=encoding utf8 =head1 NAME L<HTML5::DOM|https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML5::DOM> - Super fast html5 DOM library with css selectors (based on Modest/MyHTML) =for html <a href="https://travis-ci.org/Azq2/perl-html5-dom"><img src="https://travis-ci.org/Azq2/perl-html5-dom.svg?branch=master"></a> <a href="https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML5::DOM"><img src="https://img.shields.io/cpan/v/HTML5-DOM.svg"></a> =head1 SYNOPSIS use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; # create parser object my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; # parse some html my $tree = $parser->parse(' <label>Some list of OS:</label> <ul class="list" data-what="os" title="OS list"> <li>UNIX</li> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li>Windows</li> <li>FreeBSD</li> </ul> '); # find one element by CSS selector my $ul = $tree->at('ul.list'); # prints tag print $ul->tag."\n"; # ul # check if <ul> has class list print "<ul> has class .list\n" if ($ul->classList->has('list')); # add some class $ul->classList->add('os-list'); # prints <ul> classes print $ul->className."\n"; # list os-list # prints <ul> attribute title print $ul->attr("title")."\n"; # OS list # changing <ul> attribute title $ul->attr("title", "OS names list"); # find all os names $ul->find('li')->each(sub { my ($node, $index) = @_; print "OS #$index: ".$node->text."\n"; }); # we can use precompiled selectors my $css_parser = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css_parser->parseSelector('li'); # remove OSX from OS $ul->find($selector)->[2]->remove(); # serialize tree print $tree->html."\n"; # TODO: more examples in SYNOPSIS # But you can explore API documentation. # My lib have simple API, which is intuitively familiar to anyone who used the DOM. =head1 DESCRIPTION L<HTML5::DOM|https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML5::DOM> is a fast HTML5 parser and DOM manipulatin library with CSS4 selectors, fully conformant with the HTML5 specification. It based on L<https://github.com/lexborisov/Modest> as selector engine and L<https://github.com/lexborisov/myhtml> as HTML5 parser. =head3 Key features =over =item * Really fast HTML parsing. =item * Supports parsing by chunks. =item * Fully conformant with the HTML5 specification. =item * Fast CSS4 selectors. =item * Any manipulations using DOM-like API. =item * Auto-detect input encoding. =item * Fully integration in perl and memory management. You don't care about "free" or "destroy". =item * Supports async parsing, with optional event-loop intergration. =item * Perl utf8-enabled strings supports (See L<"WORK WITH UTF8"> for details.) =back =head1 HTML5::DOM HTML5 parser object. =head2 new use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser; # with default options $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; # or override some options, if you need $parser = HTML5::DOM->new({ threads => 0, ignore_whitespace => 0, ignore_doctype => 0, scripts => 0, encoding => "auto", default_encoding => "UTF-8", encoding_use_meta => 1, encoding_use_bom => 1, encoding_prescan_limit => 1024 }); Creates new parser object with options. See L<"PARSER OPTIONS"> for details. =head3 parse use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $html = '<div>Hello world!</div>'; my $tree; # parsing with options defined in HTML5::DOM->new $tree = $parser->parse($html); # parsing with custom options (extends options defined in HTML5::DOM->new) $tree = $parser->parse($html, { scripts => 0, }); Parse html string and return L<HTML5::DOM::Tree|/"HTML5::DOM::Tree"> object. =head3 parseChunkStart use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; # start chunked parsing with options defined in HTML5::DOM->new # call parseChunkStart without options is useless, # because first call of parseChunk automatically call parseChunkStart. $parser->parseChunkStart(); # start chunked parsing with custom options (extends options defined in HTML5::DOM->new) $parser->parseChunkStart({ scripts => 0, }); Init chunked parsing. See L<"PARSER OPTIONS"> for details. =head3 parseChunk use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; $parser->parseChunkStart()->parseChunk('<')->parseChunk('di')->parseChunk('v>'); Parse chunk of html stream. =head3 parseChunkTree use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; # start some chunked parsing $parser->parseChunk('<')->parseChunk('di')->parseChunk('v>'); # get current tree my $tree = $parser->parseChunkTree; print $tree->html."\n"; # <html><head></head><body><div></div></body></html> # more parse html $parser->parseChunk('<div class="red">red div?</div>'); print $tree->html."\n"; # <html><head></head><body><div><div class="red">red div?</div></div></body></html> # end parsing $parser->parseChunkEnd(); print $tree->html."\n"; # <html><head></head><body><div><div class="red">red div?</div></div></body></html> Return current L<HTML5::DOM::Tree|/"HTML5::DOM::Tree"> object (live result of all calls parseChunk). =head3 parseChunkEnd use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; # start some chunked parsing $parser->parseChunk('<')->parseChunk('di')->parseChunk('v>'); # end parsing and get tree my $tree = $parser->parseChunkEnd(); print $tree->html; # <html><head></head><body><div></div></body></html> Completes chunked parsing and return L<HTML5::DOM::Tree|/"HTML5::DOM::Tree"> object. =head3 parseAsync Parsing html in background thread. Can use with different ways: 1. Manual wait parsing completion when you need. use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $html = '<div>Hello world!</div>'; my $async; # start async parsing $async = $parser->parseAsync($html); # or with options $async = $parser->parseAsync($html, { scripts => 0 }); # ...do some work... # wait for parsing done my $tree = $async->wait; # work with tree print $tree->html; C<$async-E<gt>wait> returns L<HTML5::DOM::AsyncResult|/"HTML5::DOM::AsyncResult"> object. 2. Non-blocking check for parsing completion. use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $html = '<div>Hello world!</div>'; my $tree; my $async; # start async parsing $async = $parser->parseAsync($html); # or with options $async = $parser->parseAsync($html, { scripts => 0 }); while (!$async->parsed) { # do some work } $tree = $async->tree; # HTML5::DOM::Tree # work with $tree print $tree->root->at('div')->text."\n"; # Hello world! # or another way # start async parsing $async = $parser->parseAsync($html); # or with options $async = $parser->parseAsync($html, { scripts => 0 }); while (!($tree = $async->tree)) { # do some work } # work with $tree print $tree->root->at('div')->text."\n"; # Hello world! C<$async-E<gt>parsed> returns C<1> if parsing done. Else returns C<0>. C<$async-E<gt>tree> returns L<HTML5::DOM::Tree|/"HTML5::DOM::Tree"> object if parsing done. Else returns C<undef>. 3. Intergation with L<EV|https://metacpan.org/pod/EV> Required packages (only if you want use event loop): =over =item * L<EV|https://metacpan.org/pod/EV> =item * L<AnyEvent::Util|https://metacpan.org/pod/AnyEvent::Util> =back use warnings; use strict; use EV; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $html = '<div>Hello world!</div>'; my $custom_options = { scripts => 0 }; $parser->parseAsync($html, $custom_options, sub { my $tree = shift; # work with $tree print $tree->root->at('div')->text."\n"; # Hello world! }); # do some work EV::loop; Function returns L<HTML5::DOM::AsyncResult|/"HTML5::DOM::AsyncResult"> object. C<$tree> in callback is a L<HTML5::DOM::Tree|/"HTML5::DOM::Tree"> object. 4. Intergation with custom event-loop (example with AnyEvent loop) use warnings; use strict; use AnyEvent; use AnyEvent::Util; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $html = '<div>Hello world!</div>'; my $custom_options = { scripts => 0 }; # create pipe my ($r, $w) = AnyEvent::Util::portable_pipe(); AnyEvent::fh_unblock $r; # fd for parseAsync communications my $write_fd = fileno($w); # after parsing complete module writes to $write_fd: # value "1" - if success # value "0" - if error my $async = $parser->parseAsync($html, $custom_options, $write_fd); # watch for value my $async_watcher; $async_watcher = AE::io $r, 0, sub { <$r>; # read "1" or "0" $async_watcher = undef; # destroy watcher # work with $tree my $tree = $async->wait; print $tree->root->at('div')->text."\n"; # Hello world! }; # ...do some work... AE::cv->recv; C<$tree> in callback is a L<HTML5::DOM::Tree|/"HTML5::DOM::Tree"> object. =head1 HTML5::DOM::Tree DOM tree object. =head3 createElement # create new node with tag "div" my $node = $tree->createElement("div"); # create new node with tag "g" with namespace "svg" my $node = $tree->createElement("div", "svg"); Create new L<HTML5::DOM::Element|/"HTML5::DOM::Element"> with specified tag and namespace. =head3 createComment # create new comment my $node = $tree->createComment(" ololo "); print $node->html; # <!