# NAME Weather::TW - Fetch Taiwan weather data from [http://www.cwb.gov.tw/](http://www.cwb.gov.tw/) Most methods are reimplimented in [Weather::TW::Forecast](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Weather::TW::Forecast) use them instead. # SYNOPSIS use Weather::TW::Forecast; my $weather = Weather::TW::Forecast->new( location => 'å°åŒ—', ); foreach ($weather->short_forecasts){ say $_->start; say $_->end; # DateTime objects specify forecast time interval say $_->temperature; # Temperature string, ex: '23 ~ 25' say $_->weather; # Weather string, ex "é™°çŸæš«é™£é›¨" say $_->confortable; # ex '舒é©' say $_->rain; # probabilty to rain, 0~100% } foreach ($weather->weekly_forecasts){ say $_->day; # DateTime object say $_->temperature; # Temperature string, ex: '23 ~ 25' say $_->weather; # Weather string, ex "é™°çŸæš«é™£é›¨" } my $hash_ref = $weather->montly_mean; say $hash_ref->{temp_high}; # Maximum temperature say $hash_ref->{temp_low}; # Mininum temperature say $hash_ref->{rain}; # Rain precipitation (mm) head1 DESCRIPTION [Weather::TW::Forecast](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Weather::TW::Forecast) reimplement [Weather::TW](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Weather::TW) with new web address (from V6 to V7) and new parser (use [Mojo::DOM](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Mojo::DOM) instead of [HTML::TreeBulder](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?HTML::TreeBulder)). The methods in [Weather::TW](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Weather::TW) will be deprecated and shiped to [Weather::TW::Forecast](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Weather::TW::Forecast). More submodules will be develop to handle obsevations and detail rain infos. [Weather::TW](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Weather::TW) will be a abstract class to access these submodules. # OLD SYNOPSIS Documentation below will be deprecated. use Weather::TW; my $weather = Weather::TW->new; my $xml = $weather->area('Taipei City')->xml; my $json = $weather->json; my $yaml = $weather->yaml; my %hash = $weather->hash; foreach my $area ($weather->area_en){ my $xml = $weather->area($area)->xml print $xml; } use utf8; $xml = $weather->area('å°åŒ—')->xml; # Chinese also works! # DESCRIPTION This module parse data from [http://www.cwb.gov.tw/](http://www.cwb.gov.tw/) (ä¸å¤®æ°£è±¡å±€), and generates xml/json/hash/yaml data. # OLD METHODS - `new` Create a new `Weather::TW` object. Available option is ` lang `, see method ` lang `. $weather = Weather::TW->new( lang => 'zh' ); - `area($area_name)` City name can be either Chinese or English. The returned value is `$self` so you can use it for cascading. $xmlstr = $weather->area('Taipei City')->xml; The available area names are: å°åŒ—市 Taipei City 新北市 New Taipei City å°ä¸å¸‚ Taichung City å°å—市 Tainan City 高雄市 Kaohsiung City 基隆北海岸 Keelung North Coast 桃園 Taoyuan 新竹 Hsinchu è‹—æ — Miaoli 彰化 Changhua å—投 Nantou 雲林 Yunlin 嘉義 Chiayi å±æ± Pingtung æ†æ˜¥åŠå³¶ Hengchun Peninsula å®œè˜ Yilan 花蓮 Hualien å°æ± Taitung 澎湖 Penghu 金門 Kinmen 馬祖 Matsu - ` lang($lang) ` Available options are 'zh' or 'en'. - `area_zh` Return area names in Chinese. @names = $weather->area_zh; - `area_en` Return area names in English. @names = $weather->area_en; - `xml` Return data as xml. - `json` Return data as json. - `json_pretty` Pretty json. - `yaml` Return data as yaml. - `hash` Return a perl hash object. %hash = $weather->hash; # SEE ALSO [https://github.com/dryman/Weather-TW](https://github.com/dryman/Weather-TW) and [XML::Smart](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?XML::Smart) # AUTHOR dryman, <idryman@gmail.com> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011 by dryman This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.0 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.