NAME HTML5::DOM <> - Super fast html5 DOM library with css selectors (based on Modest/MyHTML) SYNOPSIS use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; # create parser object my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; # parse some html my $tree = $parser->parse(' <label>Some list of OS:</label> <ul class="list" data-what="os" title="OS list"> <li>UNIX</li> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li>Windows</li> <li>FreeBSD</li> </ul> '); # find one element by CSS selector my $ul = $tree->at('ul.list'); # prints tag print $ul->tag."\n"; # ul # check if <ul> has class list print "<ul> has class .list\n" if ($ul->classList->has('list')); # add some class $ul->classList->add('os-list'); # prints <ul> classes print $ul->className."\n"; # list os-list # prints <ul> attribute title print $ul->attr("title")."\n"; # OS list # changing <ul> attribute title $ul->attr("title", "OS names list"); # find all os names $ul->find('li')->each(sub { my ($node, $index) = @_; print "OS #$index: ".$node->text."\n"; }); # we can use precompiled selectors my $css_parser = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css_parser->parseSelector('li'); # remove OSX from OS $ul->find($selector)->[2]->remove(); # serialize tree print $tree->html."\n"; # TODO: more examples in SYNOPSIS # But you can explore API documentation. # My lib have simple API, which is intuitively familiar to anyone who used the DOM. DESCRIPTION HTML5::DOM <> is a fast HTML5 parser and DOM manipulatin library with CSS4 selectors, fully conformant with the HTML5 specification. It based on <> as selector engine and <> as HTML5 parser. Key features * Really fast HTML parsing. * Supports parsing by chunks. * Fully conformant with the HTML5 specification. * Fast CSS4 selectors. * Any manipulations using DOM-like API. * Auto-detect input encoding. * Fully integration in perl and memory management. You don't care about "free" or "destroy". * Supports async parsing, with optional event-loop intergration. HTML5::DOM HTML5 parser object. new use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser; # with default options $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; # or override some options, if you need $parser = HTML5::DOM->new({ threads => 0, ignore_whitespace => 0, ignore_doctype => 0, scripts => 0, encoding => "auto", default_encoding => "UTF-8", encoding_use_meta => 1, encoding_use_bom => 1, encoding_prescan_limit => 1024 }); Creates new parser object with options. See "PARSER OPTIONS" for details. parse use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $html = '<div>Hello world!</div>'; my $tree; # parsing with options defined in HTML5::DOM->new $tree = $parser->parse($html); # parsing with custom options (extends options defined in HTML5::DOM->new) $tree = $parser->parse($html, { scripts => 0, }); Parse html string and return HTML5::DOM::Tree object. parseChunkStart use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; # start chunked parsing with options defined in HTML5::DOM->new # call parseChunkStart without options is useless, # because first call of parseChunk automatically call parseChunkStart. $parser->parseChunkStart(); # start chunked parsing with custom options (extends options defined in HTML5::DOM->new) $parser->parseChunkStart({ scripts => 0, }); Init chunked parsing. See "PARSER OPTIONS" for details. parseChunk use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; $parser->parseChunkStart()->parseChunk('<')->parseChunk('di')->parseChunk('v>'); Parse chunk of html stream. parseChunkEnd use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; # start some chunked parsing $parser->parseChunk('<')->parseChunk('di')->parseChunk('v>'); # end parsing and get tree my $tree = $parser->parseChunkEnd(); print $tree->html; # <html><head></head><body><div></div></body></html> Completes chunked parsing and return HTML5::DOM::Tree object. parseAsync Parsing html in background thread. Can use with different ways: 1. Manual wait parsing completion when you need. use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $html = '<div>Hello world!</div>'; my $async; # start async parsing $async = $parser->parseAsync($html); # or with options $async = $parser->parseAsync($html, { scripts => 0 }); # some work... # wait for parsing done my $tree = $async->wait; # work with tree print $tree->html; "$async->wait" returns HTML5::DOM::AsyncResult object. 2. Non-blocking check for parsing completion. use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $html = '<div>Hello world!</div>'; my $tree; my $async; # start async parsing $async = $parser->parseAsync($html); # or with options $async = $parser->parseAsync($html, { scripts => 0 }); while (!$async->parsed) { # do some work } $tree = $async->tree; # HTML5::DOM::Tree # work with $tree print $tree->root->at('div')->text."\n"; # Hello world! # or another way # start async parsing $async = $parser->parseAsync($html); # or with options $async = $parser->parseAsync($html, { scripts => 0 }); while (!($tree = $async->tree)) { # do some work } # work with $tree print $tree->root->at('div')->text."\n"; # Hello world! "$async->parsed" returns 1 if parsing done. Else returns 0. "$async->tree" returns HTML5::DOM::Tree object if parsing done. Else returns "undef". 3. Intergation with EV <> Required packages (only if you want use event loop): * EV <> * AnyEvent::Util <> use warnings; use strict; use EV; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $html = '<div>Hello world!</div>'; my $custom_options = { scripts => 0 }; $parser->parseAsync($html, $custom_options, sub { my $tree = shift; # work with $tree print $tree->root->at('div')->text."\n"; # Hello world! }); # do some work EV::loop; Function returns HTML5::DOM::AsyncResult object. $tree in callback is a HTML5::DOM::Tree object. 4. Intergation with custom event-loop (example with AnyEvent loop) use warnings; use strict; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::Util; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $html = '<div>Hello world!</div>'; my $custom_options = { scripts => 0 }; # create pipe my ($r, $w) = AnyEvent::Util::portable_pipe(); AnyEvent::fh_unblock $r; # fd for parseAsync communications my $write_fd = fileno($w); # after parsing complete module writes to $write_fd: # value "1" - if success # value "0" - if error my $async = $parser->parseAsync($html, $custom_options, $write_fd); # watch for value my $async_watcher; $async_watcher = AE::io $r, 0, sub { <$r>; # read "1" or "0" $async_watcher = undef; # destroy watcher # work with $tree my $tree = $async->wait; print $tree->root->at('div')->text."\n"; # Hello world! }; # some work... AE::cv->recv; $tree in callback is a HTML5::DOM::Tree object. HTML5::DOM::Tree DOM tree object. createElement # create new node with tag "div" my $node = $tree->createElement("div"); # create new node with tag "g" with namespace "svg" my $node = $tree->createElement("div", "svg"); Create new HTML5::DOM::Element with specified tag and namespace. createComment # create new comment my $node = $tree->createComment(" ololo "); print $node->html; # <!