Version 6.4I0

     * Abstract
     * Documents
     * Supported Platforms
     * Downloads
     * Installation
     * Running the Examples
     * Installation of perl
     * Installation of Perl Modules Required by Examples
     * FAQ
     * Dependencies
     * Support



   Each Juniper Networks router running JUNOS Internet software release 4.3B2
   or later supports the JUNOScript API. The JUNOScript API is an XML
   application that Juniper Networks routers use to exchange information with
   client applications.

   Because JUNOScript is an XML application, you can leverage the myriad Perl
   modules in the public domain to ease the development of client
   applications that monitor and configure Juniper Networks routers. There
   are many modules in CPAN (http://www.cpan.org) and other Perl source
   repositories that provide ways to manipulate XML data (for example,
   XML::Parser, and XML::DOM modules).

   The JUNOS::Device module provides an object-oriented interface for
   communicating with the JUNOScript server so you can start using the
   JUNOScript API quickly and easily. There are several modules in this
   library but client applications directly invoke the Device object only.
   When the client application creates a JUNOS::Device object, it specifies a
   router name and the login name to use when accessing the router (which
   determines the client application's access level).

   The following code segment shows how to use the JUNOS::Device object to
   request information from a Juniper Networks router. This example invokes
   the query called get_chassis_inventory. For a list of valid queries and
   the corresponding arguments, invoke the command man JUNOS::Device after
   completing the installation.

 # Step 1: set up the query

 my $query = "get_chassis_inventory";
 my %queryargs = ( detail => 1 );

 # Step 2: Create a JUNOScript Device object

 my %deviceinfo = (
  access => "telnet",
  login => "johndoe",
  password => "secret",
  hostname => "router11"
  my $jnx = new JUNOS::Device(%deviceinfo);

  unless ( ref $jnx ) {
         die "ERROR: Failed to create device\n";

 # Step 3: connect to the Juniper Networks router

  unless ( $jnx->connect() ) {
         die "ERROR: Failed to connect\n";

  # Step 4: send the query and receive a XML::DOM object

  my $res = $jnx->$query( %queryargs );

  unless ( ref $res ) {
         die "ERROR: Failed to execute command\n";

 # Step 5: check for error

  my $err = $res->getFirstError();

  if ($err) {
         print STDERR "ERROR: $deviceinfo{'hostname'} - ", $err->{message}, "\n";
  } else {

 # Step 6: do something with the result, just traverse through
 # the $res (an XML::DOM object) and do what you need to do.

 # Step 7: always close the session & connection when you're done

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   The following documents are available at http://www.juniper.net/beta for
   the beta release and http://www.juniper.net/support for final release of
   each version of the JUNOS Internet software.

     * JUNOScript API Guide
     * JUNOScript API Reference

   The following classes provide perldoc to describe their interfaces. Run
   man <class> after the installation is complete.

     * JUNOS::Device
     * JUNOS::Response
    Back to Top  

   Supported Platforms

   The current version of this module has been tested on the following
   platforms. Later releases may support additional platforms.

     * FreeBSD 4.2
     * Solaris 2.7 and 2.8
     * Redhat Linux 7.1
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   Client Perl applications can communicate with the JUNOScript server either
   via Telnet, SSH or SSL. SSH and SSL available only in the domestic

   To download the publicly available Telnet-only version of the JUNOScript
   Perl Client, perform the following steps:

    1. Access the Juniper Networks Web site at http://www.juniper.net/beta
       (for beta software) or http://www.juniper.net/support (for final
       release software).
    1. Click on the link labeled "JUNOScript API Software" on the left.
    2. Click on the link labeled "JUNOScript API Client" to download the
       JUNOS::Device distribution in gzip format.
    3. Click on the link "JUNOScript API Client Prerequisites" to download
       the distribution containing the C libraries and Perl modules required
       by JUNOS::Device and its samples.