-- ololo --> Create new L<HTML5::DOM::Comment|/"HTML5::DOM::Comment"> with specified value. =head3 createTextNode # create new text node my $node = $tree->createTextNode("psh psh ololo i am driver of ufo >>>"); print $node->html; # psh psh ololo i am driver of ufo >>> Create new L<HTML5::DOM::Text|/"HTML5::DOM::Text"> with specified value. =head3 parseFragment my $fragment = $tree->parseFragment($html); my $fragment = $tree->parseFragment($html, $context); my $fragment = $tree->parseFragment($html, $context, $context_ns); my $fragment = $tree->parseFragment($html, $context, $context_ns, $options); Parse fragment html and create new L<HTML5::DOM::Fragment|/"HTML5::DOM::Fragment">. For more details about fragments: L<https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#parsing-html-fragments> =over =item * C<$html> - html fragment string =item * C<$context> - context tag name, default C<div> =item * C<$context_ns> - context tag namespace, default C<html> =item * C<$options> - parser options See L<"PARSER OPTIONS"> for details. =back # simple create new fragment my $node = $tree->parseFragment("some <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> text"); # create new fragment node with custom context tag/namespace and options my $node = $tree->parseFragment("some <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> text", "div", "html", { # some options override encoding => "windows-1251" }); print $node->html; # some <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> text =head3 document my $node = $tree->document; Return L<HTML5::DOM::Document|/"HTML5::DOM::Document"> node of current tree; =head3 root my $node = $tree->root; Return root node of current tree. (always <html>) =head3 head my $node = $tree->head; Return <head> node of current tree. =head3 body my $node = $tree->body; Return <body> node of current tree. =head3 at =head3 querySelector my $node = $tree->at($selector); my $node = $tree->querySelector($selector); # alias Find one element node in tree using L<CSS Selectors Level 4|https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/> Return node, or C<undef> if not find. =over =item * C<$selector> - selector query as plain text or precompiled as L<HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector|/HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector> or L<HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector|/HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector::Entry>. =back my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue">blue</div>') my $node = $tree->at('body > div.red'); print $node->html; # <div class="red">red</div> =head3 find =head3 querySelectorAll my $collection = $tree->find($selector); my $collection = $tree->querySelectorAll($selector); # alias Find all element nodes in tree using L<CSS Selectors Level 4|https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/> Return L<HTML5::DOM::Collection|/"HTML5::DOM::Collection">. =over =item * C<$selector> - selector query as plain text or precompiled as L<HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector|/HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector> or L<HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector|/HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector::Entry>. =back my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue">blue</div>') my $collection = $tree->at('body > div.red, body > div.blue'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red">blue</div> =head3 findId =head3 getElementById my $collection = $tree->findId($tag); my $collection = $tree->getElementById($tag); # alias Find element node with specified id. Return L<HTML5::DOM::Node|/"HTML5::DOM::Node"> or C<undef>. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue" id="test">blue</div>') my $node = $tree->findId('test'); print $node->html; # <div class="blue" id="test">blue</div> =head3 findTag =head3 getElementsByTagName my $collection = $tree->findTag($tag); my $collection = $tree->getElementsByTagName($tag); # alias Find all element nodes in tree with specified tag name. Return L<HTML5::DOM::Collection|/"HTML5::DOM::Collection">. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue">blue</div>') my $collection = $tree->findTag('div'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red">blue</div> =head3 findClass =head3 getElementsByClassName my $collection = $tree->findClass($class); my $collection = $tree->getElementsByClassName($class); # alias Find all element nodes in tree with specified class name. This is more fast equivalent to [class~="value"] selector. Return L<HTML5::DOM::Collection|/"HTML5::DOM::Collection">. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new ->parse('<div class="red color">red</div><div class="blue color">blue</div>'); my $collection = $tree->findClass('color'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red color">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red color">blue</div> =head3 findAttr =head3 getElementByAttribute # Find all elements with attribute my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute); my $collection = $tree->getElementByAttribute($attribute); # alias # Find all elements with attribute and mathcing value my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, $case = 0, $cmp = '='); my $collection = $tree->getElementByAttribute($attribute, $value, $case = 0, $cmp = '='); # alias Find all element nodes in tree with specified attribute and optional matching value. Return L<HTML5::DOM::Collection|/"HTML5::DOM::Collection">. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new ->parse('<div class="red color">red</div><div class="blue color">blue</div>'); my $collection = $tree->findAttr('class', 'CoLoR', 1, '~'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red color">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red color">blue</div> CSS selector analogs: # [$attribute=$value] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '='); # [$attribute=$value i] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 1, '='); # [$attribute~=$value] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '~'); # [$attribute|=$value] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '|'); # [$attribute*=$value] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '*'); # [$attribute^=$value] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '^'); # [$attribute$=$value] my $collection = $tree->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '$'); =head3 encoding =head3 encodingId print "encoding: ".$tree->encoding."\n"; # UTF-8 print "encodingId: ".$tree->encodingId."\n"; # 0 Return current tree encoding. See L<"ENCODINGS"> for details. =head3 tag2id print "tag id: ".HTML5::DOM->TAG_A."\n"; # tag id: 4 print "tag id: ".$tree->tag2id("a")."\n"; # tag id: 4 Convert tag name to id. Return 0 (HTML5::DOM->TAG__UNDEF), if tag not exists in tree. See L<"TAGS"> for tag constants list. =head3 id2tag print "tag name: ".$tree->id2tag(4)."\n"; # tag name: a print "tag name: ".$tree->id2tag(HTML5::DOM->TAG_A)."\n"; # tag name: a Convert tag id to name. Return C<undef>, if tag id not exists in tree. See L<"TAGS"> for tag constants list. =head3 namespace2id print "ns id: ".HTML5::DOM->NS_HTML."\n"; # ns id: 1 print "ns id: ".$tree->namespace2id("html")."\n"; # ns id: 1 Convert namespace name to id. Return 0 (HTML5::DOM->NS_UNDEF), if namespace not exists in tree. See L<"NAMESPACES"> for namespace constants list. =head3 id2namespace print "ns name: ".$tree->id2namespace(1)."\n"; # ns name: html print "ns name: ".$tree->id2namespace(HTML5::DOM->NS_HTML)."\n"; # ns name: html Convert namespace id to name. Return C<undef>, if namespace id not exists. See L<"NAMESPACES"> for namespace constants list. =head3 parser my $parser = $tree->parser; Return parent L<HTML5::DOM|/"HTML5::DOM">. =head3 utf8 As getter - get C<1> if all methods returns all strings with utf8 flag. Example with utf8: use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; use utf8; my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse("<b>теÑÑ‚</b>"); my $is_utf8_enabled = $tree->utf8; print "is_utf8_enabled=".($tree ? "true" : "false")."\n"; # true Or example with bytes: use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse("<b>теÑÑ‚</b>"); my $is_utf8_enabled = $tree->utf8; print "is_utf8_enabled=".($tree ? "true" : "false")."\n"; # false As setter - enable or disable utf8 flag on all returned strings. use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; use utf8; my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse("<b>теÑÑ‚</b>"); print "is_utf8_enabled=".($tree->utf8 ? "true" : "false")."\n"; # true print length($tree->at('b')->text)." chars\n"; # 4 chars $selector->utf8(0); print "is_utf8_enabled=".($tree->utf8 ? "true" : "false")."\n"; # false print length($tree->at('b')->text)." bytes\n"; # 8 bytes =head1 HTML5::DOM::Node DOM node object. =head3 tag =head3 nodeName my $tag_name = $node->tag; my $tag_name = $node->nodeName; # uppercase my $tag_name = $node->tagName; # uppercase Return node tag name (eg. div or span) $node->tag($tag); $node->nodeName($tag); # alias $node->tagName($tag); # alias Set new node tag name. Allow only for L<HTML5::DOM::Element|/"HTML5::DOM::Element"> nodes. print $node->html; # <div></div> $node->tag('span'); print $node->html; # <span></span> print $node->tag; # span print $node->tag; # SPAN =head3 tagId my $tag_id = $node->tagId; Return node tag id. See L<"TAGS"> for tag constants list. $node->tagId($tag_id); Set new node tag id. Allow only for L<HTML5::DOM::Element|/"HTML5::DOM::Element"> nodes. print $node->html; # <div></div> $node->tagId(HTML5::DOM->TAG_SPAN); print $node->html; # <span></span> print $node->tagId; # 117 =head3 namespace my $tag_ns = $node->namespace; Return node namespace (eg. html or svg) $node->namespace($namespace); Set new node namespace name. Allow only for L<HTML5::DOM::Element|/"HTML5::DOM::Element"> nodes. print $node->namespace; # html $node->namespace('svg'); print $node->namespace; # svg =head3 namespaceId my $tag_ns_id = $node->namespaceId; Return node namespace id. See L<"NAMESPACES"> for tag constants list. $node->namespaceId($tag_id); Set new node namespace by id. Allow only for L<HTML5::DOM::Element|/"HTML5::DOM::Element"> nodes. print $node->namespace; # html $node->namespaceId(HTML5::DOM->NS_SVG); print $node->namespaceId; # 3 print $node->namespace; # svg =head3 tree my $tree = $node->tree; Return parent L<HTML5::DOM::Tree|/"HTML5::DOM::Tree">. =head3 nodeType my $type = $node->nodeType; Return node type. All types: HTML5::DOM->ELEMENT_NODE => 1, HTML5::DOM->ATTRIBUTE_NODE => 2, # not supported HTML5::DOM->TEXT_NODE => 3, HTML5::DOM->CDATA_SECTION_NODE => 4, # not supported