-- ololo --> Create new HTML5::DOM::Comment with specified value. createTextNode # create new text node my $node = $tree->createTextNode("psh psh ololo i am driver of ufo >>>"); print $node->html; # psh psh ololo i am driver of ufo >>> Create new HTML5::DOM::Text with specified value. parseFragment my $fragment = $tree->parseFragment($html); my $fragment = $tree->parseFragment($html, $context); my $fragment = $tree->parseFragment($html, $context, $context_ns); my $fragment = $tree->parseFragment($html, $context, $context_ns, $options); Parse fragment html and create new HTML5::DOM::Fragment. For more details about fragments: < nts> * $html - html fragment string * $context - context tag name, default "div" * $context_ns - context tag namespace, default "html" * $options - parser options See "PARSER OPTIONS" for details. # simple create new fragment my $node = $tree->parseFragment("some <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> text"); # create new fragment node with custom context tag/namespace and options my $node = $tree->parseFragment("some <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> text", "div", "html", { # some options override encoding => "windows-1251" }); print $node->html; # some <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> text document my $node = $tree->document; Return HTML5::DOM::Document node of current tree; root my $node = $tree->root; Return root node of current tree. (always <html>) head my $node = $tree->head; Return <head> node of current tree. body my $node = $tree->body; Return <body> node of current tree. at querySelector my $node = $tree->at($selector); my $node = $tree->querySelector($selector); # alias Find one element node in tree using CSS Selectors Level 4 <> Return node, or "undef" if not find. * $selector - selector query as plain text or precompiled as HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector or HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue">blue</div>') my $node = $tree->at('body >'); print $node->html; # <div class="red">red</div> find querySelectorAll my $collection = $tree->find($selector); my $collection = $tree->querySelectorAll($selector); # alias Find all element nodes in tree using CSS Selectors Level 4 <> Return HTML5::DOM::Collection. * $selector - selector query as plain text or precompiled as HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector or HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue">blue</div>') my $collection = $tree->at('body >, body >'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red">blue</div> findId getElementById my $collection = $tree->findId($tag); my $collection = $tree->getElementById($tag); # alias Find element node with specified id. Return HTML5::DOM::Node or "undef". my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue" id="test">blue</div>') my $node = $tree->findId('test'); print $node->html; # <div class="blue" id="test">blue</div> findTag getElementsByTagName my $collection = $tree->findTag($tag); my $collection = $tree->getElementsByTagName($tag); # alias Find all element nodes in tree with specified tag name. Return HTML5::DOM::Collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue">blue</div>') my $collection = $tree->findTag('div'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red">blue</div> findClass getElementsByClassName my $collection = $tree->findClass($class); my $collection = $tree->getElementsByClassName($class); # alias Find all element nodes in tree with specified class name. This is more fast equivalent to [class~="value"] selector. Return HTML5::DOM::Collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new ->parse('<div class="red color">red</div><div class="blue color">blue</div>'); my $collection = $tree->findClass('color'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red color">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red color">blue</div> findAttr getElementByAttribute # Find all elements with attribute my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute); my $collection = $tree->getElementByAttribute($attribute); # alias # Find all elements with attribute and mathcing value my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, $case = 0, $cmp = '='); my $collection = $tree->getElementByAttribute($attribute, $value, $case = 0, $cmp = '='); # alias Find all element nodes in tree with specified attribute and optional matching value. Return HTML5::DOM::Collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new ->parse('<div class="red color">red</div><div class="blue color">blue</div>'); my $collection = $tree->findAttr('class', 'CoLoR', 1, '~'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red color">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red color">blue</div> CSS selector analogs: # [$attribute=$value] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '='); # [$attribute=$value i] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 1, '='); # [$attribute~=$value] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '~'); # [$attribute|=$value] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '|'); # [$attribute*=$value] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '*'); # [$attribute^=$value] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '^'); # [$attribute$=$value] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '$'); encoding encodingId print "encoding: ".$tree->encoding."\n"; # UTF-8 print "encodingId: ".$tree->encodingId."\n"; # 0 Return current tree encoding. See "ENCODINGS" for details. tag2id print "tag id: ".HTML5::DOM->TAG_A."\n"; # tag id: 4 print "tag id: ".$tree->tag2id("a")."\n"; # tag id: 4 Convert tag name to id. Return 0 (HTML5::DOM->TAG__UNDEF), if tag not exists in tree. See "TAGS" for tag constants list. id2tag print "tag name: ".$tree->id2tag(4)."\n"; # tag name: a print "tag name: ".$tree->id2tag(HTML5::DOM->TAG_A)."\n"; # tag name: a Convert tag id to name. Return "undef", if tag id not exists in tree. See "TAGS" for tag constants list. namespace2id print "ns id: ".HTML5::DOM->NS_HTML."\n"; # ns id: 1 print "ns id: ".$tree->namespace2id("html")."\n"; # ns id: 1 Convert namespace name to id. Return 0 (HTML5::DOM->NS_UNDEF), if namespace not exists in tree. See "NAMESPACES" for namespace constants list. id2namespace print "ns name: ".$tree->id2namespace(1)."\n"; # ns name: html print "ns name: ".$tree->id2namespace(HTML5::DOM->NS_HTML)."\n"; # ns name: html Convert namespace id to name. Return "undef", if namespace id not exists. See "NAMESPACES" for namespace constants list. parser my $parser = $tree->parser; Return parent HTML5::DOM. HTML5::DOM::Node DOM node object. tag nodeName my $tag_name = $node->tag; my $tag_name = $node->nodeName; # uppercase my $tag_name = $node->tagName; # uppercase Return node tag name (eg. div or span) $node->tag($tag); $node->nodeName($tag); # alias $node->tagName($tag); # alias Set new node tag name. Allow only for HTML5::DOM::Element nodes. print $node->html; # <div></div> $node->tag('span'); print $node->html; # <span></span> print $node->tag; # span print $node->tag; # SPAN tagId my $tag_id = $node->tagId; Return node tag id. See "TAGS" for tag constants list. $node->tagId($tag_id); Set new node tag id. Allow only for HTML5::DOM::Element nodes. print $node->html; # <div></div> $node->tagId(HTML5::DOM->TAG_SPAN); print $node->html; # <span></span> print $node->tagId; # 117 namespace my $tag_ns = $node->namespace; Return node namespace (eg. html or svg) $node->namespace($namespace); Set new node namespace name. Allow only for HTML5::DOM::Element nodes. print $node->namespace; # html $node->namespace('svg'); print $node->namespace; # svg namespaceId my $tag_ns_id = $node->namespaceId; Return node namespace id. See "NAMESPACES" for tag constants list. $node->namespaceId($tag_id); Set new node namespace by id. Allow only for HTML5::DOM::Element nodes. print $node->namespace; # html $node->namespaceId(HTML5::DOM->NS_SVG); print $node->namespaceId; # 3 print $node->namespace; # svg tree my $tree = $node->tree; Return parent HTML5::DOM::Tree. nodeType my $type = $node->nodeType; Return node type. All types: HTML5::DOM->ELEMENT_NODE => 1, HTML5::DOM->ATTRIBUTE_NODE => 2, # not supported HTML5::DOM->TEXT_NODE => 3, HTML5::DOM->CDATA_SECTION_NODE => 4, # not supported HTML5::DOM->ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE => 5, # not supported HTML5::DOM->ENTITY_NODE => 6, # not supported HTML5::DOM->PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE => 7, # not supported HTML5::DOM->COMMENT_NODE => 8, HTML5::DOM->DOCUMENT_NODE => 9, HTML5::DOM->DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE => 10, HTML5::DOM->DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE => 11, HTML5::DOM->NOTATION_NODE => 12 # not supported Compatible with: <> next nextElementSibling my $node2 = $node->next; my $node2 = $node->nextElementSibling; # alias Return next sibling element node my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li>Windows</li> </ul> '); my $li = $tree->at('ul li'); print $li->text; # Linux print $li->next->text; # OSX print $li->next->next->text; # Windows prev previousElementSibling my $node2 = $node->prev; my $node2 = $node->previousElementSibling; # alias Return previous sibling element node my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li class="win">Windows</li> </ul> '); my $li = $tree->at('ul'); print $li->text; # Windows print $li->prev->text; # OSX print $li->prev->prev->text; # Linux nextNode nextSibling my $node2 = $node->nextNode; my $node2 = $node->nextSibling; # alias Return next sibling node my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li>Windows</li> </ul> '); my $li = $tree->at('ul li'); print $li->text; # Linux print $li->nextNode->text; # <!