   To download the domestic version of the JUNOScript Perl Client (which
   supports both Telnet, SSH and SSL), perform the following steps:

    1. Access the Juniper Networks Web site at http://www.juniper.net/beta
       (for beta software) or http://www.juniper.net/support (for final
       release software).
    1. Click on the link labeled "JUNOS Internet Software (Canada and U.S)"
       on the left.
    2. Click on the link labeled "JUNOScript API Client" under the latest
       release to download the JUNOS::Device distribution in gzip format.
    3. Click on the link "JUNOScript API Client Prerequisites" under the
       latest release to download the distribution containing the C libraries
       and Perl modules required by JUNOS::Device and its samples.
    Back to Top  

   Instructions for UNIX Systems

    1. Make sure perl is installed. If necessary, see Installation of Perl.

       % which perl
       % perl -v

       The JUNOScript Perl Client requires perl version 5.0004 or later.
       Verify that you are running that version of the perl executable. If
       not, check your PATH or install the latest release of perl.

    1. Download the JUNOScript gzip archive from the Juniper Networks
       website. The archive is named junoscript-n.n-type.tar.gz, where n.n is
       a release code such as 5.1 and type is either export or domestic. For
       instructions, see Download.
    2. Unzip and untar the archive.

       On FreeBSD and Linux systems:
       % tar zxf junoscript-n.n-type.tar.gz

       On Solaris systems:
       % gzip -dc junoscript-n.n-type.tar.gz | tar xf -
    3. Change to the JUNOScript directory.
       % cd junoscript-n.n
    4. Download the gzip archive of the prerequisite library and modules from
       the Juniper Networks Web site in a directory called prereqs, which
       must be directly under the junoscript-n.n directory. The archive is
       named junoscript-prereqs-n.n-type.tar.gz where n.n is a release code
       such as 5.1 and type is either export or domestic. For instructions,
       see Download.
    5. Unzip and untar the archive.

       On FreeBSD and Linux systems:
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% tar zxf junoscript-prereqs-n.n-type.tar.gz

       On Solaris systems:
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% gzip -dc junoscript-prereqs-n.n-type.tar.gz |
       tar xf -
    6. Install the required C binaries and Perl modules. If you wish to
       install the required files in your private directory instead of the
       standard directory, you can use the -install_directory option to
       specify your private installation directory. The standard directory is
       the installation directory configured in the perl executable. Usually,
       the standard directory is /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib, and you'll need
       root privilege to install modules in these directories.

       If installing modules under the standard directory (normally
       /usr/local/lib and you'll need root privilege):
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% perl install-prereqs.pl -force

       Installing modules under your own private directory (see notes below):
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% setenv PERL5LIB /my/private/directory/lib
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% setenv MANPATH "$MANPATH/:$PERL5LIB/../man"
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% setenv PATH "$PATH/:$PERL5LIB/../bin"
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% perl install-prereqs.pl -install_directory
       $PERL5LIB -force

       As the install-prereqs.pl script installs the last few modules, it
       prompts you for input. Simply following the instructions and accept
       default responses whenever they are offered. The only exception is
       during installation of the SSH module: here you must choose one of the
       cipher packages supported by the JUNOScript server-- DES, DES3 or

       The option -force forces install-prereqs.pl to install a module even
       if an older version already exists or make test fails. For more
       information on the install-prereqs.pl options, type perl
       install-prereqs.pl -help.
    7. Create JUNOS::Device makefile.

       If installing JUNOS::Device under the standard directory (it's
       normally /usr/local/lib):
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% perl Makefile.PL

       If installing JUNOS::Device under your own private directory:
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% perl Makefile.PL LIB=$PERL5LIB
    8. Test and install the JUNOS::Device module.

       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% make
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% make test
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% make install

   Notes for private directory installation:

     * If you are installing the JUNOScript modules in a private directory,
       remember to set PERL5LIB, MANPATH, and PATH environment variables
       before installing the Perl modules and running the examples. If the
       PERL5LIB variable is set, perl will first look for Perl modules in the
       specified directory before looking in the standard directory. (If
       you're using sh, ksh or bash, use EXPORT instead of setenv.)

