NAME MojoX::AIO - Asynchronous File I/O for Mojolicious SYNOPSIS use Mojo::IOLoop; use MojoX::AIO; use Fcntl qw( O_RDONLY ); # use normal IO::AIO methods aio_open( '/etc/passwd', O_RDONLY, 0, sub { my $fh = shift; my $buffer = ''; aio_read( $fh, 0, 1024, $buffer, 0, sub { my $bytes = shift; warn "read bytes: $bytes data: $buffer\n"; Mojo::IOLoop->singleton->stop; }); }); Mojo::IOLoop->singleton->start; DESCRIPTION This component adds support for L<IO::AIO> use with L<Mojolicious> NOTES This module automaticly bootstraps itself on use. To disable this, use: use MojoX::AIO { no_auto_bootstrap => 1 }; SEE ALSO IO::AIO, Mojolicious (<>) AUTHOR David Davis <>, <> LICENSE Artistic License COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2010-2011 David Davis, All rights reserved