HTML5::DOM->ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE => 5, # not supported HTML5::DOM->ENTITY_NODE => 6, # not supported HTML5::DOM->PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE => 7, # not supported HTML5::DOM->COMMENT_NODE => 8, HTML5::DOM->DOCUMENT_NODE => 9, HTML5::DOM->DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE => 10, HTML5::DOM->DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE => 11, HTML5::DOM->NOTATION_NODE => 12 # not supported Compatible with: L<https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/docs/Web/API/Node/nodeType> =head3 next =head3 nextElementSibling my $node2 = $node->next; my $node2 = $node->nextElementSibling; # alias Return next sibling element node my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li>Windows</li> </ul> '); my $li = $tree->at('ul li'); print $li->text; # Linux print $li->next->text; # OSX print $li->next->next->text; # Windows =head3 prev =head3 previousElementSibling my $node2 = $node->prev; my $node2 = $node->previousElementSibling; # alias Return previous sibling element node my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li class="win">Windows</li> </ul> '); my $li = $tree->at('ul li.win'); print $li->text; # Windows print $li->prev->text; # OSX print $li->prev->prev->text; # Linux =head3 nextNode =head3 nextSibling my $node2 = $node->nextNode; my $node2 = $node->nextSibling; # alias Return next sibling node my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li>Windows</li> </ul> '); my $li = $tree->at('ul li'); print $li->text; # Linux print $li->nextNode->text; # <!-- comment --> print $li->nextNode->nextNode->text; # OSX =head3 prevNode =head3 previousSibling my $node2 = $node->prevNode; my $node2 = $node->previousSibling; # alias Return previous sibling node my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li class="win">Windows</li> </ul> '); my $li = $tree->at('ul li.win'); print $li->text; # Windows print $li->prevNode->text; # OSX print $li->prevNode->prevNode->text; # <!-- comment --> =head3 first =head3 firstElementChild my $node2 = $node->first; my $node2 = $node->firstElementChild; # alias Return first children element my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <!-- comment --> <li>Linux</li> <li>OSX</li> <li class="win">Windows</li> </ul> '); my $ul = $tree->at('ul'); print $ul->first->text; # Linux =head3 last =head3 lastElementChild my $node2 = $node->last; my $node2 = $node->lastElementChild; # alias Return last children element my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <li>OSX</li> <li class="win">Windows</li> <!-- comment --> </ul> '); my $ul = $tree->at('ul'); print $ul->last->text; # Windows =head3 firstNode =head3 firstChild my $node2 = $node->firstNode; my $node2 = $node->firstChild; # alias Return first children node my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <!-- comment --> <li>Linux</li> <li>OSX</li> <li class="win">Windows</li> </ul> '); my $ul = $tree->at('ul'); print $ul->firstNode->html; # <!-- comment --> =head3 lastNode =head3 lastChild my $node2 = $node->lastNode; my $node2 = $node->lastChild; # alias Return last children node my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <li>OSX</li> <li class="win">Windows</li> <!-- comment --> </ul> '); my $ul = $tree->at('ul'); print $ul->lastNode->html; # <!-- comment --> =head3 html Universal html serialization and fragment parsing acessor, for single human-friendly api. my $html = $node->html(); my $node = $node->html($new_html); =over =item * As getter this similar to L<outerText|/outerText> =item * As setter this similar to L<innerText|/innerText> =item * As setter for non-element nodes this similar to L<nodeValue|/nodeValue> =back my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some text <b>bold</b></div>'); # get text content for element my $node = $tree->at('#test'); print $node->html; # <div id="test">some text <b>bold</b></div> $comment->html('<b>new</b>'); print $comment->html; # <div id="test"><b>new</b></div> my $comment = $tree->createComment(" comment text "); print $comment->html; # <!-- comment text --> $comment->html(' new comment text '); print $comment->html; # <!-- new comment text --> my $text_node = $tree->createTextNode("plain text >"); print $text_node->html; # plain text > $text_node->html('new>plain>text'); print $text_node->html; # new>plain>text =head3 innerHTML =head3 outerHTML =over =item * HTML serialization of the node's descendants. my $html = $node->html; my $html = $node->outerHTML; Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->getElementById('test')->outerHTML; # <div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div> print $tree->createComment(' test ')->outerHTML; # <!-- test --> print $tree->createTextNode('test')->outerHTML; # test =item * HTML serialization of the node and its descendants. # serialize descendants, without node my $html = $node->innerHTML; Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->getElementById('test')->innerHTML; # some <b>bold</b> test print $tree->createComment(' test ')->innerHTML; # <!-- test --> print $tree->createTextNode('test')->innerHTML; # test =item * Removes all of the element's descendants and replaces them with nodes constructed by parsing the HTML given in the string B<$new_html>. # parse fragment and replace child nodes with it my $html = $node->html($new_html); my $html = $node->innerHTML($new_html); Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->at('#test')->innerHTML('<i>italic</i>'); print $tree->body->innerHTML; # <div id="test"><i>italic</i></div> =item * HTML serialization of entire document my $html = $tree->document->html; my $html = $node->document->outerHTML; Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<!DOCTYPE html><div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->document->outerHTML; # <!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div></body></html> =item * Replaces the element and all of its descendants with a new DOM tree constructed by parsing the specified B<$new_html>. # parse fragment and node in parent node childs with it my $html = $node->outerHTML($new_html); Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->at('#test')->outerHTML('<i>italic</i>'); print $tree->body->innerHTML; # <i>italic</i> =back See, for more info: L<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/innerHTML> L<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/outerHTML> =head3 text Universal text acessor, for single human-friendly api. my $text = $node->text(); my $node = $node->text($new_text); =over =item * For L<HTML5::DOM::Text|/"HTML5::DOM::Text"> is similar to L<nodeValue|/nodeValue> (as setter/getter) =item * For L<HTML5::DOM::Comment|/"HTML5::DOM::Comment"> is similar to L<nodeValue|/nodeValue> (as setter/getter) =item * For L<HTML5::DOM::DocType|/"HTML5::DOM::DocType"> is similar to L<nodeValue|/nodeValue> (as setter/getter) =item * For L<HTML5::DOM::Element|/"HTML5::DOM::Element"> is similar to L<textContent|/textContent> (as setter/getter) =back my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some text <b>bold</b></div>'); # get text content for element my $node = $tree->at('#test'); print $node->text; # some text bold $comment->text('<new node content>'); print $comment->html; # <new node conten> my $comment = $tree->createComment("comment text"); print $comment->text; # comment text $comment->text(' new comment text '); print $comment->html; # <!-- new comment text --> my $text_node = $tree->createTextNode("plain text"); print $text_node->text; # plain text $text_node->text('new>plain>text'); print $text_node->html; # new>plain>text =head3 innerText =head3 outerText =head3 textContent =over =item * Represents the "rendered" text content of a node and its descendants. Using default CSS "display" property for tags based on Firefox user-agent style. Only works for elements, for other nodes return C<undef>. my $text = $node->innerText; my $text = $node->outerText; # alias Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div id="test"> some <b> bold </b> test <script>alert()</script> </div> '); print $tree->body->innerText; # some bold test See, for more info: L<https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#the-innertext-idl-attribute> =item * Removes all of its children and replaces them with a text nodes and <br> with the given value. Only works for elements, for other nodes throws exception. =over =item * All new line chars (\r\n, \r, \n) replaces to <br /> =item * All other text content replaces to text nodes =back my $node = $node->innerText($text); Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some text <b>bold</b></div>'); $tree->at('#test')->innerText("some\nnew\ntext >"); print $tree->at('#test')->html; # <div id="test">some<br />new<br />text ></div> See, for more info: L<https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/dom.html#the-innertext-idl-attribute> =item * Removes the current node and replaces it with the given text. Only works for elements, for other nodes throws exception. =over =item * All new line chars (\r\n, \r, \n) replaces to <br /> =item * All other text content replaces to text nodes =item * Similar to innerText($text), but removes current node =back my $node = $node->outerText($text); Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some text <b>bold</b></div>'); $tree->at('#test')->outerText("some\nnew\ntext >"); print $tree->body->html; # <body>some<br />new<br />text ></body> See, for more info: L<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/outerText> =item * Represents the text content of a node and its descendants. Only works for elements, for other nodes return C<undef>. my $text = $node->text; my $text = $node->textContent; # alias Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<b> test </b><script>alert()</script>'); print $tree->body->text; # test alert() See, for more info: L<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent> =item * Removes all of its children and replaces them with a single text node with the given value. my $node = $node->text($new_text); my $node = $node->textContent($new_text); Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->at('#test')->text('<bla bla bla>'); print $tree->at('#test')->html; # <div id="test"><bla bla bla></div> See, for more info: L<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent> =back =head3 nodeHtml my $html = $node->nodeHtml(); Serialize to html, without descendants and closing tag. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div id="test">some <b>bold</b> test</div>'); print $tree->at('#test')->nodeHtml(); # <div id="test"> =head3 nodeValue =head3 data my $value = $node->nodeValue(); my $value = $node->data(); # alias my $node = $node->nodeValue($new_value); my $node = $node->data($new_value); # alias Get or set value of node. Only works for non-element nodes, such as L<HTML5::DOM::Element|/"HTML5::DOM::Text">, L<HTML5::DOM::Element|/"HTML5::DOM::DocType">, L<HTML5::DOM::Element|/"HTML5::DOM::Comment">. Return C<undef> for other. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(''); my $comment = $tree->createComment("comment text"); print $comment->nodeValue; # comment text $comment->nodeValue(' new comment text '); print $comment->html; # <!-- new comment text --> =head3 isConnected my $flag = $node->isConnected; Return true, if node has parent. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div id="test"></div> '); print $tree->at('#test')->isConnected; # 1 print $tree->createElement("div")->isConnected; # 0 =head3 parent =head3 parentElement my $node = $node->parent; my $node = $node->parentElement; # alias Return parent node. Return C<undef>, if node detached. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div id="test"></div> '); print $tree->at('#test')->parent->tag; # body =head3 document =head3 ownerDocument my $doc = $node->document; my $doc = $node->ownerDocument; # alias Return parent L<HTML5::DOM::Document|/"HTML5::DOM::Document">. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div id="test"></div> '); print ref($tree->at('#test')->document); # HTML5::DOM::Document =head3 append =head3 appendChild my $node = $node->append($child); my $child = $node->appendChild($child); # alias Append node to child nodes. B<append> - returned value is the self node, for chain calls B<appendChild> - returned value is the appended child except when the given child is a L<HTML5::DOM::Fragment|/"HTML5::DOM::Fragment">, in which case the empty L<HTML5::DOM::Fragment|/"HTML5::DOM::Fragment"> is returned. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); $tree->at('div') ->append($tree->createElement('br')) ->append($tree->createElement('br')); print $tree->at('div')->html; # <div>some <b>bold</b> text<br /><br /></div> =head3 prepend =head3 prependChild my $node = $node->prepend($child); my $child = $node->prependChild($child); # alias Prepend node to child nodes. B<prepend> - returned value is the self node, for chain calls B<prependChild> - returned value is the prepended child except when the given child is a L<HTML5::DOM::Fragment|/"HTML5::DOM::Fragment">, in which case the empty L<HTML5::DOM::Fragment|/"HTML5::DOM::Fragment"> is returned. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); $tree->at('div') ->prepend($tree->createElement('br')) ->prepend($tree->createElement('br')); print $tree->at('div')->html; # <div><br /><br />some <b>bold</b> text</div> =head3 replace =head3 replaceChild my $old_node = $old_node->replace($new_node); my $old_node = $old_node->parent->replaceChild($new_node, $old_node); # alias Replace node in parent child nodes. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); my $old = $tree->at('b')->replace($tree->createElement('br')); print $old->html; # <b>bold</b> print $tree->at('div')->html; # <div>some <br /> text</div> =head3 before =head3 insertBefore my $node = $node->before($new_node); my $new_node = $node->parent->insertBefore($new_node, $node); # alias Insert new node before current node. B<before> - returned value is the self node, for chain calls B<insertBefore> - returned value is the added child except when the given child is a L<HTML5::DOM::Fragment|/"HTML5::DOM::Fragment">, in which case the empty L<HTML5::DOM::Fragment|/"HTML5::DOM::Fragment"> is returned. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); $tree->at('b')->before($tree->createElement('br')); print $tree->at('div')->html; # <div>some <br /><b>bold</b> text</div> =head3 after =head3 insertAfter my $node = $node->after($new_node); my $new_node = $node->parent->insertAfter($new_node, $node); # alias Insert new node after current node. B<after> - returned value is the self node, for chain calls B<insertAfter> - returned value is the added child except when the given child is a L<HTML5::DOM::Fragment|/"HTML5::DOM::Fragment">, in which case the empty L<HTML5::DOM::Fragment|/"HTML5::DOM::Fragment"> is returned. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); $tree->at('b')->after($tree->createElement('br')); print $tree->at('div')->html; # <div>some <b>bold</b><br /> text</div> =head3 remove =head3 removeChild my $node = $node->remove; my $node = $node->parent->removeChild($node); # alias Remove node from parent. Return removed node. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); print $tree->at('b')->remove->html; # <b>bold</b> print $tree->at('div')->html; # <div>some text</div> =head3 clone =head3 cloneNode # clone node to current tree my $node = $node->clone($deep = 0); my $node = $node->cloneNode($deep = 0); # alias # clone node to foreign tree my $node = $node->clone($deep, $new_tree); my $node = $node->cloneNode($deep, $new_tree); # alias Clone node. B<deep> = 0 - only specified node, without childs. B<deep> = 1 - deep copy with all child nodes. B<new_tree> - destination tree (if need copy to foreign tree) my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div>some <b>bold</b> text</div> '); print $tree->at('b')->clone(0)->html; # <b></b> print $tree->at('b')->clone(1)->html; # <b>bold</b> =head3 void my $flag = $node->void; Return true if node is void. For more details: L<http://w3c.github.io/html-reference/syntax.html#void-elements> print $tree->createElement('br')->void; # 1 =head3 selfClosed my $flag = $node->selfClosed; Return true if node self closed. print $tree->createElement('br')->selfClosed; # 1 =head3 position my $position = $node->position; Return offsets in input buffer. print Dumper($node->position); # $VAR1 = {'raw_length' => 3, 'raw_begin' => 144, 'element_begin' => 143, 'element_length' => 5} =head3 isSameNode my $flag = $node->isSameNode($other_node); Tests whether two nodes are the same, that is if they reference the same object. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>test</li> <li>not test</li> <li>test</li> </ul> '); my $li = $tree->find('li'); print $li->[0]->isSameNode($li->[0]); # 1 print $li->[0]->isSameNode($li->[1]); # 0 print $li->[0]->isSameNode($li->[2]); # 0 =head1 HTML5::DOM::Element DOM node object for elements. Inherit all methods from L<HTML5::DOM::Node|/HTML5::DOM::Node>. =head3 children my $collection = $node->children; Returns all child elements of current node in L<HTML5::DOM::Collection|/HTML5::DOM::Collection>. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Perl</li> <!-- comment --> <li>PHP</li> <li>C++</li> </ul> '); my $collection = $tree->at('ul')->children; print $collection->[0]->html; # <li>Perl</li> print $collection->[1]->html; # <li>PHP</li> print $collection->[2]->html; # <li>C++</li> =head3 childrenNode =head3 childNodes my $collection = $node->childrenNode; my $collection = $node->childNodes; # alias Returns all child nodes of current node in L<HTML5::DOM::Collection|/HTML5::DOM::Collection>. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Perl</li> <!-- comment --> <li>PHP</li> <li>C++</li> </ul> '); my $collection = $tree->at('ul')->childrenNode; print $collection->[0]->html; # <li>Perl</li> print $collection->[1]->html; # <!-- comment --> print $collection->[2]->html; # <li>PHP</li> print $collection->[3]->html; # <li>C++</li> =head3 attr =head3 removeAttr Universal attributes accessor, for single human-friendly api. # attribute get my $value = $node->attr($key); # attribute set my $node = $node->attr($key, $value); my $node = $node->attr($key => $value); # attribute remove my $node = $node->attr($key, undef); my $node = $node->attr($key => undef); my $node = $node->removeAttr($key); # bulk attributes set my $node = $node->attr({$key => $value, $key2 => $value2}); # bulk attributes remove my $node = $node->attr({$key => undef, $key2 => undef}); # bulk get all attributes in hash my $hash = $node->attr; Example: my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div id="test" data-test="test value" data-href="#"></div> '); my $div = $tree->at('#test'); $div->attr("data-new", "test"); print $div->attr("data-test"); # test value print $div->{"data-test"}; # test value print $div->attr->{"data-test"}; # test value # {id => "test", "data-test" => "test value", "data-href" => "#", "data-new" => "test"} print Dumper($div->attr); $div->removeAttr("data-test"); # {id => "test", "data-href" => "#", "data-new" => "test"} print Dumper($div->attr); =head3 attrArray my $arr = $node->attrArray; Get all attributes in array (in tree order). my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <div id="test" data-test="test value" data-href="#"></div> '); my $div = $tree->at('#test'); # [{key => 'id', value => 'test'}, {key => 'data-test', value => 'test'}, {key => 'data-href', value => '#'}] print Dumper($div->attrArray); =head3 getAttribute my $value = $node->getAttribute($key); my $value = $node->attr($key); # alias Get attribute value by key. =head3 setAttribute my $node = $node->setAttribute($key, $value); my $node = $node->attr($key, $value); # alias Set new value or create new attibute. =head3 removeAttribute my $node = $node->removeAttribute($key); my $node = $node->removeAttr($key); # alias Remove attribute. =head3 className my $classes = $node->className; # alias for my $classes = $node->attr("class"); =head3 classList my $class_list = $node->classList; # has class my $flag = $class_list->has($class_name); my $flag = $class_list->contains($class_name); # add class my $class_list = $class_list->add($class_name); my $class_list = $class_list->add($class_name, $class_name1, $class_name2, ...); # add class my $class_list = $class_list->remove($class_name); my $class_list = $class_list->remove($class_name, $class_name1, $class_name2, ...); # toggle class my $state = $class_list->toggle($class_name); my $state = $class_list->toggle($class_name, $force_state); Manipulations with classes. Returns L<HTML5::DOM::TokenList|/HTML5::DOM::TokenList>. Similar to L<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/classList> my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div>') my $node = $tree->body->at('.red'); print $node->has('red'); # 1 print $node->has('blue'); # 0 $node->add('blue', 'red', 'yellow', 'orange'); print $node->className; # red blue yellow orange $node->remove('blue', 'orange'); print $node->className; # red yellow print $node->toggle('blue'); # 1 print $node->className; # red yellow blue print $node->toggle('blue'); # 0 print $node->className; # red yellow =head3 at =head3 querySelector my $node = $node->at($selector); my $node = $node->at($selector, $combinator); my $node = $node->querySelector($selector); # alias my $node = $node->querySelector($selector, $combinator); # alias Find one element node in current node descendants using L<CSS Selectors Level 4|https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/> Return node, or C<undef> if not find. =over =item * C<$selector> - selector query as plain text or precompiled as L<HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector|/HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector> or L<HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector|/HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector::Entry>. =item * C<$combinator> - custom selector combinator, applies to current node =over =item * C<E<gt>E<gt>> - descendant selector (default) =item * C<E<gt>> - child selector =item * C<+> - adjacent sibling selector =item * C<~> - general sibling selector =item * C<||> - column combinator =back =back my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue">blue</div>') my $node = $tree->body->at('body > div.red'); print $node->html; # <div class="red">red</div> =head3 find =head3 querySelectorAll my $collection = $node->find($selector); my $collection = $node->find($selector, $combinator); my $collection = $node->querySelectorAll($selector); # alias my $collection = $node->querySelectorAll($selector, $combinator); # alias Find all element nodes in current node descendants using L<CSS Selectors Level 4|https://www.w3.org/TR/selectors-4/> Return L<HTML5::DOM::Collection|/"HTML5::DOM::Collection">. =over =item * C<$selector> - selector query as plain text or precompiled as L<HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector|/HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector> or L<HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector|/HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector::Entry>. =item * C<$combinator> - custom selector combinator, applies to current node =over =item * C<E<gt>E<gt>> - descendant selector (default) =item * C<E<gt>> - child selector =item * C<+> - adjacent sibling selector =item * C<~> - general sibling selector =item * C<||> - column combinator =back =back my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue">blue</div>') my $collection = $tree->body->at('body > div.red, body > div.blue'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red">blue</div> =head3 findId =head3 getElementById my $node = $node->findId($tag); my $node = $node->getElementById($tag); # alias Find element node with specified id in current node descendants. Return L<HTML5::DOM::Node|/"HTML5::DOM::Node"> or C<undef>. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue" id="test">blue</div>') my $node = $tree->body->findId('test'); print $node->html; # <div class="blue" id="test">blue</div> =head3 findTag =head3 getElementsByTagName my $node = $node->findTag($tag); my $node = $node->getElementsByTagName($tag); # alias Find all element nodes in current node descendants with specified tag name. Return L<HTML5::DOM::Collection|/"HTML5::DOM::Collection">. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<div class="red">red</div><div class="blue">blue</div>') my $collection = $tree->body->findTag('div'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red">blue</div> =head3 findClass =head3 getElementsByClassName my $collection = $node->findClass($class); my $collection = $node->getElementsByClassName($class); # alias Find all element nodes in current node descendants with specified class name. This is more fast equivalent to [class~="value"] selector. Return L<HTML5::DOM::Collection|/"HTML5::DOM::Collection">. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new ->parse('<div class="red color">red</div><div class="blue color">blue</div>'); my $collection = $tree->body->findClass('color'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red color">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red color">blue</div> =head3 findAttr =head3 getElementByAttribute # Find all elements with attribute my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute); my $collection = $node->getElementByAttribute($attribute); # alias # Find all elements with attribute and mathcing value my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, $case = 0, $cmp = '='); my $collection = $node->getElementByAttribute($attribute, $value, $case = 0, $cmp = '='); # alias Find all element nodes in tree with specified attribute and optional matching value. Return L<HTML5::DOM::Collection|/"HTML5::DOM::Collection">. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new ->parse('<div class="red color">red</div><div class="blue color">blue</div>'); my $collection = $tree->body->findAttr('class', 'CoLoR', 1, '~'); print $collection->[0]->html; # <div class="red color">red</div> print $collection->[1]->html; # <div class="red color">blue</div> CSS selector analogs: # [$attribute=$value] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '='); # [$attribute=$value i] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 1, '='); # [$attribute~=$value] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '~'); # [$attribute|=$value] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '|'); # [$attribute*=$value] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '*'); # [$attribute^=$value] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '^'); # [$attribute$=$value] my $collection = $node->findAttr($attribute, $value, 0, '$'); =head3 getDefaultBoxType my $display = $node->getDefaultBoxType; Get default CSS "display" property for tag (useful for functions like a L<innerText|/innerText>). my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new ->parse('<div class="red color">red</div><script>alert()</script><b>bbb</b>'); print $tree->at('div')->getDefaultBoxType(); # block print $tree->at('script')->getDefaultBoxType(); # none print $tree->at('b')->getDefaultBoxType(); # inline =head1 HTML5::DOM::Document DOM node object for document. Inherit all methods from L<HTML5::DOM::Element|/HTML5::DOM::Element>. =head1 HTML5::DOM::Fragment DOM node object for fragments. Inherit all methods from L<HTML5::DOM::Element|/HTML5::DOM::Element>. =head1 HTML5::DOM::Text DOM node object for text. Inherit all methods from L<HTML5::DOM::Node|/HTML5::DOM::Node>. =head1 HTML5::DOM::Comment DOM node object for comments. Inherit all methods from L<HTML5::DOM::Node|/HTML5::DOM::Node>. =head1 HTML5::DOM::DocType DOM node object for document type. Inherit all methods from L<HTML5::DOM::Node|/HTML5::DOM::Node>. =head3 name my $name = $node->name; my $node = $node->name($new_name); Return or change root element name from doctype. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <!DOCTYPE svg> '); # get print $tree->document->firstChild->name; # svg # set $tree->document->firstChild->name('html'); print $tree->document->firstChild->html; # <!DOCTYPE html> =head3 publicId my $public_id = $node->publicId; my $node = $node->publicId($new_public_id); Return or change public id from doctype. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <!DOCTYPE svg:svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/2002/04/xhtml-math-svg/xhtml-math-svg.dtd"> '); # get print $tree->document->firstChild->publicId; # -//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN # set print $tree->document->firstChild->publicId('-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN'); print $tree->document->firstChild->html; # <!DOCTYPE svg:svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/2002/04/xhtml-math-svg/xhtml-math-svg.dtd"> =head3 systemId my $system_id = $node->systemId; my $node = $node->systemId($new_system_id); Return or change public id from doctype. