$Id: README,v 1.2 2005/10/19 15:54:40 pmh Exp $

HTML::StickyForm is a lightweight general-purpose HTML form generation module,
compatible with CGI.pm (versions 2 and 3), mod_perl's Apache::Request, though
neither is required. The module provides similar facilities to CGI.pm's HTML
tag generation routines, including optionally sticky values. However, to keep
the code size down, rather than CGI.pm's excessive flexibility, the API is
simple and consistent.

Changes since version 0.06:
  HTML::StickyForms is deprecated in favour of HTML::StickyForm,
    which allows stickiness to be easily switched on or off on a per-method
    basis, while retaining a simple and consistent interface.
  No changes were made to HTML::StickyForms, and never will be. The changes
    below describe differences between the old HTML::StickyForms and the new
  well_formed() now defaults to true
  hidden(), password() and submit() added,
    to allow more input types to be easily generated
  form_start(), form_start_multiple() and form_end() added,
    to allow the whole form to be generated with the same API
  Argument aliases removed, making argument behaviour completely consistent
    in all cases where special behaviour is invoked
  Improved documentation

This module is copyright (C) 2001-2005 Institute of Physics Publishing.
You may use and distribute this module according to the same terms
that Perl is distributed under.