       % setenv MANPATH "$MANPATH/:$PERL5LIB/../man"
       % man JUNOS::Device
       % setenv PATH "$PATH/:$PERL5LIB/../bin"
       % which xsltproc
    Back to Top  

   Running the Sample Scripts

   The JUNOScript Perl distribution includes sample scripts that demonstrate
   how to use JUNOScript to retrieve and change the configuration of a
   Juniper Networks router. The samples reside in the junoscript-n.n/examples

   Reading configuration: Chassis Inventory
   This example sends a <get-chassis-information> request to the Juniper
   Networks router and displays the result to the standard output. Depending
   on the command line option, it uses XSLT to display the result in plain
   text, HTML, or raw XML. The purpose of this example is to show the power
   and flexibility of combining the JUNOScript and XSLT.

    1. Change directory to examples/get_chassis_inventory.
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% cd examples/get_chassis_inventory
    1. Run the script get_chassis_inventory.pl.
       [/my/junoscript-n.n/examples/get_chassis_inventory]% perl
       get_chassis_inventory.pl [-d] [-o <outputfile>] [-x <xslfile>] [-m
       <access>] [-l <login>] [-p <password>] <router>

   [/my/junoscript-n.n/examples/get_chassis_inventory]% perl
   get_chassis_inventory.pl router11
   login: johndoe

   Optional. The default is debug off. If this flag is present, all debugging
   statements from the JUNOS modules will be sent to standard output.

   -x <xslfile>
   -o <outputfile>
   Optional.  If <xslfile> is specified, the <xslfile> is used for rendering
   the output.  If <xslfile> is not specified, xsl/chassis_inventory_csv.xsl
   is used by default.  You can use any of the three XSL files (csv, html,
   and xml) or create your own.  If <outputfile> is specified, the
   transformation will be put into <outputfile>. If <outputfile> is not
   specified, the result will be displayed on the standard output. 

   -m <access>
   Optional. The default value is telnet. It specifies which transport should
   be used to communicate with the Juniper Networks router. The valid values
   are ssh, ssl, clear-text, and telnet.

   -l <login>
   -p <password>
   The login identity and password to use when accessing the Juniper Networks
   router. The login identity must already exist in the router configuration
   and must have at least read privilege on the router. (Configure the login
   account by using the CLI command set system login user.) If these
   arguments are not provided on the command line, the user will be prompted
   to enter the information.

   The host name or IP address of the router.

   Changing configuration: Load Configuration
   This example simply selects one of set_login_user_foo.xml or
   set_login_class_bar.xmlas the example configuration to load. They are
   included in the requests directory. There you will see the XML files
   containing the RPC requests. You can put your own configuration file in
   the requests directory and have load_configuration load it in the target
   router for you. The purpose of this example is to show you how simple it
   is to change your router configuration using JUNOScript. See JUNOScript
   API Reference for the detail description of the configuration you can
   submit via JUNOScript.

    1. Change directory to examples/load_configuration
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% cd examples/load_configuration
    1. Run the load_configuration.pl script
       [/my/junoscript-n.n/examples/load_configuration]% perl
       load_configuration.pl [-d] [-t] [-a <action>] [-m <access>] [-l
       <login>] [-p <password>] <request> <router>

   [/my/junoscript-n.n/examples/load_configuration]% perl
   load_configuration.pl requests/set_login_user_foo.xml router11
   login: johndoe

   Optional. The default is debug off. If this flag is present, all debugging
   statements from the JUNOS modules will be sent to standard output.

   Optional. The default value is xml. If specified, the configuration in the
   request file is text, not xml.

   -a <action>
   Optional. The default value is merge. It specifies which load action to
   take.  The valid values are merge, override, and replace.

   -m <access>
   Optional. The default value is telnet. It specifies which transport should
   be used to communicate with the Juniper Networks router. The valid values
   are ssh, ssl, clear-text, and telnet.

   -l <login>
   -p <password>
   The login identity and password to use when accessing the Juniper Networks
   router. The login identity must already exist in the router configuration
   and must have at least read privilege on the router. (Configure the login
   account by using the CLI command set system login user.) If these
   arguments are not provided on the command line, the user will be prompted
   to enter the information.