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <!DOCTYPE svg:svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/2002/04/xhtml-math-svg/xhtml-math-svg.dtd"> '); # get print $tree->document->firstChild->systemId; # http://www.w3.org/2002/04/xhtml-math-svg/xhtml-math-svg.dtd # set print $tree->document->firstChild->systemId('http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd'); print $tree->document->firstChild->html; # <!DOCTYPE svg:svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"> =head1 HTML5::DOM::Collection CSS Parser object =head3 new my $collection = HTML5::DOM::Collection->new($nodes); Creates new collection from C<$nodes> (reference to array with L<HTML5::DOM::Node|/HTML5::DOM::Node>). =head3 each my $collection = $collection->each(sub { my ($node, $index) = @_; print "node[$index] is a '$node'\n"; }); Forach all nodes in collection. =head3 map my $result = $collection->map(sub { my ($token, $index) = @_; return $node->tag." => $index"; }); Apply callback for each node in collection. Returns new array from results. my $result = $collection->map($method, @args); Call method for each node in collection. Returns new L<HTML5::DOM::Collection|/HTML5::DOM::Collection> from results. Example: # set text 'test!' for all nodes my $result = $collection->map('text', 'test!'); # get all tag names as array my $result = $collection->map('tag'); # remove all nodes in collection $collection->map('remove'); =head3 add my $collection = $collection->add($node); Add new item to collection. =head3 length my $length = $collection->length; Items count in collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li>Windows</li> </ul> '); my $collection = $tree->find('ul li'); print $collection->length; # 3 =head3 first =head3 last my $node = $collection->first; my $node = $collection->last; Get first or last item in collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li>Windows</li> </ul> '); my $collection = $tree->find('ul li'); print $collection->first->html; # <li>Linux</li> print $collection->last->html; # <li>Windows</li> =head3 item my $node = $collection->item($index); my $node = $collection->[$index]; Get item by C<$index> in collection. my $tree = HTML5::DOM->new->parse(' <ul> <li>Linux</li> <!-- comment --> <li>OSX</li> <li>Windows</li> </ul> '); my $collection = $tree->find('ul li'); print $collection->item(1)->html; # <li>OSX</li> print $collection->[1]->html; # <li>OSX</li> =head3 array my $node = $collection->array(); Get collection items as array. =head3 html my $html = $collection->html; Concat <outerHTML|/outerHTML> from all items. =head3 text my $text = $collection->text; Concat <textContent|/textContent> from all items. =head1 HTML5::DOM::TokenList Similar to L<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/DOMTokenList> =head3 has =head3 contains my $flag = $tokens->has($token); my $flag = $tokens->contains($token); # alias Check if token contains in current tokens list. =head3 add my $tokens = $tokens->add($token); my $tokens = $tokens->add($token, $token2, ...); Add new token (or tokens) to current tokens list. Returns self. =head3 remove my $tokens = $tokens->add($token); my $tokens = $tokens->add($token, $token2, ...); Remove one or more tokens from current tokens list. Returns self. =head3 toggle my $state = $tokens->toggle($token); my $state = $tokens->toggle($token, $force_state); =over =item * C<$token> - specified token name =item * C<$force_state> - optional force state. If 1 - similar to L<add> If 0 - similar to L<remove> =back Toggle specified token in current tokens list. =over =item * If token exists - remove it =item * If token not exists - add it =back =head3 length my $length = $tokens->length; Returns tokens count in current list. =head3 item my $token = $tokens->item($index); my $token = $tokens->[$index]; Return token by index. =head3 each my $token = $tokens->each(sub { my ($token, $index) = @_; print "tokens[$index] is a '$token'\n"; }); Forach all tokens in list. =head1 HTML5::DOM::AsyncResult Get result and check status from async parsing. =head3 parsed Non-blocking check status. use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $async = $parser->parseAsync('<div>Hello world!</div>' x 1000); my $is_parsed; while (!($is_parsed = $async->parsed)) { print "is_parsed=$is_parsed\n"; } Returns 1 if async parsing done. Otherwise returns 0. =head3 tree Non-blocking get result. use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $async = $parser->parseAsync('<div>Hello world!</div>' x 1000); my $tree; while (!($tree = $async->tree)) { print "is_parsed=".($tree ? 1 : 0)."\n"; } print $tree->at('div')->text."\n"; # Hello world! Returns L<HTML5::DOM::Tree|/"HTML5::DOM::Tree"> object if async parsing done. Otherwise returns C<undef>. =head3 wait use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $async = $parser->parseAsync('<div>Hello world!</div>' x 1000); my $tree = $async->wait; print $tree->at('div')->text."\n"; # Hello world! Blocking waits for parsing done and returns L<HTML5::DOM::Tree|/"HTML5::DOM::Tree"> object. =head1 HTML5::DOM::CSS CSS Parser object =head3 new # with default options my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; # or override some options, if you need my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new({ utf8 => 0 }); Create new css parser object wuth options. See L<"CSS PARSER OPTIONS"> for details. =head3 parseSelector my $selector = HTML5::DOM::CSS->parseSelector($selector_text); Parse C<$selector_text> and return L<HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector|/HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector>. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body div.red, body span.blue'); # with custom options (extends options defined in HTML5::DOM::CSS->new) my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body div.red, body span.blue', { utf8 => 0 }); =head1 HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector CSS Selector object (precompiled selector) =head3 new my $selector = HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector->new($selector_text); Parse C<$selector_text> and create new css selector object. If your need parse many selectors, more efficient way using single instance of parser L<HTML5::DOM::CSS|/HTML5::DOM::CSS> and L<parseSelector|/parseSelector> method. =head3 text my $selector_text = $selector->text; Serialize selector to text. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body div.red, body span.blue'); print $selector->text."\n"; # body div.red, body span.blue =head3 ast my $ast = $entry->ast; Serialize selector to very simple AST format. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('div > .red'); print Dumper($selector->ast); # $VAR1 = [[ # { # 'value' => 'div', # 'type' => 'tag' # }, # { # 'type' => 'combinator', # 'value' => 'child' # }, # { # 'type' => 'class', # 'value' => 'red' # } # ]]; =head3 length my $length = $selector->length; Get selector entries count (selectors separated by "," combinator) my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body div.red, body span.blue'); print $selector->length."\n"; # 2 =head3 entry my $entry = $selector->entry($index); Get selector entry by C<$index> end return L<HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector::Entry|/HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector::Entry>. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body div.red, body span.blue'); print $selector->entry(0)->text."\n"; # body div.red print $selector->entry(1)->text."\n"; # body span.blue =head3 utf8 As getter - get C<1> if current selector object returns all strings with utf8 flag. Example with utf8: use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; use utf8; my $selector = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new->parseSelector("[name=\"теÑÑ‚\"]"); my $is_utf8_enabled = $selector->utf8; print "is_utf8_enabled=".($is_utf8_enabled ? "true" : "false")."\n"; # true Or example with bytes: use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $selector = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new->parseSelector("[name=\"теÑÑ‚\"]"); my $is_utf8_enabled = $selector->utf8; print "is_utf8_enabled=".($is_utf8_enabled ? "true" : "false")."\n"; # false As setter - enable or disable utf8 flag on all returned strings. use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; use utf8; my $selector = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new->parseSelector("[name=\"теÑÑ‚\"]"); print "is_utf8_enabled=".($selector->utf8 ? "true" : "false")."\n"; # true print length($selector->text)." chars\n"; # 13 chars $selector->utf8(0); print "is_utf8_enabled=".($selector->utf8 ? "true" : "false")."\n"; # false print length($selector->text)." bytes\n"; # 17 bytes =head1 HTML5::DOM::CSS::Selector::Entry CSS selector entry object (precompiled selector) =head3 text my $selector_text = $entry->text; Serialize entry to text. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body div.red, body span.blue'); my $entry = $selector->entry(0); print $entry->text."\n"; # body div.red =head3 pseudoElement my $pseudo_name = $entry->pseudoElement; Return pseudo-element name for entry. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('div::after'); my $entry = $selector->entry(0); print $entry->pseudoElement."