-- comment --> print $li->nextNode->nextNode->text; # OSX prevNode previousSibling my $node2 = $node->prevNode; my $node2 = $node->previousSibling; # alias Return previous sibling node my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li class="win">Windows</li> </ul> '); my $li = $tree->at('ul'); print $li->text; # Windows print $li->prevNode->text; # OSX print $li->prevNode->prevNode->text; # <!-- comment --> first firstElementChild my $node2 = $node->first; my $node2 = $node->firstElementChild; # alias Return first children element my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <!-- comment --> <li>Linux</li> <li>OSX</li> <li class="win">Windows</li> </ul> '); my $ul = $tree->at('ul'); print $ul->first->text; # Linux last lastElementChild my $node2 = $node->last; my $node2 = $node->lastElementChild; # alias Return last children element my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <li>OSX</li> <li class="win">Windows</li> <!-- comment --> </ul> '); my $ul = $tree->at('ul'); print $ul->last->text; # Windows firstNode firstChild my $node2 = $node->firstNode; my $node2 = $node->firstChild; # alias Return first children node my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <!-- comment --> <li>Linux</li> <li>OSX</li> <li class="win">Windows</li> </ul> '); my $ul = $tree->at('ul'); print $ul->firstNode->html; # <!-- comment --> lastNode lastChild my $node2 = $node->lastNode; my $node2 = $node->lastChild; # alias Return last children node my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <li>OSX</li> <li class="win">Windows</li> <!-- comment --> </ul> '); my $ul = $tree->at('ul'); print $ul->lastNode->html; # <!-- comment --> html Universal html serialization and fragment parsing acessor, for single human-friendly api. my $html = $node->html(); my $node = $node->html($new_html); * As getter this similar to outerText * As setter this similar to innerText * As setter for non-element nodes this similar to nodeValue my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some text <b>bold</b></div>'); # get text content for element my $node = $tree->at('#test'); print $node->html; # <div id="test">some text <b>bold</b></div> $comment->html('<b>new</b>'); print $comment->html; # <div id="test"><b>new</b></div> my $comment = $tree->createComment(" comment text "); print $comment->html; # <!-- comment text --> $comment->html(' new comment text '); print $comment->html; # <!-- new comment text --> my $text_node = $tree->createTextNode("plain text >"); print $text_node->html; # plain text > $text_node->html('new>plain>text'); print $text_node->html; # new>plain>text innerHTML outerHTML * HTML serialization of the node's descendants. my $html = $node->html; my $html = $node->outerHTML; Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->outerHTML; # <div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div> print $tree->createComment(' test ')->outerHTML; # <!-- test --> print $tree->createTextNode('test')->outerHTML; # test * HTML serialization of the node and its descendants. # serialize descendants, without node my $html = $node->innerHTML; Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->innerHTML; # some <b>bold</b> test print $tree->createComment(' test ')->innerHTML; # <!-- test --> print $tree->createTextNode('test')->innerHTML; # test * Removes all of the element's descendants and replaces them with nodes constructed by parsing the HTML given in the string $new_html. # parse fragment and replace child nodes with it my $html = $node->html($new_html); my $html = $node->innerHTML($new_html); Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->at('#test')->innerHTML('<i>italic</i>'); print $tree->body->innerHTML; # <div id="test"><i>italic</i></div> * Replaces the element and all of its descendants with a new DOM tree constructed by parsing the specified $new_html. # parse fragment and node in parent node childs with it my $html = $node->outerHTML($new_html); Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->at('#test')->outerHTML('<i>italic</i>'); print $tree->body->innerHTML; # <i>italic</i> See, for more info: <> <> text Universal text acessor, for single human-friendly api. my $text = $node->text(); my $node = $node->text($new_text); * For HTML5::DOM::Text is similar to nodeValue (as setter/getter) * For HTML5::DOM::Comment is similar to nodeValue (as setter/getter) * For HTML5::DOM::DocType is similar to nodeValue (as setter/getter) * For HTML5::DOM::Element is similar to textContent (as setter/getter) my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some text <b>bold</b></div>'); # get text content for element my $node = $tree->at('#test'); print $node->text; # some text bold $comment->text('<new node content>'); print $comment->html; # <new node conten> my $comment = $tree->createComment("comment text"); print $comment->text; # comment text $comment->text(' new comment text '); print $comment->html; # <!-- new comment text --> my $text_node = $tree->createTextNode("plain text"); print $text_node->text; # plain text $text_node->text('new>plain>text'); print $text_node->html; # new>plain>text innerText outerText textContent * Represents the "rendered" text content of a node and its descendants. Using default CSS "display" property for tags based on Firefox user-agent style. Only works for elements, for other nodes return "undef". my $text = $node->innerText; my $text = $node->outerText; # alias Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div id="test"> some <b> bold </b> test <script>alert()</script> </div> '); print $tree->body->innerText; # some bold test See, for more info: < ttribute> * Removes all of its children and replaces them with a text nodes and <br> with the given value. Only works for elements, for other nodes throws exception. * All new line chars (\r\n, \r, \n) replaces to <br /> * All other text content replaces to text nodes my $node = $node->innerText($text); Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some text <b>bold</b></div>'); $tree->at('#test')->innerText("some\nnew\ntext >"); print $tree->at('#test')->html; # <div id="test">some<br />new<br />text ></div> See, for more info: < ttribute> * Removes the current node and replaces it with the given text. Only works for elements, for other nodes throws exception. * All new line chars (\r\n, \r, \n) replaces to <br /> * All other text content replaces to text nodes * Similar to innerText($text), but removes current node my $node = $node->outerText($text); Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some text <b>bold</b></div>'); $tree->at('#test')->outerText("some\nnew\ntext >"); print $tree->body->html; # <body>some<br />new<br />text ></body> See, for more info: < ext> * Represents the text content of a node and its descendants. Only works for elements, for other nodes return "undef". my $text = $node->text; my $text = $node->textContent; # alias Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<b> test </b><script>alert()</script>'); print $tree->body->text; # test alert() See, for more info: <> * Removes all of its children and replaces them with a single text node with the given value. my $node = $node->text($new_text); my $node = $node->textContent($new_text); Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->at('#test')->text('<bla bla bla>'); print $tree->at('#test')->html; # <div id="test"><bla bla bla></div> See, for more info: <> nodeHtml my $html = $node->nodeHtml(); Serialize to html, without descendants and closing tag. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->at('#test')->nodeHtml(); # <div id="test"> nodeValue data my $value = $node->nodeValue(); my $value = $node->data(); # alias my $node = $node->nodeValue($new_value); my $node = $node->data($new_value); # alias Get or set value of node. Only works for non-element nodes, such as HTML5::DOM::Element, HTML5::DOM::Element, HTML5::DOM::Element. Return "undef" for other. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(''); my $comment = $tree->createComment("comment text"); print $comment->nodeValue; # comment text $comment->nodeValue(' new comment text '); print $comment->html; # <!-- new comment text --> isConnected my $flag = $node->isConnected; Return true, if node has parent. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div id="test"></div> '); print $tree->at('#test')->isConnected; # 1 print $tree->createElement("div")->isConnected; # 0 parent parentElement my $node = $node->parent; my $node = $node->parentElement; # alias Return parent node. Return "undef", if node detached. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div id="test"></div> '); print $tree->at('#test')->parent->tag; # body document ownerDocument my $doc = $node->document; my $doc = $node->ownerDocument; # alias Return parent HTML5::DOM::Document. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div id="test"></div> '); print ref($tree->at('#test')->document); # HTML5::DOM::Document append appendChild my $node = $node->append($child); my $child = $node->appendChild($child); # alias Append node to child nodes. append - returned value is the self node, for chain calls appendChild - returned value is the appended child except when the given child is a HTML5::DOM::Fragment, in which case the empty HTML5::DOM::Fragment is returned. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); $tree->at('div') ->append($tree->createElement('br')) ->append($tree->createElement('br')); print $tree->at('div')->html; # <div>some <b>bold</b> text<br /><br /></div> prepend prependChild my $node = $node->prepend($child); my $child = $node->prependChild($child); # alias Prepend node to child nodes. prepend - returned value is the self node, for chain calls prependChild - returned value is the prepended child except when the given child is a HTML5::DOM::Fragment, in which case the empty HTML5::DOM::Fragment is returned. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); $tree->at('div') ->prepend($tree->createElement('br')) ->prepend($tree->createElement('br')); print $tree->at('div')->html; # <div><br /><br />some <b>bold</b> text</div> replace replaceChild my $old_node = $old_node->replace($new_node); my $old_node = $old_node->parent->replaceChild($new_node, $old_node); # alias Replace node in parent child nodes. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); my $old = $tree->at('b')->replace($tree->createElement('br')); print $old->html; # <b>bold</b> print $tree->at('div')->html; # <div>some <br /> text</div> before insertBefore my $node = $node->before($new_node); my $new_node = $node->parent->insertBefore($new_node, $node); # alias Insert new node before current node. before - returned value is the self node, for chain calls insertBefore - returned value is the added child except when the given child is a HTML5::DOM::Fragment, in which case the empty HTML5::DOM::Fragment is returned. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); $tree->at('b')->before($tree->createElement('br')); print $tree->at('div')->html; # <div>some <br /><b>bold</b> text</div> after insertAfter my $node = $node->after($new_node); my $new_node = $node->parent->insertAfter($new_node, $node); # alias Insert new node after current node. after - returned value is the self node, for chain calls insertAfter - returned value is the added child except when the given child is a HTML5::DOM::Fragment, in which case the empty HTML5::DOM::Fragment is returned. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); $tree->at('b')->after($tree->createElement('br')); print $tree->at('div')->html; # <div>some <b>bold</b><br /> text</div> remove removeChild my $node = $node->remove; my $node = $node->parent->removeChild($node); # alias Remove node from parent. Return removed node. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); print $tree->at('b')->remove->html; # <b>bold</b> print $tree->at('div')->html; # <div>some text</div> clone cloneNode # clone node to current tree my $node = $node->clone($deep = 0); my $node = $node->cloneNode($deep = 0); # alias # clone node to foreign tree my $node = $node->clone($deep, $new_tree); my $node = $node->cloneNode($deep, $new_tree); # alias Clone node. deep = 0 - only specified node, without childs. deep = 1 - deep copy with all child nodes. new_tree - destination tree (if need copy to foreign tree) my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); print $tree->at('b')->clone(0)->html; # <b></b> print $tree->at('b')->clone(1)->html; # <b>bold</b> void my $flag = $node->void; Return true if node is void. For more details: <> print $tree->createElement('br')->void; # 1 selfClosed my $flag = $node->selfClosed; Return true if node self closed. print $tree->createElement('br')->selfClosed; # 1 position my $position = $node->position; Return offsets in input buffer. print Dumper($node->position); # $VAR1 = {'raw_length' => 3, 'raw_begin' => 144, 'element_begin' => 143, 'element_length' => 5} isSameNode my $flag = $node->isSameNode($other_node); Tests whether two nodes are the same, that is if they reference the same object. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>test</li> <li>not test</li> <li>test</li> </ul> '); my $li = $tree->find('li'); print $li->[0]->isSameNode($li->[0]); # 1 print $li->[0]->isSameNode($li->[1]); # 0 print $li->[0]->isSameNode($li->[2]); # 0 HTML5::DOM::Element DOM node object for elements. Inherit all methods from HTML5::DOM::Node. children my $collection = $node->children; Returns all child elements of current node in HTML5::DOM::Collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Perl</li> <!-- comment --> <li>PHP</li> <li>C++</li> </ul> '); my $collection = $tree->at('ul')->children; print $collection->[0]->html; # <li>Perl</li> print $collection->[1]->html; # <li>PHP</li> print $collection->[2]->html; # <li>C++</li> childrenNode childNodes my $collection = $node->childrenNode; my $collection = $node->childNodes; # alias Returns all child nodes of current node in HTML5::DOM::Collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Perl</li> <!-- comment --> <li>PHP</li> <li>C++</li> </ul> '); my $collection = $tree->at('ul')->childrenNode; print $collection->[0]->html; # <li>Perl</li> print $collection->[1]->html; # <!-- comment --> print $collection->[2]->html; # <li>PHP</li> print $collection->[3]->html; # <li>C++</li> attr removeAttr Universal attributes accessor, for single human-friendly api. # attribute get my $value = $node->attr($key); # attribute set my $node = $node->attr($key, $value); my $node = $node->attr($key => $value); # attribute remove my $node = $node->attr($key, undef); my $node = $node->attr($key => undef); my $node = $node->removeAttr($key); # bulk attributes set my $node = $node->attr({$key => $value, $key2 => $value2}); # bulk attributes remove my $node = $node->attr({$key => undef, $key2 => undef}); # bulk get all attributes in hash my $hash = $node->attr; Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div id="test" data-test="test value" data-href="#"></div> '); my $div = $tree->at('#test'); $div->attr("data-new", "test"); print $div->attr("data-test"); # test value print $div->{"data-test"}; # test value print $div->attr->{"data-test"}; # test value # {id => "test", "data-test" => "test value", "data-href" => "#", "data-new" => "test"} print Dumper($div->attr); $div->removeAttr("data-test"); # {id => "test", "data-href" => "#", "data-new" => "test"} print Dumper($div->attr); attrArray my $arr = $node->attrArray; Get all attributes in array (in tree order). my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div id="test" data-test="test value" data-href="#"></div> '); my $div = $tree->at('#test'); # [{key => 'id', value => 'test'}, {key => 'data-test', value => 'test'}, {key => 'data-href', value => '#'}] print Dumper($div->attrArray); getAttribute my $value = $node->getAttribute($key); my $value = $node->attr($key); # alias Get attribute value by key. setAttribute my $node = $node->setAttribute($key, $value); my $node = $node->attr($key, $value); # alias Set new value or create new attibute. removeAttribute my $node = $node->removeAttribute($key); my $node = $node->removeAttr($key); # alias Remove attribute. className my $classes = $node->className; # alias for my $classes = $node->attr("class"); classList my $class_list = $node->classList; # has class my $flag = $class_list->has($class_name); my $flag = $class_list->contains($class_name); # add class my $class_list = $class_list->add($class_name); my $class_list = $class_list->add($class_name, $class_name1, $class_name2, ...); # add class my $class_list = $class_list->remove($class_name); my $class_list = $class_list->remove($class_name, $class_name1, $class_name2, ...); # toggle class my $state = $class_list->toggle($class_name); my $state = $class_list->toggle($class_name, $force_state); Manipulations with classes. Returns HTML5::DOM::TokenList. Similar to <> my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div>') my $node = $tree->body->at('.red'); print $node->has('red'); # 1 print $node->has('blue'); # 0 $node->add('blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'orange'); print $node->className; # red blue yellow orange $node->remove('blue', 'orange'); print $node->className; # red yellow print $node->toggle('blue'); # 1 print $node->className; # red yellow blue print $node->toggle('blue'); # 0 print $node->className; # red yellow at querySelector my $node = $node->at($selector); my $node = $node->at($selector, $combinator); my $node = $node->querySelector($selector); # alias my $node = $node->querySelector($selector, $combinator); # alias Find one element node in current node descendants using CSS Selectors Level 4 <> Return node, or "undef" if not find. * $selector - selector query as plain text or precompiled as HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector or HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector. * $combinator - custom selector combinator, applies to current node * ">>" - descendant selector (default) * ">" - child selector * "+" - adjacent sibling selector * "~" - general sibling selector * "||" - column combinator my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue">blue</div>') my $node = $tree->body->at('body >'); print $node->html; # <div class="red">red</div> find querySelectorAll my $collection = $node->find($selector); my $collection = $node->find($selector, $combinator); my $collection = $node->querySelectorAll($selector); # alias my $collection = $node->querySelectorAll($selector, $combinator); # alias Find all element nodes in current node descendants using CSS Selectors Level 4 <> Return HTML5::DOM::Collection. * $selector - selector query as plain text or precompiled as HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector or HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector. * $combinator - custom selector combinator, applies to current node * ">>" - descendant selector (default) * ">" - child selector * "+" - adjacent sibling selector * "~" - general sibling selector * "||" - column combinator my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue">blue</div>') my $collection = $tree->body->at('body >, body >'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red">blue</div> findId getElementById my $node = $node->findId($tag); my $node = $node->getElementById($tag); # alias Find element node with specified id in current node descendants. Return HTML5::DOM::Node or "undef". my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue" id="test">blue</div>') my $node = $tree->body->findId('test'); print $node->html; # <div class="blue" id="test">blue</div> findTag getElementsByTagName my $node = $node->findTag($tag); my $node = $node->getElementsByTagName($tag); # alias Find all element nodes in current node descendants with specified tag name. Return HTML5::DOM::Collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue">blue</div>') my $collection = $tree->body->findTag('div'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red">blue</div> findClass getElementsByClassName my $collection = $node->findClass($class); my $collection = $node->getElementsByClassName($class); # alias Find all element nodes in current node descendants with specified class name. This is more fast equivalent to [class~="value"] selector. Return HTML5::DOM::Collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new ->parse('<div class="red color">red</div><div class="blue color">blue</div>'); my $collection = $tree->body->findClass('color'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red color">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red color">blue</div> findAttr getElementByAttribute # Find all elements with attribute my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute); my $collection = $node->getElementByAttribute($attribute); # alias # Find all elements with attribute and mathcing value my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, $case = 0, $cmp = '='); my $collection = $node->getElementByAttribute($attribute, $value, $case = 0, $cmp = '='); # alias Find all element nodes in tree with specified attribute and optional matching value. Return HTML5::DOM::Collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new ->parse('<div class="red color">red</div><div class="blue color">blue</div>'); my $collection = $tree->body->findAttr('class', 'CoLoR', 1, '~'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red color">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red color">blue</div> CSS selector analogs: # [$attribute=$value] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '='); # [$attribute=$value i] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 1, '='); # [$attribute~=$value] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '~'); # [$attribute|=$value] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '|'); # [$attribute*=$value] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '*'); # [$attribute^=$value] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '^'); # [$attribute$=$value] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '$'); getDefaultBoxType my $display = $node->getDefaultBoxType; Get default CSS "display" property for tag (useful for functions like a innerText). my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new ->parse('<div class="red color">red</div><script>alert()</script><b>bbb</b>'); print $tree->at('div')->getDefaultBoxType(); # block print $tree->at('script')->getDefaultBoxType(); # none print $tree->at('b')->getDefaultBoxType(); # inline HTML5::DOM::Document DOM node object for document. Inherit all methods from HTML5::DOM::Element. HTML5::DOM::Fragment DOM node object for fragments. Inherit all methods from HTML5::DOM::Element. HTML5::DOM::Text DOM node object for text. Inherit all methods from HTML5::DOM::Node. HTML5::DOM::Comment DOM node object for comments. Inherit all methods from HTML5::DOM::Node. HTML5::DOM::DocType DOM node object for document type. Inherit all methods from HTML5::DOM::Node. name my $name = $node->name; my $node = $node->name($new_name); Return or change root element name from doctype. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <!DOCTYPE svg> '); # get print $tree->document->firstChild->name; # svg # set $tree->document->firstChild->name('html'); print $tree->document->firstChild->html; # <!DOCTYPE html> publicId my $public_id = $node->publicId; my $node = $node->publicId($new_public_id); Return or change public id from doctype. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <!DOCTYPE svg:svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN" ""> '); # get print $tree->document->firstChild->publicId; # -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN # set print $tree->document->firstChild->publicId('-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN'); print $tree->document->firstChild->html; # <!DOCTYPE svg:svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""> systemId my $system_id = $node->systemId; my $node = $node->systemId($new_system_id); Return or change public id from doctype. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <!DOCTYPE svg:svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN" ""> '); # get print $tree->document->firstChild->systemId; # # set print $tree->document->firstChild->systemId(''); print $tree->document->firstChild->html; # <!DOCTYPE svg:svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN" ""> HTML5::DOM::Collection CSS Parser object new my $collection = HTML5::DOM::Collection->new($nodes); Creates new collection from $nodes (reference to array with HTML5::DOM::Node). each my $collection = $collection->each(sub { my ($node, $index) = @_; print "node[$index] is a '$node'\n"; }); Forach all nodes in collection. map my $result = $collection->map(sub { my ($token, $index) = @_; return $node->tag." => $index"; }); Apply callback for each node in collection. Returns new array from results. my $result = $collection->map($method, @args); Call method for each node in collection. Returns new HTML5::DOM::Collection from results. Example: # set text 'test!' for all nodes my $result = $collection->map('text', 'test!'); # get all tag names as array my $result = $collection->map('tag'); # remove all nodes in collection $collection->map('remove'); add my $collection = $collection->add($node); Add new item to collection. length my $length = $collection->length; Items count in collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li>Windows</li> </ul> '); my $collection = $tree->find('ul li'); print $collection->length; # 3 first last my $node = $collection->first; my $node = $collection->last; Get first or last item in collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li>Windows</li> </ul> '); my $collection = $tree->find('ul li'); print $collection->first->html; # <li>Linux</li> print $collection->last->html; # <li>Windows</li> item my $node = $collection->item($index); my $node = $collection->[$index]; Get item by $index in collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li>Windows</li> </ul> '); my $collection = $tree->find('ul li'); print $collection->item(1)->html; # <li>OSX</li> print $collection->[1]->html; # <li>OSX</li> array my $node = $collection->array(); Get collection items as array. html my $html = $collection->html; Concat <outerHTML|/outerHTML> from all items. text my $text = $collection->text; Concat <textContent|/textContent> from all items. HTML5::DOM::TokenList Similar to <> has contains my $flag = $tokens->has($token); my $flag = $tokens->contains($token); # alias Check if token contains in current tokens list. add my $tokens = $tokens->add($token); my $tokens = $tokens->add($token, $token2, ...); Add new token (or tokens) to current tokens list. Returns self. remove my $tokens = $tokens->add($token); my $tokens = $tokens->add($token, $token2, ...); Remove one or more tokens from current tokens list. Returns self. toggle my $state = $tokens->toggle($token); my $state = $tokens->toggle($token, $force_state); * $token - specified token name * $force_state - optional force state. If 1 - similar to add If 0 - similar to remove Toggle specified token in current tokens list. * If token exists - remove it * If token not exists - add it length my $length = $tokens->length; Returns tokens count in current list. item my $token = $tokens->item($index); my $token = $tokens->[$index]; Return token by index. each my $token = $tokens->each(sub { my ($token, $index) = @_; print "tokens[$index] is a '$token'\n"; }); Forach all tokens in list. HTML5::DOM::AsyncResult Get result and check status from async parsing. parsed Non-blocking check status. use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $async = $parser->parseAsync('<div>Hello world!</div>' x 1000); my $is_parsed; while (!($is_parsed = $async->parsed)) { print "is_parsed=$is_parsed\n"; } Returns 1 if async parsing done. Otherwise returns 0. tree Non-blocking get result. use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $async = $parser->parseAsync('<div>Hello world!</div>' x 1000); my $tree; while (!($tree = $async->tree)) { print "is_parsed=".($tree ? 1 : 0)."\n"; } print $tree->at('div')->text."\n"; # Hello world! Returns HTML5::DOM::Tree object if async parsing done. Otherwise returns "undef". wait use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $async = $parser->parseAsync('<div>Hello world!</div>' x 1000); my $tree = $async->wait; print $tree->at('div')->text."\n"; # Hello world! Blocking waits for parsing done and returns HTML5::DOM::Tree object. HTML5::DOM::CSS CSS Parser object new my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; Create new css parser object. parseSelector my $selector = HTML5::DOM::CSS->parseSelector($selector_text); Parse $selector_text and return HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body, body'); HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector CSS Selector object (precompiled selector) new my $selector = HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector->new($selector_text); Parse $selector_text and create new css selector object. If your need parse many selectors, more efficient way using single instance of parser HTML5::DOM::CSS and parseSelector method. text my $selector_text = $selector->text; Serialize selector to text. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body, body'); print $selector->text."\n"; # body, body ast my $ast = $entry->ast; Serialize selector to very simple AST format. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('div > .red'); print Dumper($selector->ast); # $VAR1 = [[ # { # 'value' => 'div', # 'type' => 'tag' # }, # { # 'type' => 'combinator', # 'value' => 'child' # }, # { # 'type' => 'class', # 'value' => 'red' # } # ]]; length my $length = $selector->length; Get selector entries count (selectors separated by "," combinator) my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body, body'); print $selector->length."\n"; # 2 entry my $entry = $selector->entry($index); Get selector entry by $index end return HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector::Entry. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body, body'); print $selector->entry(0)->text."\n"; # body print $selector->entry(1)->text."\n"; # body HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector::Entry CSS selector entry object (precompiled selector) text my $selector_text = $entry->text; Serialize entry to text. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body, body'); my $entry = $selector->entry(0); print $entry->text."\n"; # body pseudoElement my $pseudo_name = $entry->pseudoElement; Return pseudo-element name for entry. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('div::after'); my $entry = $selector->entry(0); print $entry->pseudoElement."\n"; # after ast my $ast = $entry->ast; Serialize entry to very simple AST format. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('div > .red'); my $entry = $selector->entry(0); print Dumper($entry->ast); # $VAR1 = [ # { # 'value' => 'div', # 'type' => 'tag' # }, # { # 'type' => 'combinator', # 'value' => 'child' # }, # { # 'type' => 'class', # 'value' => 'red' # } # ]; specificity my $specificity = $entry->specificity; Get specificity in hash "{a, b, c}" my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body, body'); my $entry = $selector->entry(0); print Dumper($entry->specificity); # {a => 0, b => 1, c => 2} specificityArray my $specificity = $entry->specificityArray; Get specificity in array "[a, b, c]" (ordered by weight) my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body, body'); my $entry = $selector->entry(0); print Dumper($entry->specificityArray); # [0, 1, 2] HTML5::DOM::Encoding Encoding detection. See for available encodings: "ENCODINGS" id2name my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); Get encoding name by id. print HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name(HTML5::DOM::Encoding->UTF_8); # UTF-8 name2id my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::name2id($encoding); Get id by name. print HTML5::DOM::Encoding->UTF_8; # 0 print HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name("UTF-8"); # 0 detectAuto my ($encoding_id, $new_text) = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectAuto($text, $max_length = 0); Auto detect text encoding using (in this order): * detectByPrescanStream * detectBomAndCut * detect Returns array with encoding id and new text without BOM, if success. If fail, then encoding id equal HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED. my ($encoding_id, $new_text) = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectAuto("ололо"); my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); print $encoding; # UTF-8 detect my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detect($text, $max_length = 0); Detect text encoding. Single method for both detectRussian and detectUnicode. Returns encoding id, if success. And returns HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED if fail. my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detect("ололо"); my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); print $encoding; # UTF-8 detectRussian my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectRussian($text, $max_length = 0); Detect russian text encoding (using lowercase trigrams), such as "windows-1251", "koi8-r", "iso-8859-5", "x-mac-cyrillic", "ibm866". Returns encoding id, if success. And returns HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED if fail. detectUnicode my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectRussian($text, $max_length = 0); Detect unicode family text encoding, such as "UTF-8", "UTF-16LE", "UTF-16BE". Returns encoding id, if success. And returns HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED if fail. # get UTF-16LE data for test my $str = "ололо"; Encode::from_to($str, "UTF-8", "UTF-16LE"); my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectUnicode($str); my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); print $encoding; # UTF-16LE detectByPrescanStream my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectByPrescanStream($text, $max_length = 0); Detect encoding by parsing "<meta>" tags in html. Returns encoding id, if success. And returns HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED if fail. See for more info: < m-to-determine-its-encoding> my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectByPrescanStream(' <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> '); my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); print $encoding; # WINDOWS-1251 detectByCharset my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectByCharset($text, $max_length = 0); Extracting character encoding from string. Find "charset=" and see encoding. Return found raw data. For example: "text/html; charset=windows-1251". Return HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1251 And returns HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED if fail. See for more info: < r-extracting-a-character-encoding-from-a-meta-element> my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectByPrescanStream(' <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> '); my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); print $encoding; # WINDOWS-1251 detectBomAndCut my ($encoding_id, $new_text) = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectBomAndCut($text, $max_length = 0); Returns array with encoding id and new text without BOM. If fail, then encoding id equal HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED. my ($encoding_id, $new_text) = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectBomAndCut("\xEF\xBB\xBFололо"); my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); print $encoding; # UTF-8 print $new_text; # ололо NAMESPACES Supported namespace names html, matml, svg, xlink, xml, xmlns Supported namespace id constants HTML5::DOM->NS_UNDEF HTML5::DOM->NS_HTML HTML5::DOM->NS_MATHML HTML5::DOM->NS_SVG HTML5::DOM->NS_XLINK HTML5::DOM->NS_XML HTML5::DOM->NS_XMLNS HTML5::DOM->NS_ANY HTML5::DOM->NS_LAST_ENTRY TAGS HTML5::DOM->TAG__UNDEF HTML5::DOM->TAG__TEXT HTML5::DOM->TAG__COMMENT HTML5::DOM->TAG__DOCTYPE HTML5::DOM->TAG_A HTML5::DOM->TAG_ABBR HTML5::DOM->TAG_ACRONYM HTML5::DOM->TAG_ADDRESS HTML5::DOM->TAG_ANNOTATION_XML HTML5::DOM->TAG_APPLET HTML5::DOM->TAG_AREA HTML5::DOM->TAG_ARTICLE HTML5::DOM->TAG_ASIDE HTML5::DOM->TAG_AUDIO HTML5::DOM->TAG_B HTML5::DOM->TAG_BASE HTML5::DOM->TAG_BASEFONT HTML5::DOM->TAG_BDI HTML5::DOM->TAG_BDO HTML5::DOM->TAG_BGSOUND HTML5::DOM->TAG_BIG HTML5::DOM->TAG_BLINK HTML5::DOM->TAG_BLOCKQUOTE HTML5::DOM->TAG_BODY HTML5::DOM->TAG_BR HTML5::DOM->TAG_BUTTON HTML5::DOM->TAG_CANVAS HTML5::DOM->TAG_CAPTION HTML5::DOM->TAG_CENTER HTML5::DOM->TAG_CITE HTML5::DOM->TAG_CODE HTML5::DOM->TAG_COL HTML5::DOM->TAG_COLGROUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_COMMAND HTML5::DOM->TAG_COMMENT HTML5::DOM->TAG_DATALIST HTML5::DOM->TAG_DD HTML5::DOM->TAG_DEL HTML5::DOM->TAG_DETAILS HTML5::DOM->TAG_DFN HTML5::DOM->TAG_DIALOG HTML5::DOM->TAG_DIR HTML5::DOM->TAG_DIV HTML5::DOM->TAG_DL HTML5::DOM->TAG_DT HTML5::DOM->TAG_EM HTML5::DOM->TAG_EMBED HTML5::DOM->TAG_FIELDSET HTML5::DOM->TAG_FIGCAPTION HTML5::DOM->TAG_FIGURE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FONT HTML5::DOM->TAG_FOOTER HTML5::DOM->TAG_FORM HTML5::DOM->TAG_FRAME HTML5::DOM->TAG_FRAMESET HTML5::DOM->TAG_H1 HTML5::DOM->TAG_H2 HTML5::DOM->TAG_H3 HTML5::DOM->TAG_H4 HTML5::DOM->TAG_H5 HTML5::DOM->TAG_H6 HTML5::DOM->TAG_HEAD HTML5::DOM->TAG_HEADER HTML5::DOM->TAG_HGROUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_HR HTML5::DOM->TAG_HTML HTML5::DOM->TAG_I HTML5::DOM->TAG_IFRAME HTML5::DOM->TAG_IMAGE HTML5::DOM->TAG_IMG HTML5::DOM->TAG_INPUT HTML5::DOM->TAG_INS HTML5::DOM->TAG_ISINDEX HTML5::DOM->TAG_KBD HTML5::DOM->TAG_KEYGEN HTML5::DOM->TAG_LABEL HTML5::DOM->TAG_LEGEND HTML5::DOM->TAG_LI HTML5::DOM->TAG_LINK HTML5::DOM->TAG_LISTING HTML5::DOM->TAG_MAIN HTML5::DOM->TAG_MAP HTML5::DOM->TAG_MARK HTML5::DOM->TAG_MARQUEE HTML5::DOM->TAG_MENU HTML5::DOM->TAG_MENUITEM HTML5::DOM->TAG_META HTML5::DOM->TAG_METER HTML5::DOM->TAG_MTEXT HTML5::DOM->TAG_NAV HTML5::DOM->TAG_NOBR HTML5::DOM->TAG_NOEMBED HTML5::DOM->TAG_NOFRAMES HTML5::DOM->TAG_NOSCRIPT HTML5::DOM->TAG_OBJECT HTML5::DOM->TAG_OL HTML5::DOM->TAG_OPTGROUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_OPTION HTML5::DOM->TAG_OUTPUT HTML5::DOM->TAG_P HTML5::DOM->TAG_PARAM HTML5::DOM->TAG_PLAINTEXT HTML5::DOM->TAG_PRE HTML5::DOM->TAG_PROGRESS HTML5::DOM->TAG_Q HTML5::DOM->TAG_RB HTML5::DOM->TAG_RP HTML5::DOM->TAG_RT HTML5::DOM->TAG_RTC HTML5::DOM->TAG_RUBY HTML5::DOM->TAG_S HTML5::DOM->TAG_SAMP HTML5::DOM->TAG_SCRIPT HTML5::DOM->TAG_SECTION HTML5::DOM->TAG_SELECT HTML5::DOM->TAG_SMALL HTML5::DOM->TAG_SOURCE HTML5::DOM->TAG_SPAN HTML5::DOM->TAG_STRIKE HTML5::DOM->TAG_STRONG HTML5::DOM->TAG_STYLE HTML5::DOM->TAG_SUB HTML5::DOM->TAG_SUMMARY HTML5::DOM->TAG_SUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_SVG HTML5::DOM->TAG_TABLE HTML5::DOM->TAG_TBODY HTML5::DOM->TAG_TD HTML5::DOM->TAG_TEMPLATE HTML5::DOM->TAG_TEXTAREA HTML5::DOM->TAG_TFOOT HTML5::DOM->TAG_TH HTML5::DOM->TAG_THEAD HTML5::DOM->TAG_TIME HTML5::DOM->TAG_TITLE HTML5::DOM->TAG_TR HTML5::DOM->TAG_TRACK HTML5::DOM->TAG_TT HTML5::DOM->TAG_U HTML5::DOM->TAG_UL HTML5::DOM->TAG_VAR HTML5::DOM->TAG_VIDEO HTML5::DOM->TAG_WBR HTML5::DOM->TAG_XMP HTML5::DOM->TAG_ALTGLYPH HTML5::DOM->TAG_ALTGLYPHDEF HTML5::DOM->TAG_ALTGLYPHITEM HTML5::DOM->TAG_ANIMATE HTML5::DOM->TAG_ANIMATECOLOR HTML5::DOM->TAG_ANIMATEMOTION HTML5::DOM->TAG_ANIMATETRANSFORM HTML5::DOM->TAG_CIRCLE HTML5::DOM->TAG_CLIPPATH HTML5::DOM->TAG_COLOR_PROFILE HTML5::DOM->TAG_CURSOR HTML5::DOM->TAG_DEFS HTML5::DOM->TAG_DESC HTML5::DOM->TAG_ELLIPSE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEBLEND HTML5::DOM->TAG_FECOLORMATRIX HTML5::DOM->TAG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER HTML5::DOM->TAG_FECOMPOSITE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FECONVOLVEMATRIX HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEDIFFUSELIGHTING HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEDISPLACEMENTMAP HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEDISTANTLIGHT HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEDROPSHADOW HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEFLOOD HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEFUNCA HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEFUNCB HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEFUNCG HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEFUNCR HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEGAUSSIANBLUR HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEIMAGE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEMERGE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEMERGENODE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEMORPHOLOGY HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEOFFSET HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEPOINTLIGHT HTML5::DOM->TAG_FESPECULARLIGHTING