   Specify the name of the configuration file to be loaded. The configuration
   files included with the example are set_login_user_foo.xml and
   set_login_class_bar.xml, both of which reside in the requests directory. 
   If -t is specified, the configuration in this file should be in text

   Example of configuration file content in xml format:


 Example of configuration file content in text format:

                      system {
                          host-name my-host-name;

   The host name or IP address of the router.

   Router Diagnostics: Diagnose BGP
   This example retrieves the BGP summary from a Juniper Networks router and
   displays key information on the unestablished peers. It shows how useful
   diagnostic tools can be written using JUNOScript.  

   You also have an option to render the output in plain text or DHTML (it
   allows you to dynamically sort any column) using XSL.  The output is saved
   in a file named <router>.xml which is the concatenation of the
   <get-bgp-summary-information> responses on all of the BGP peers for the
   target router.  Take a look at this XML file if you wish to write your own
   XSL file to render the output.

    1. Change directory to examples/diagnose_bgp.
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% cd examples/diagnose_bgp
    1. Run the diagnose_bgp.pl script.
       [/my/junoscript-n.n/examples/diagnose_bgp]% perl diagnose_bgp.pl [-d]
       [-m <access>] [-l <login>] [-p <password>] -x <xslfile> -o
       <outputfile> <router>

   [/my/junoscript-n.n/examples/diagnose_bgp]% perl diagnose_bgp.pl -x
   xsl/html.xsl -o router11.html router11
   login: johndoe

   Optional. The default is debug off. If this flag is present, all debugging
   statements from the JUNOS modules will be sent to standard output.

   -m <access>
   Optional. The default value is telnet. It specifies which transport should
   be used to communicate with the Juniper Networks router. The valid values
   are ssh, ssl, clear-text, and telnet.

   -l <login>
   -p <password>
   The login identity and password to use when accessing the Juniper Networks
   router. The login identity must already exist in the router configuration
   and must have at least read privilege on the router. (Configure the login
   account by using the CLI command set system login user.) If these
   arguments are not provided on the command line, the user will be prompted
   to enter the information.

   -x <xslfile>
   -o <outputfile>
   Optional.  If <xslfile> is specified, the <xslfile> is used for rendering
   the output.  If <xslfile> is not specified, xsl/text.xsl is used by
   default.  You can use any of the three XSL files (text, html, and dhtml)
   or create your own.  If <outputfile> is specified, the transformation will
   be put into <outputfile>. If <outputfile> is not specified, the result
   will be displayed on the standard output. 

   The host name or IP address of the router.

   XML <-> RDB scrambler/descrambler

   Additional Dependencies:
   The installation section above does not install modules required by this
   example. It is mainly because a Relational Database must be installed
   before the required Perl modules can be installed successfully. We keep
   this installation separate so you can run the other examples without
   having to worry about installing and running the RDB.

   This example uses MySQL as its relational database, hence you must first
   install the MySQL database. The version we have tested this example with
   is 3.23. Simply go to http://mysql.com/downloads/mysql-3.23.html to
   download the stable release of the MySQL database. Then follow the
   installation instructions in Docs/manual.html after you ungzip and untar
   the MySQL archive.

   Check whether all the Perl modules required by this example are installed.

     [/my/junoscript-n.n]% perl required-mod.pl RDB

   If any of the following Perl modules is not installed, you must install it
   before running this example. See Installation of Perl Modules Required by

   These scripts convert a Juniper Networks XML configuration retrieved via
   the get_config.pl script into a set of relational database tables,
   populate the tables with data from the XML file, extract data from those
   tables, and transform it back into XML format. No other functionality is
   provided. The SQL output by the make_tables.pl script is pretty generic
   SQL and has been tested to work with MySQL on FreeBSD 4.2. It should also
   work with other RDB products if you install the DBD module for your RDB.

   Before running the example, edit the $DSN value in common.pm to reflect
   your configuration.

   The scripts perform the following functions:

     * get_config.plutilizes JUNOScript to retrieve an XML-encoding of a
       given router's configuration.
     * make_tables.pl, given an XML file on the command line, writes to
       standard output SQL statements (table creates & inserts) that allow
       this XML file to be stored in a relational database
     * pop_tables.pl, given an XML file on the command line, populates the
       tables with data from the XML file.
     * unpop_tables.pl, given the name of the 'root' XML element, creates an
       XML file from the data in the relational database.