\n"; # after =head3 ast my $ast = $entry->ast; Serialize entry to very simple AST format. my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('div > .red'); my $entry = $selector->entry(0); print Dumper($entry->ast); # $VAR1 = [ # { # 'value' => 'div', # 'type' => 'tag' # }, # { # 'type' => 'combinator', # 'value' => 'child' # }, # { # 'type' => 'class', # 'value' => 'red' # } # ]; =head3 specificity my $specificity = $entry->specificity; Get specificity in hash C<{a, b, c}> my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body div.red, body span.blue'); my $entry = $selector->entry(0); print Dumper($entry->specificity); # {a => 0, b => 1, c => 2} =head3 specificityArray my $specificity = $entry->specificityArray; Get specificity in array C<[a, b, c]> (ordered by weight) my $css = HTML5::DOM::CSS->new; my $selector = $css->parseSelector('body div.red, body span.blue'); my $entry = $selector->entry(0); print Dumper($entry->specificityArray); # [0, 1, 2] =head1 HTML5::DOM::Encoding Encoding detection. See for available encodings: L</ENCODINGS> =head3 id2name my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); Get encoding name by id. print HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name(HTML5::DOM::Encoding->UTF_8); # UTF-8 =head3 name2id my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::name2id($encoding); Get id by name. print HTML5::DOM::Encoding->UTF_8; # 0 print HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name("UTF-8"); # 0 =head3 detectAuto my ($encoding_id, $new_text) = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectAuto($text, $max_length = 0); Auto detect text encoding using (in this order): =over =item * L<detectByPrescanStream|/detectByPrescanStream> =item * L<detectBomAndCut|/detectBomAndCut> =item * L<detect|/detect> =back Returns array with encoding id and new text without BOM, if success. If fail, then encoding id equal HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED. my ($encoding_id, $new_text) = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectAuto("ололо"); my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); print $encoding; # UTF-8 =head3 detect my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detect($text, $max_length = 0); Detect text encoding. Single method for both L<detectRussian|/detectRussian> and L<detectUnicode|/detectUnicode>. Returns encoding id, if success. And returns HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED if fail. my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detect("ололо"); my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); print $encoding; # UTF-8 =head3 detectRussian my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectRussian($text, $max_length = 0); Detect russian text encoding (using lowercase B<trigrams>), such as C<windows-1251>, C<koi8-r>, C<iso-8859-5>, C<x-mac-cyrillic>, C<ibm866>. Returns encoding id, if success. And returns HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED if fail. =head3 detectUnicode my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectRussian($text, $max_length = 0); Detect unicode family text encoding, such as C<UTF-8>, C<UTF-16LE>, C<UTF-16BE>. Returns encoding id, if success. And returns HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED if fail. # get UTF-16LE data for test my $str = "ололо"; Encode::from_to($str, "UTF-8", "UTF-16LE"); my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectUnicode($str); my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); print $encoding; # UTF-16LE =head3 detectByPrescanStream my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectByPrescanStream($text, $max_length = 0); Detect encoding by parsing C<E<lt>metaE<gt>> tags in html. Returns encoding id, if success. And returns HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED if fail. See for more info: L<https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/syntax.html#prescan-a-byte-stream-to-determine-its-encoding> my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectByPrescanStream(' <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> '); my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); print $encoding; # WINDOWS-1251 =head3 detectByCharset my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectByCharset($text, $max_length = 0); Extracting character encoding from string. Find "charset=" and see encoding. Return found raw data. For example: "text/html; charset=windows-1251". Return HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1251 And returns HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED if fail. See for more info: L<https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/infrastructure.html#algorithm-for-extracting-a-character-encoding-from-a-meta-element> my $encoding_id = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectByPrescanStream(' <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"> '); my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); print $encoding; # WINDOWS-1251 =head3 detectBomAndCut my ($encoding_id, $new_text) = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectBomAndCut($text, $max_length = 0); Returns array with encoding id and new text without BOM. If fail, then encoding id equal HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED. my ($encoding_id, $new_text) = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::detectBomAndCut("\xEF\xBB\xBFололо"); my $encoding = HTML5::DOM::Encoding::id2name($encoding_id); print $encoding; # UTF-8 print $new_text; # ололо =head1 NAMESPACES =head3 Supported namespace names html, matml, svg, xlink, xml, xmlns =head3 Supported namespace id constants HTML5::DOM->NS_UNDEF HTML5::DOM->NS_HTML HTML5::DOM->NS_MATHML HTML5::DOM->NS_SVG HTML5::DOM->NS_XLINK HTML5::DOM->NS_XML HTML5::DOM->NS_XMLNS HTML5::DOM->NS_ANY HTML5::DOM->NS_LAST_ENTRY =head1 TAGS HTML5::DOM->TAG__UNDEF HTML5::DOM->TAG__TEXT HTML5::DOM->TAG__COMMENT HTML5::DOM->TAG__DOCTYPE HTML5::DOM->TAG_A HTML5::DOM->TAG_ABBR HTML5::DOM->TAG_ACRONYM HTML5::DOM->TAG_ADDRESS HTML5::DOM->TAG_ANNOTATION_XML HTML5::DOM->TAG_APPLET HTML5::DOM->TAG_AREA HTML5::DOM->TAG_ARTICLE HTML5::DOM->TAG_ASIDE HTML5::DOM->TAG_AUDIO HTML5::DOM->TAG_B HTML5::DOM->TAG_BASE HTML5::DOM->TAG_BASEFONT HTML5::DOM->TAG_BDI HTML5::DOM->TAG_BDO HTML5::DOM->TAG_BGSOUND HTML5::DOM->TAG_BIG HTML5::DOM->TAG_BLINK HTML5::DOM->TAG_BLOCKQUOTE HTML5::DOM->TAG_BODY HTML5::DOM->TAG_BR HTML5::DOM->TAG_BUTTON HTML5::DOM->TAG_CANVAS HTML5::DOM->TAG_CAPTION HTML5::DOM->TAG_CENTER HTML5::DOM->TAG_CITE HTML5::DOM->TAG_CODE HTML5::DOM->TAG_COL HTML5::DOM->TAG_COLGROUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_COMMAND HTML5::DOM->TAG_COMMENT HTML5::DOM->TAG_DATALIST HTML5::DOM->TAG_DD HTML5::DOM->TAG_DEL HTML5::DOM->TAG_DETAILS HTML5::DOM->TAG_DFN HTML5::DOM->TAG_DIALOG HTML5::DOM->TAG_DIR HTML5::DOM->TAG_DIV HTML5::DOM->TAG_DL HTML5::DOM->TAG_DT HTML5::DOM->TAG_EM HTML5::DOM->TAG_EMBED HTML5::DOM->TAG_FIELDSET HTML5::DOM->TAG_FIGCAPTION HTML5::DOM->TAG_FIGURE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FONT HTML5::DOM->TAG_FOOTER HTML5::DOM->TAG_FORM HTML5::DOM->TAG_FRAME HTML5::DOM->TAG_FRAMESET HTML5::DOM->TAG_H1 HTML5::DOM->TAG_H2 HTML5::DOM->TAG_H3 HTML5::DOM->TAG_H4 HTML5::DOM->TAG_H5 HTML5::DOM->TAG_H6 HTML5::DOM->TAG_HEAD HTML5::DOM->TAG_HEADER HTML5::DOM->TAG_HGROUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_HR HTML5::DOM->TAG_HTML HTML5::DOM->TAG_I HTML5::DOM->TAG_IFRAME HTML5::DOM->TAG_IMAGE HTML5::DOM->TAG_IMG HTML5::DOM->TAG_INPUT HTML5::DOM->TAG_INS HTML5::DOM->TAG_ISINDEX HTML5::DOM->TAG_KBD HTML5::DOM->TAG_KEYGEN HTML5::DOM->TAG_LABEL HTML5::DOM->TAG_LEGEND HTML5::DOM->TAG_LI HTML5::DOM->TAG_LINK HTML5::DOM->TAG_LISTING HTML5::DOM->TAG_MAIN HTML5::DOM->TAG_MAP HTML5::DOM->TAG_MARK HTML5::DOM->TAG_MARQUEE HTML5::DOM->TAG_MENU HTML5::DOM->TAG_MENUITEM HTML5::DOM->TAG_META HTML5::DOM->TAG_METER HTML5::DOM->TAG_MTEXT HTML5::DOM->TAG_NAV HTML5::DOM->TAG_NOBR HTML5::DOM->TAG_NOEMBED HTML5::DOM->TAG_NOFRAMES HTML5::DOM->TAG_NOSCRIPT HTML5::DOM->TAG_OBJECT HTML5::DOM->TAG_OL HTML5::DOM->TAG_OPTGROUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_OPTION HTML5::DOM->TAG_OUTPUT HTML5::DOM->TAG_P HTML5::DOM->TAG_PARAM HTML5::DOM->TAG_PLAINTEXT HTML5::DOM->TAG_PRE HTML5::DOM->TAG_PROGRESS HTML5::DOM->TAG_Q HTML5::DOM->TAG_RB HTML5::DOM->TAG_RP HTML5::DOM->TAG_RT HTML5::DOM->TAG_RTC HTML5::DOM->TAG_RUBY HTML5::DOM->TAG_S HTML5::DOM->TAG_SAMP HTML5::DOM->TAG_SCRIPT HTML5::DOM->TAG_SECTION HTML5::DOM->TAG_SELECT HTML5::DOM->TAG_SMALL HTML5::DOM->TAG_SOURCE HTML5::DOM->TAG_SPAN HTML5::DOM->TAG_STRIKE HTML5::DOM->TAG_STRONG HTML5::DOM->TAG_STYLE HTML5::DOM->TAG_SUB HTML5::DOM->TAG_SUMMARY HTML5::DOM->TAG_SUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_SVG HTML5::DOM->TAG_TABLE HTML5::DOM->TAG_TBODY HTML5::DOM->TAG_TD HTML5::DOM->TAG_TEMPLATE HTML5::DOM->TAG_TEXTAREA HTML5::DOM->TAG_TFOOT HTML5::DOM->TAG_TH HTML5::DOM->TAG_THEAD HTML5::DOM->TAG_TIME HTML5::DOM->TAG_TITLE HTML5::DOM->TAG_TR HTML5::DOM->TAG_TRACK HTML5::DOM->TAG_TT HTML5::DOM->TAG_U HTML5::DOM->TAG_UL HTML5::DOM->TAG_VAR HTML5::DOM->TAG_VIDEO HTML5::DOM->TAG_WBR HTML5::DOM->TAG_XMP HTML5::DOM->TAG_ALTGLYPH HTML5::DOM->TAG_ALTGLYPHDEF HTML5::DOM->TAG_ALTGLYPHITEM HTML5::DOM->TAG_ANIMATE HTML5::DOM->TAG_ANIMATECOLOR HTML5::DOM->TAG_ANIMATEMOTION HTML5::DOM->TAG_ANIMATETRANSFORM HTML5::DOM->TAG_CIRCLE HTML5::DOM->TAG_CLIPPATH HTML5::DOM->TAG_COLOR_PROFILE HTML5::DOM->TAG_CURSOR HTML5::DOM->TAG_DEFS HTML5::DOM->TAG_DESC HTML5::DOM->TAG_ELLIPSE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEBLEND HTML5::DOM->TAG_FECOLORMATRIX HTML5::DOM->TAG_FECOMPONENTTRANSFER HTML5::DOM->TAG_FECOMPOSITE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FECONVOLVEMATRIX HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEDIFFUSELIGHTING HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEDISPLACEMENTMAP HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEDISTANTLIGHT HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEDROPSHADOW HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEFLOOD HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEFUNCA HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEFUNCB HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEFUNCG HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEFUNCR HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEGAUSSIANBLUR HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEIMAGE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEMERGE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEMERGENODE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEMORPHOLOGY HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEOFFSET HTML5::DOM->TAG_FEPOINTLIGHT