Sick of an endlessly growing PATH? Me too! Envy does shell-independent environment variable management. Envy attempts to avoid ambition. It is designed as a narrow tool to solve a specific and practical problem without going wildly overboard. Its narrow scope includes: * A mechanism is provided for setting and prepending environment variables in a variety of flexible ways. All modifications are reversible. * Standardized crontab wrapper. * Optional .profile and .login setup. Available at ! (Probably requires perl 5.004_05 but older version might work too.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's what it looks like: [joshua@grdevl137] ~% envy dailydb-dev imag-dbo-testdb x dev imag-dev-2513 dev-area-setup imag-dev-2519 fame imag-prod framemaker java x fvwm95-2.0.43a objstore gcc x openwin gems-1.9.1-dev printing gems-2.0-dev prod gems-2.0.alpha.14 prod-new gems-dev research gems-intl-rpts x reuters gems-prod solaris imag-2519 sunpro ... 'x' indicates that the environement file is loaded in the current shell. Also, you can look at dependencies like this: ------------------+------------------------------------------------------- DIMENSION | ENVY ------------------+------------------------------------------------------- First | qsg | openwin | printing p4 | qsg-p4 3boink | 3boink-prod | objstore objstore | objstore-5.1 | qsg-build10 | sunpro sunpro | SUNWspro-4.2 | cc-tools ------------------+------------------------------------------------------- ** 1999-08-30 RELEASE 2.44 - Emergency fix for wrapper. ** 1999-08-27 RELEASE 2.43 - Trace activity mode (--trace) to show exactly what is happening. - Avoid storing warnings which will not be output. ** 1999-08-04 RELEASE 2.42 - Clearly distinguish errors from warnings. - Error reporting wasn't happening: repaired. - Fixed malformed REx detected by perl 5.5.58. see ./INSTALL for hints on installation see ./UPGRADE if you are starting from a prior releases see ./TODO for a list of stuff in the tuit queue see ./CHANGES for a visionary perspective Send any questions or comments to If you'd like to subscribe to this mailing list, send email to Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Š 1997-1999 Joshua Nathaniel Pritikin. All rights reserved. This package is free software and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see