   Perform the following steps:

    1. Run the get_config.pl script against a Juniper Networks router to
       obtain an XML rendering of its configuration.
    1. Run the make_tables.pl script, specifying the name of the XML
       configuration file on the command line. Redirect the standard output
       to the file tables.xml.
    2. Transfer the tables.xml file into MySQL to create the table structure.
    3. Run the pop_tables.pl script, specifying the name of the XML
       configuration file on the command line. The MySQL tables will be
    4. Your router configuration is now in your relational database!
    5. Run the unpop_tables.pl script, specifying jun_configuration and the
       primary key outputted by pop_tables.pl on the command line. Redirect
       standard output to config.xml to transform the data into XML format
       again, making it suitable to be passed back to the router for

   Here's a concrete example:

    1. Change directory to examples/RDB
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% cd examples/RDB
    1. Get an XML-ized Juniper Networks router configuration file:
       [/my/junoscript-n.n/examples/RDB]% perl get_config.pl -m ssh -l
       someuser -p somepass . myrouter.acme.com

       This will store that router's configuration as XML in the current
       directory as a file called myrouter.acme.com.xmlconfig.
    2. Create the database tables:
       [/my/junoscript-n.n/examples/RDB]% perl make_tables.pl
       myrouter.acme.com.xmlconfig > tables.xml
    3. Set up your MySQL database and import tables. Here the database is
       called JUN_TEST.
         1. Edit DSN value in the file common.pm to reflect your database
         1. [/my/junoscript-n.n/examples/RDB]% mysqladmin create JUN_TEST
         2. [/my/junoscript-n.n/examples/RDB]% mysql JUN_TEST < tables.xml
    4. Populate tables in the database.
       [/my/junoscript-n.n/examples/RDB]% perl pop_tables.pl

       pop_tables.pl displays the exact command to type for step 7, it
       includes the primary key to identify the configuration.
    5. Use RDB tools to manipulate the data as desired.
    6. Regenerate XML from your database:
       [/my/junoscript-n.n/examples/RDB]% perl unpop_tables.pl
       jun_configuration 1 > config.xml
    Back to Top  

   Installation of PERL

    1. Retrieve the perl source package (http://cpan.org/src/stable.tar.gz)
    1. Install the stable.tar.gz.

       FreeBSD and Linux:
       % tar zxf stable.tar.gz

       % gzip -dc stable.tar.gz | tar xf -

       Follow instruction in perl-5.6.1/INSTALL to install perl. You can make
       your private directory the standard directory for installation, then
       the perl executables and any Perl modules you install will
       automatically go to the directory you specified. Otherwise, take the
       defaults and the executables and modules will be installed under
    Back to Top  

   Installation of Perl Modules Required by Examples

   You can tell install-prereqs.pl to install only the modules required by
   JUNOS::Device or by a specific example. By default install-prereqs.pl
   install all required modules for JUNOS::Device, get_chassis_inventory.pl,
   load_configuration.pl and diagnose_bgp.pl. The RDB installation is kept
   separate because it required the installation of a RDB. This section shows
   you how to specify which set of modules to install.

    1. Go to the junoscript directory.
       % cd junoscript-n.n
    1. Install the Perl modules required by the specific example. If you wish
       to install the required files in your private directory instead of the
       standard directory, you can use the -install_directory option to
       specify your private installation directory. The standard directory is
       the installation directory configured in the perl executable.

       Installing modules under the standard directory (it's normally
       /usr/local/lib and you'll need root privilege):
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% perl install-prereqs.pl -used_by <example>

       Installing modules under your own private directory (see notes below):
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% setenv PERL5LIB /my/private/directory/lib
       [/my/junoscript-n.n]% perl install-prereqs.pl -used_by <example>
       -install_directory $PERL5LIB -force

       Where <example> is get_chassis_inventory, load_configuration, RDB,
       diagnose_bgp, or JUNOS::Device. If the -used_by option is not used,
       the default is to install all required modules except those required
       by RDB. The reason required modules for RDB is not part of the default
       installation is because it requires an RDB being installed first.

