
Object::Examine - additional object introspection methods


    use Object::Examine;
    $some_random_object does Introspector;
    say $;


This module makes an `Introspector` role available which adds some additional object introspection methods, notably a wrapper around the "^methods" method named "menu".


  * menu -- a long menu of available methods, one per line

The `menu` method uses the .^methods(:local) list as a source, but filters and sorts it, and adds a second column showing the Class it comes from.

Internal Routines

  * methods_for 

  * clean_methods


There's a useful meta-method named "^methods" which gives you a list of available methods on an object or class, but unfortunately in uses a format which is perhaps LTA for human consumption:

    my $set =<alphan betazoid gammera>);
    say $set.^methods;

    # (iterator clone STORE keyof grab SET-SELF Real elems roll Numeric new-from-pairs total pickpairs RAW-HASH of Int Num default grabpairs fmt Capture pick WHICH Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new minpairs maxpairs Bool Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new ACCEPTS Str gist perl Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new Method+{is-nodal}.new BUILDALL)

This list is not sorted, it contains redundant entries, and it includes the rather mysterious "Method+{is-nodal}.new" which the average user probably does not want to hear about. By default, it's not very complete, and you might want to use ".^methods(:all)" or ".^methods(:local)" -- presuming you know about those options.

The "menu" method tries to fix these issues, though at the expense of being rather verbose: 

    $set does Introspector;

    # ACCEPTS                   Set                      
    # BIND-POS                  Any                      
    # BUILDALL                  Set                      
    # BUILD_LEAST_DERIVED       Mu                       
    # Bool                      Set                      
    # CREATE                    Mu                       
    # Capture                   Set                      
    # DUMP                      Mu                       
    #  ...
    # item                      Mu                       
    # iterator                  Set                      
    # keyof                     Set                      
    # lazy-if                   Any                      
    # match                     Any                      
    # maxpairs                  Set                      
    # minpairs                  Set                      
    # new                       Set                      
    # new-from-pairs            Set                      
    # nl-out                    Any                      
    #  ...

Note that the second column tells you the Class that defines the method, which may help find appropriate documentation.


Joseph Brenner,


Copyright (C) 2018 by Joseph Brenner

Released under "The Artistic License 2.0".