HTML5::DOM->TAG_FESPOTLIGHT HTML5::DOM->TAG_FETILE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FETURBULENCE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FILTER HTML5::DOM->TAG_FONT_FACE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FONT_FACE_FORMAT HTML5::DOM->TAG_FONT_FACE_NAME HTML5::DOM->TAG_FONT_FACE_SRC HTML5::DOM->TAG_FONT_FACE_URI HTML5::DOM->TAG_FOREIGNOBJECT HTML5::DOM->TAG_G HTML5::DOM->TAG_GLYPH HTML5::DOM->TAG_GLYPHREF HTML5::DOM->TAG_HKERN HTML5::DOM->TAG_LINE HTML5::DOM->TAG_LINEARGRADIENT HTML5::DOM->TAG_MARKER HTML5::DOM->TAG_MASK HTML5::DOM->TAG_METADATA HTML5::DOM->TAG_MISSING_GLYPH HTML5::DOM->TAG_MPATH HTML5::DOM->TAG_PATH HTML5::DOM->TAG_PATTERN HTML5::DOM->TAG_POLYGON HTML5::DOM->TAG_POLYLINE HTML5::DOM->TAG_RADIALGRADIENT HTML5::DOM->TAG_RECT HTML5::DOM->TAG_SET HTML5::DOM->TAG_STOP HTML5::DOM->TAG_SWITCH HTML5::DOM->TAG_SYMBOL HTML5::DOM->TAG_TEXT HTML5::DOM->TAG_TEXTPATH HTML5::DOM->TAG_TREF HTML5::DOM->TAG_TSPAN HTML5::DOM->TAG_USE HTML5::DOM->TAG_VIEW HTML5::DOM->TAG_VKERN HTML5::DOM->TAG_MATH HTML5::DOM->TAG_MACTION HTML5::DOM->TAG_MALIGNGROUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_MALIGNMARK HTML5::DOM->TAG_MENCLOSE HTML5::DOM->TAG_MERROR HTML5::DOM->TAG_MFENCED HTML5::DOM->TAG_MFRAC HTML5::DOM->TAG_MGLYPH HTML5::DOM->TAG_MI HTML5::DOM->TAG_MLABELEDTR HTML5::DOM->TAG_MLONGDIV HTML5::DOM->TAG_MMULTISCRIPTS HTML5::DOM->TAG_MN HTML5::DOM->TAG_MO HTML5::DOM->TAG_MOVER HTML5::DOM->TAG_MPADDED HTML5::DOM->TAG_MPHANTOM HTML5::DOM->TAG_MROOT HTML5::DOM->TAG_MROW HTML5::DOM->TAG_MS HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSCARRIES HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSCARRY HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSGROUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSLINE HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSPACE HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSQRT HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSROW HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSTACK HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSTYLE HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSUB HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSUBSUP HTML5::DOM->TAG__END_OF_FILE HTML5::DOM->TAG_LAST_ENTRY ENCODINGS Supported encoding names AUTO, NOT-DETERMINED, X-USER-DEFINED, BIG5, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, GB18030, GBK, IBM866, MACINTOSH, X-MAC-CYRILLIC, SHIFT_JIS, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-8859-10, ISO-8859-13, ISO-8859-14, ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-16, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-3, ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-6, ISO-8859-7, ISO-8859-8, ISO-8859-8-I, WINDOWS-1250, WINDOWS-1251, WINDOWS-1252, WINDOWS-1253, WINDOWS-1254, WINDOWS-1255, WINDOWS-1256, WINDOWS-1257, WINDOWS-1258, WINDOWS-874, UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, KOI8-R, KOI8-U Supported encoding id consts HTML5::DOM::Encoding->DEFAULT HTML5::DOM::Encoding->AUTO HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED HTML5::DOM::Encoding->UTF_8 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->UTF_16LE HTML5::DOM::Encoding->UTF_16BE HTML5::DOM::Encoding->X_USER_DEFINED HTML5::DOM::Encoding->BIG5 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->EUC_JP HTML5::DOM::Encoding->EUC_KR HTML5::DOM::Encoding->GB18030 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->GBK HTML5::DOM::Encoding->IBM866 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_2022_JP HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_10 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_13 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_14 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_15 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_16 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_2 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_3 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_4 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_5 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_6 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_7 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_8 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_8_I HTML5::DOM::Encoding->KOI8_R HTML5::DOM::Encoding->KOI8_U HTML5::DOM::Encoding->MACINTOSH HTML5::DOM::Encoding->SHIFT_JIS HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1250 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1251 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1252 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1253 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1254 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1255 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1256 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1257 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1258 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_874 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->X_MAC_CYRILLIC HTML5::DOM::Encoding->LAST_ENTRY PARSER OPTIONS Options for: * HTML5::DOM::new * HTML5::DOM::parse * HTML5::DOM::parseChunkEnd * HTML5::DOM::Tree::parseFragment threads Threads count, if < 2 - parsing in single mode without threads (default 0) This option affects only for HTML5::DOM::new. Originaly, MyHTML <> can use mulithread parsing. But in real cases this mode slower than single mode (threads=0). Result speed very OS-specific and depends on input html. Not recommended use if don't known what you do. Single mode faster in 99.9% cases. ignore_whitespace Ignore whitespace tokens (default 0) ignore_doctype Do not parse DOCTYPE (default 0) scripts If 1 - <noscript> contents parsed to single text node (default) If 0 - <noscript> contents parsed to child nodes encoding Encoding of input HTML, if "auto" - library can tree to automaticaly determine encoding. (default "auto") Allowed both encoding name or id. default_encoding Default encoding, this affects only if "encoding" set to "auto" and encoding not determined. (default "UTF-8") Allowed both encoding name or id. See for available encodings: "ENCODINGS" encoding_use_meta Allow use "<meta>" tags to determine input HTML encoding. (default 1) See detectByPrescanStream. encoding_prescan_limit Limit string length to determine encoding by "<meta>" tags. (default 1024, from spec) See detectByPrescanStream. encoding_use_bom Allow use detecding BOM to determine input HTML encoding. (default 1) See detectBomAndCut. HTML5 support Tested with html5lib-tests <> test total ok fail skip ------------------------------------------------------------- menuitem-element.dat 19 16 3 0 tests11.dat 12 11 1 0 math.dat 7 7 0 0 plain-text-unsafe.dat 32 32 0 0 webkit01.dat 48 48 0 0 tests9.dat 26 26 0 0 tests_innerHTML_1.dat 84 84 0 0 scriptdata01.dat 26 26 0 0 tests4.dat 6 6 0 0 noscript01.dat 17 17 0 0 entities01.dat 74 74 0 0 tests14.dat 6 6 0 0 domjs-unsafe.dat 48 48 0 0 tests10.dat 53 53 0 0 ruby.dat 20 20 0 0 tests12.dat 1 1 0 0 comments01.dat 13 13 0 0 main-element.dat 2 2 0 0 entities02.dat 25 25 0 0 template.dat 107 107 0 0 tables01.dat 16 16 0 0 tests15.dat 13 13 0 0 tests16.dat 196 196 0 0 tests25.dat 25 25 0 0 pending-spec-changes.dat 2 2 0 0 tests23.dat 4 4 0 0 tricky01.dat 8 8 0 0 tests1.dat 112 112 0 0 html5test-com.dat 23 23 0 0 tests22.dat 4 4 0 0 tests26.dat 15 15 0 0 tests6.dat 51 51 0 0 tests5.dat 16 16 0 0 isindex.dat 3 3 0 0 tests20.dat 43 43 0 0 doctype01.dat 36 36 0 0 tests21.dat 24 24 0 0 foreign-fragment.dat 57 57 0 0 tests18.dat 35 35 0 0 tests8.dat 9 9 0 0 inbody01.dat 3 3 0 0 tests7.dat 30 30 0 0 tests24.dat 7 7 0 0 tests2.dat 61 61 0 0 tests17.dat 12 12 0 0 webkit02.dat 20 20 0 0 tests19.dat 104 104 0 0 adoption01.dat 17 17 0 0 tests3.dat 23 23 0 0 blocks.dat 47 47 0 0 adoption02.dat 1 1 0 0 summary 1643 1639 4 0 Tested with "examples/" perl examples/ --dir=../html5lib-tests/tree-construction --colordiff Send patches to lexborisov's MyHTML <> if you want improve this result. BUGS <> SEE ALSO * HTML::MyHTML <> - more low-level myhtml bindings. * Mojo::DOM <> - pure perl HTML5 DOM library with CSS selectors. AUTHOR Kirill Zhumarin <> LICENSE * HTML5::DOM - MIT <> * Modest - LGPL 2.1 <> * MyHTML - LGPL 2.1 <> * MyCSS - LGPL 2.1 <>