NAME test-dwg-libredwg-dwgread - Script to test DWG files by LibreDWG dwgread command. SYNOPSIS test-dwg-libredwg-dwgread [-d test_dir] [-h] [-m match_string] [-v level] [--version] directory DESCRIPTION This tool is used to test libredwg dwgread command on directory with DWG files. The process is to find all DWG files in a directory and run dwgread on them. If dwgread exits with code different than 0, report it. If dwgread returns some ERROR, report number of ERRORS in run. ARGUMENTS * "-d test_dir" Test directory. If doesn't exist, create dir in system tmp. * "-h" Print help. * "-m match_string" Match string from dwgread stderr. Default value is not defined. * "-v level" Verbosity level. Default value is 1, min is 0, max is 9. * "--version" Print version of script. * "directory" Directory with DWG files to test. EXAMPLE test-dwg-libredwg-dwgread __DIR__ SEE ALSO test-dwg-libredwg-json Script to test DWG file by LibreDWG conversions via JSON. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Å paÄek <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2023 Michal Josef Å paÄek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.02