NAME Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch - A searchable store backed by Elasticsearch SYNOPSIS use Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch; my $store = Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch->new(index_name => 'catmandu'); my $obj1 = $store->bag->add({ name => 'Patrick' }); printf "obj1 stored as %s\n" , $obj1->{_id}; # Force an id in the store my $obj2 = $store->bag->add({ _id => 'test123' , name => 'Nicolas' }); # Commit all changes $store->bag->commit; my $obj3 = $store->bag->get('test123'); $store->bag->delete('test123'); $store->bag->delete_all; # All bags are iterators $store->bag->each(sub { ... }); $store->bag->take(10)->each(sub { ... }); # Some stores can be searched my $hits = $store->bag->search(query => 'name:Patrick'); # Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch supports CQL... my $hits = $store->bag->search(cql_query => 'name any "Patrick"'); METHODS new(index_name => $name, ...) Create a new Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch store connected to index $name. Optional extra ElasticSearch connection parameters will be passed on to the backend database. new(index_name => $name , index_mapping => $index_mappings, ...) The index_mapping contains a Elasticsearch schema mappings for each bag defined in the index. E.g. $index_mappings => { data => { properties => { _id => {type: string, include_in_all: true, index: not_analyzed} title => { type => 'string' } } } } In the example above the default 'data' bag of the ElasticSearch contains an '_id' field of type 'string' which is stored automatically also in the '_all' search field. The '_id' is not analyzed. The bag also contains a 'title' field of type string. See l for more information on mappings. new(index_name => $name , ... , bags => { data => { cql_mapping => \%cql_mapping } }) Supports CQL searches with a cql_mapping is provided for each bag. This hash contains a translation of CQL fields into Elasticsearch searchable fields. # Example mapping $cql_mapping = { indexes => { title => { op => { 'any' => 1 , 'all' => 1 , '=' => 1 , '<>' => 1 , 'exact' => {field => [qw(mytitle.exact myalttitle.exact)]} } , field => 'mytitle', sort => 1, cb => ['Biblio::Search', 'normalize_title'] } } } The CQL mapping above will support for the 'title' field the CQL operators: any, all, =, <> and exact. The 'title' field will be mapping into the Elasticsearch field 'mytitle', except for the 'exact' operator. In case of 'exact' we will search both the 'mytitle.exact' and 'myalttitle.exact' fields. The CQL mapping allows for sorting on the 'title' field. If, for instance, we would like to use a special ElasticSearch field for sorting we could have written "sort => { field => 'mytitle.sort' }". The optional callback field 'cb' contains a reference to subroutines to rewrite or augment a search query. In this case, the Biblio::Search package contains a normalize_title subroutine which returns a string or an ARRAY of string with augmented title(s). E.g. package Biblio::Search; sub normalize_title { my ($self,$title) = @_; my $new_title =~ s{[^A-Z0-9]+}{}g; $new_title; } 1; drop Deletes the Elasticsearch index backing this store. Calling functions after this may fail until this class is reinstantiated, creating a new index. COMPATIBILITY This store expects version 1.0 or higher of the Elasticsearch server. Note that Elasticsearch >= 2.0 doesn't allow keys that start with an underscore such as _id. You can use the key_prefix option at store level or id_prefix at bag level to handle this. # in your catmandu.yml store: yourstore: package: ElasticSearch options: # use my_id instead of _id key_prefix: my_ If you want to use the delete_by_query method with Elasticsearch >= 2.0 you need have to install the delete by query plugin < delete-by-query.html>. MIGRATING A STORE FROM ELASTICSEARCH 1.0 TO 2.0 OR HIGHER 1. backup your data as JSON catmandu export yourstore --bag yourbag to --file /path/to/yourbag.json -v 2. drop the store catmandu drop yourstore 3. upgrade the Elasticsearch server 4. update your catmandu.yml with a key_prefix or id_prefix (see COMPATIBILITY) 5. import your data using the new keys specified in your catmandu.yml catmandu import --file /path/to/yourbag.json --fix 'move_field(_id, my_id)' \ to yourstore --bag yourbag -v ERROR HANDLING Error handling can be activated by specifying an error handling callback for index when creating a store. E.g. to create an error handler for the bag 'data' index use: my $store = Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch->new( index_name => 'catmandu' bags => { data => { on_error => \&error_handler } } }); sub error_handler { my ($action, $response, $i) = @_; } SEE ALSO Catmandu::Store AUTHOR Nicolas Steenlant, <nicolas.steenlant at> CONTRIBUTORS Dave Sherohman, dave.sherohman at Robin Sheat, robin at Patrick Hochstenbach, patrick.hochstenbach at LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.