::Indent; use Tags::HTML::Table::View; use Tags::Output::Indent; # Object. my $css = CSS::Struct::Output::Indent->new; my $tags = Tags::Output::Indent->new; my $obj = Tags::HTML::Table::View->new( 'css' => $css, 'tags' => $tags, ); # Table data. my $table_data_ar = [ ['Country', 'Capital'], ['Czech Republic', 'Prague'], ['Russia', 'Moscow'], ]; # Process login button. $obj->init($table_data_ar, 'No data.'); $obj->process_css; $tags->put(['b', 'body']); $obj->process; $tags->put(['e', 'body']); $obj->cleanup; # Print out. print "CSS\n"; print $css->flush."\n\n"; print "HTML\n"; print $tags->flush."\n"; # Output: # CSS # .table, .table td, .table th { # border: 1px solid #ddd; # text-align: left; # } # .table { # border-collapse: collapse; # width: 100%; # } # .table th, .table td { # padding: 15px; # } # # HTML # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Country # # Capital #
# Czech Republic # # Prague #
# Russia # # Moscow #
# EXAMPLE2 use strict; use warnings; use CSS::Struct::Output::Indent; use Tags::HTML::Table::View; use Tags::Output::Indent; # Object. my $css = CSS::Struct::Output::Indent->new; my $tags = Tags::Output::Indent->new; my $obj = Tags::HTML::Table::View->new( 'css' => $css, 'tags' => $tags, ); # Table data. my $table_data_ar = [ ['Country', 'Capital'], ]; # Process login button. $obj->init($table_data_ar, 'No data.'); $obj->process_css; $tags->put(['b', 'body']); $obj->process; $tags->put(['e', 'body']); $obj->cleanup; # Print out. print "CSS\n"; print $css->flush."\n\n"; print "HTML\n"; print $tags->flush."\n"; # Output: # CSS # .table, .table td, .table th { # border: 1px solid #ddd; # text-align: left; # } # .table { # border-collapse: collapse; # width: 100%; # } # .table th, .table td { # padding: 15px; # } # # HTML # # # # # # # # # #
# Country # # Capital #
# No data. #
# EXAMPLE3 use strict; use warnings; use CSS::Struct::Output::Indent; use Data::HTML::Element::A; use Tags::HTML::Table::View; use Tags::Output::Indent; # Object. my $css = CSS::Struct::Output::Indent->new; my $tags = Tags::Output::Indent->new; my $obj = Tags::HTML::Table::View->new( 'css' => $css, 'tags' => $tags, ); # Table data. my $prague = Data::HTML::Element::A->new( 'data' => ['Prague'], 'url' => '', ); my $table_data_ar = [ ['Country', 'Capital'], ['Czech Republic', $prague], ['Russia', 'Moscow'], ]; # Process login button. $obj->init($table_data_ar, 'No data.'); $obj->process_css; $tags->put(['b', 'body']); $obj->process; $tags->put(['e', 'body']); $obj->cleanup; # Print out. print "CSS\n"; print $css->flush."\n\n"; print "HTML\n"; print $tags->flush."\n"; # Output: # CSS # .table, .table td, .table th { # border: 1px solid #ddd; # text-align: left; # } # .table { # border-collapse: collapse; # width: 100%; # } # .table th, .table td { # padding: 15px; # } # # HTML # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Country # # Capital #
# Czech Republic # # # Prague # #
# Russia # # Moscow #
# DEPENDENCIES Class::Utils, Error::Pure, List::Util, Scalar::Util, Tags::HTML, Tags::HTML::Element::A. REPOSITORY AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2021-2024 Michal Josef Špaček BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.07