# NAME Hash::Unique - It's hash manipulation module # DESCRIPTION ### get\_unique\_hash This subroutine makes 2 dimensional hashes unique by specified key. #### way to use use Hash::Unique; my @hash_array = ( {id => 1, name => 'tanaka'}, {id => 2, name => 'sato'}, {id => 3, name => 'suzuki'}, {id => 4, name => 'tanaka'} ); my @unique_hash_array = Hash::Unique->get_unique_hash(\@hash_array, "name"); #### result Contents of "@unique\_hash\_array" ( {id => 1, name => 'tanaka'}, {id => 2, name => 'sato'}, {id => 3, name => 'suzuki'} ) # LICENSE Copyright (C) matsumura-taichi. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR matsumura-taichi <hiroto.in.the.cromagnons@gmail.com>