       When install-prereqs.pl is installing Term::ReadKey, it will prompt
       user for inputs.

       The option -force forces install-prereqs.pl to install the module even
       if an older version already exists or 'make test' fails. For more
       information on the install-prereqs.pl options, type 'perl
       install-prereqs.pl -help'.

   Notes for private directory installation:

     * Remember to set PERL5LIB before installation of the Perl modules and
       running the examples. PERL5LIB is an environment variable, it can be
       set to a colon-separated list of directories. If set, perl will first
       look for Perl modules in the PERL5LIB directories before looking in
       the standard directory. The instruction above uses the csh syntax for
       setting environment variable. For sh, ksh and bash, use EXPORT
    Back to Top  


   When you run the install script, you'll see the list of C libraries,
   executables, and Perl modules required by JUNOS::Device and its examples.
   The only module that the install script does not address is the mysql
   distribution. To run the RDB example, you must first install mysql before
   running the installation for RDB.

   If you wish to find out what are missing dependencies on your system
   without running the install script, you can run the following commands.

     perl required-mod.pl

    Back to Top  


    1. The installation of Math::Pari failed. When I looked into the
       Math-Pari-<version>.log, it complaint about an illegal 'as' option -P
       is used.

       Check the versions of your gcc and as, using 'as -V' and 'gcc -v'. We
       recommend that you use gcc version 2.8.1 or higher and as 5.0 or

       Also make sure your PATH is set correctly so the /usr/ccs/bin/as is
       used not /usr/local/bin/as.

    1. The installation of MIME::Base64, HTML::Parser, ... failed.  When I
       looked into the log files, they all complaint about 'ssh: cc not

       Run 'perl -V' to find out what are the compiler and linker options
       your perl executable was built with.  The c compiler configured in
       perl is 'cc' and you only have 'gcc' installed on your system, you'll
       need to reinstall your perl (See Installation of perl) with the
       correct c compiler. This can happen if perl was installed on a
       different system and got copied over.

       If you have the same c compiler as what's configured in perl then
       check your PATH envioronment variable, maybe you don't have the path
       to the c compiler there.

    2. Problems installing under FreeBSD 4.3 and X11R6.5.1.

       Try installing JUNOScript on FreeBSD 4.3 with the stock X11, there may
       be conflicts between X11R6.5.1 and the prerequisite modules.


    1. When I tried to display the DHTML output of diagnose_bgp.pl on a
       browser, a blank screen is displayed or the fonts are too big.

       Make sure you can access the Javascript sorttable.js, it should be
       under the js directory one level below the dynamic html file. For
       example, let's say you have run 'perl diagnose_bgp.pl -x xsl/dhtml.xsl
       -o diagnose_bgp_dhtml.html router11'. If you copy the output file to
       some other directory, make sure you also copy the js directory.

 % ls -R
 diagnose_bgp_dhtml.html        js/


       If sorttable.js is not the problem, remove the following line from the
       DHTML file.  Some versions of browsers do not like the <meta> info
       generated by the XSLT processor.

       - <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">

    1. When I tried to transform a JUNOScript response with my XSL file, the
       data wasn't rendered properly.

       JUNOScript responses use default namespace, something XSLT 1.0 does
       not deal with very well.  The XSL file must declare the default
       namespace explicitly if it is used in the XML data that it
       transforms.  All of the XSL files provided with the examples contain
       the declaration so you should use them as examples for your own XSL
       files.  This problem is addressed by XSLT 2.0.

       This topic is discussed in

    2. I got 'syntax error' after setting an argument with type TOGGLE to 0.
       For example:

       $res = get_chassis_inventory(detail => 0);

       The syntax error is returned because 0 is an invalid input for the
       argument. The safest way is to omit the argument. For example:

       $res = get_chassis_inventory();


    Back to Top  


   If you have problems with this JUNOS package, please e-mail
   support@juniper.net. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

   Juniper Networks is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and
   in other countries as a trademark of Juniper Networks, Inc. Internet
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