HTML5::DOM->TAG_FESPECULARLIGHTING HTML5::DOM->TAG_FESPOTLIGHT HTML5::DOM->TAG_FETILE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FETURBULENCE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FILTER HTML5::DOM->TAG_FONT_FACE HTML5::DOM->TAG_FONT_FACE_FORMAT HTML5::DOM->TAG_FONT_FACE_NAME HTML5::DOM->TAG_FONT_FACE_SRC HTML5::DOM->TAG_FONT_FACE_URI HTML5::DOM->TAG_FOREIGNOBJECT HTML5::DOM->TAG_G HTML5::DOM->TAG_GLYPH HTML5::DOM->TAG_GLYPHREF HTML5::DOM->TAG_HKERN HTML5::DOM->TAG_LINE HTML5::DOM->TAG_LINEARGRADIENT HTML5::DOM->TAG_MARKER HTML5::DOM->TAG_MASK HTML5::DOM->TAG_METADATA HTML5::DOM->TAG_MISSING_GLYPH HTML5::DOM->TAG_MPATH HTML5::DOM->TAG_PATH HTML5::DOM->TAG_PATTERN HTML5::DOM->TAG_POLYGON HTML5::DOM->TAG_POLYLINE HTML5::DOM->TAG_RADIALGRADIENT HTML5::DOM->TAG_RECT HTML5::DOM->TAG_SET HTML5::DOM->TAG_STOP HTML5::DOM->TAG_SWITCH HTML5::DOM->TAG_SYMBOL HTML5::DOM->TAG_TEXT HTML5::DOM->TAG_TEXTPATH HTML5::DOM->TAG_TREF HTML5::DOM->TAG_TSPAN HTML5::DOM->TAG_USE HTML5::DOM->TAG_VIEW HTML5::DOM->TAG_VKERN HTML5::DOM->TAG_MATH HTML5::DOM->TAG_MACTION HTML5::DOM->TAG_MALIGNGROUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_MALIGNMARK HTML5::DOM->TAG_MENCLOSE HTML5::DOM->TAG_MERROR HTML5::DOM->TAG_MFENCED HTML5::DOM->TAG_MFRAC HTML5::DOM->TAG_MGLYPH HTML5::DOM->TAG_MI HTML5::DOM->TAG_MLABELEDTR HTML5::DOM->TAG_MLONGDIV HTML5::DOM->TAG_MMULTISCRIPTS HTML5::DOM->TAG_MN HTML5::DOM->TAG_MO HTML5::DOM->TAG_MOVER HTML5::DOM->TAG_MPADDED HTML5::DOM->TAG_MPHANTOM HTML5::DOM->TAG_MROOT HTML5::DOM->TAG_MROW HTML5::DOM->TAG_MS HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSCARRIES HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSCARRY HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSGROUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSLINE HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSPACE HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSQRT HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSROW HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSTACK HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSTYLE HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSUB HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSUP HTML5::DOM->TAG_MSUBSUP HTML5::DOM->TAG__END_OF_FILE HTML5::DOM->TAG_LAST_ENTRY =head1 ENCODINGS =head3 Supported encoding names AUTO, NOT-DETERMINED, X-USER-DEFINED, BIG5, EUC-JP, EUC-KR, GB18030, GBK, IBM866, MACINTOSH, X-MAC-CYRILLIC, SHIFT_JIS, ISO-2022-JP, ISO-8859-10, ISO-8859-13, ISO-8859-14, ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-16, ISO-8859-2, ISO-8859-3, ISO-8859-4, ISO-8859-5, ISO-8859-6, ISO-8859-7, ISO-8859-8, ISO-8859-8-I, WINDOWS-1250, WINDOWS-1251, WINDOWS-1252, WINDOWS-1253, WINDOWS-1254, WINDOWS-1255, WINDOWS-1256, WINDOWS-1257, WINDOWS-1258, WINDOWS-874, UTF-8, UTF-16BE, UTF-16LE, KOI8-R, KOI8-U =head3 Supported encoding id consts HTML5::DOM::Encoding->DEFAULT HTML5::DOM::Encoding->AUTO HTML5::DOM::Encoding->NOT_DETERMINED HTML5::DOM::Encoding->UTF_8 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->UTF_16LE HTML5::DOM::Encoding->UTF_16BE HTML5::DOM::Encoding->X_USER_DEFINED HTML5::DOM::Encoding->BIG5 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->EUC_JP HTML5::DOM::Encoding->EUC_KR HTML5::DOM::Encoding->GB18030 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->GBK HTML5::DOM::Encoding->IBM866 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_2022_JP HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_10 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_13 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_14 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_15 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_16 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_2 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_3 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_4 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_5 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_6 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_7 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_8 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->ISO_8859_8_I HTML5::DOM::Encoding->KOI8_R HTML5::DOM::Encoding->KOI8_U HTML5::DOM::Encoding->MACINTOSH HTML5::DOM::Encoding->SHIFT_JIS HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1250 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1251 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1252 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1253 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1254 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1255 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1256 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1257 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_1258 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->WINDOWS_874 HTML5::DOM::Encoding->X_MAC_CYRILLIC HTML5::DOM::Encoding->LAST_ENTRY =head1 PARSER OPTIONS Options for: =over =item * L<HTML5::DOM::new|/new> =item * L<HTML5::DOM::parse|/parse> =item * L<HTML5::DOM::parseChunkEnd|/parseChunkEnd> =item * L<HTML5::DOM::Tree::parseFragment|/parseFragment> =back =head4 threads Threads count, if < 2 - parsing in single mode without threads (default 0) This option affects only for L<HTML5::DOM::new|/new>. Originaly, L<MyHTML|https://github.com/lexborisov/myhtml/blob/master/LICENSE> can use mulithread parsing. But in real cases this mode slower than single mode (threads=0). Result speed very OS-specific and depends on input html. Not recommended use if don't known what you do. B<Single mode faster in 99.9% cases.> =head4 ignore_whitespace Ignore whitespace tokens (default 0) =head4 ignore_doctype Do not parse DOCTYPE (default 0) =head4 scripts If 1 - <noscript> contents parsed to single text node (default) If 0 - <noscript> contents parsed to child nodes =head4 encoding Encoding of input HTML, if C<auto> - library can tree to automaticaly determine encoding. (default "auto") Allowed both encoding name or id. =head4 default_encoding Default encoding, this affects only if C<encoding> set to C<auto> and encoding not determined. (default "UTF-8") Allowed both encoding name or id. See for available encodings: L</ENCODINGS> =head4 encoding_use_meta Allow use C<E<lt>metaE<gt>> tags to determine input HTML encoding. (default 1) See L<detectByPrescanStream|/detectByPrescanStream>. =head4 encoding_prescan_limit Limit string length to determine encoding by C<E<lt>metaE<gt>> tags. (default 1024, from spec) See L<detectByPrescanStream|/detectByPrescanStream>. =head4 encoding_use_bom Allow use detecding BOM to determine input HTML encoding. (default 1) See L<detectBomAndCut|/detectBomAndCut>. =head4 utf8 Default: C<"auto"> If 1, then all returned strings have utf8 flag (chars). If 0, then all returned strings haven't utf8 flag (bytes). If C<"auto">, then utf8 flag detected by input string. Automaticaly enables C<utf8=1> if input string have utf8 flag. C<"auto"> works only in L<parse|/parse>, L<parseChunk|/parseChunk>, L<parseAsync|/parseAsync> methods. =head1 CSS PARSER OPTIONS Options for: =over =item * L<HTML5::DOM::CSS::new|/new> =item * L<HTML5::DOM::CSS::parseSelector|/parseSelector> =back =head4 utf8 Default: C<"auto"> If 1, then all returned strings have utf8 flag (chars). If 0, then all returned strings haven't utf8 flag (bytes). If C<"auto">, then utf8 flag detected by input string. Automaticaly enables C<utf8=1> if input string have utf8 flag. =head1 HTML5 SUPPORT Tested with L<html5lib-tests|https://github.com/html5lib/html5lib-tests> test total ok fail skip ------------------------------------------------------------- menuitem-element.dat 19 16 3 0 tests11.dat 12 11 1 0 math.dat 7 7 0 0 plain-text-unsafe.dat 32 32 0 0 webkit01.dat 48 48 0 0 tests9.dat 26 26 0 0 tests_innerHTML_1.dat 84 84 0 0 scriptdata01.dat 26 26 0 0 tests4.dat 6 6 0 0 noscript01.dat 17 17 0 0 entities01.dat 74 74 0 0 tests14.dat 6 6 0 0 domjs-unsafe.dat 48 48 0 0 tests10.dat 53 53 0 0 ruby.dat 20 20 0 0 tests12.dat 1 1 0 0 comments01.dat 13 13 0 0 main-element.dat 2 2 0 0 entities02.dat 25 25 0 0 template.dat 107 107 0 0 tables01.dat 16 16 0 0 tests15.dat 13 13 0 0 tests16.dat 196 196 0 0 tests25.dat 25 25 0 0 pending-spec-changes.dat 2 2 0 0 tests23.dat 4 4 0 0 tricky01.dat 8 8 0 0 tests1.dat 112 112 0 0 html5test-com.dat 23 23 0 0 tests22.dat 4 4 0 0 tests26.dat 15 15 0 0 tests6.dat 51 51 0 0 tests5.dat 16 16 0 0 isindex.dat 3 3 0 0 tests20.dat 43 43 0 0 doctype01.dat 36 36 0 0 tests21.dat 24 24 0 0 foreign-fragment.dat 57 57 0 0 tests18.dat 35 35 0 0 tests8.dat 9 9 0 0 inbody01.dat 3 3 0 0 tests7.dat 30 30 0 0 tests24.dat 7 7 0 0 tests2.dat 61 61 0 0 tests17.dat 12 12 0 0 webkit02.dat 20 20 0 0 tests19.dat 104 104 0 0 adoption01.dat 17 17 0 0 tests3.dat 23 23 0 0 blocks.dat 47 47 0 0 adoption02.dat 1 1 0 0 summary 1643 1639 4 0 Tested with C<examples/html5lib_tests.pl> perl examples/html5lib_tests.pl --dir=../html5lib-tests/tree-construction --colordiff Send patches to lexborisov's L<MyHTML|https://github.com/lexborisov/myhtml> if you want improve this result. =head1 WORK WITH UTF8 In normal cases you must don't care about utf8. Everything works out of the box. By default utf8 mode enabled automaticaly if you specify string with utf8 flag. For example: Perfect work with C<use utf8>: use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; use utf8; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $str = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<b>теÑÑ‚ теÑÑ‚</b>')->at('b')->text; print "length=".length($str)." [$str]\n"; # length=9 [теÑÑ‚ теÑÑ‚] Perfect work without C<use utf8>: use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; # Perfect work with default mode of perl strings (bytes) my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new; my $str = HTML5::DOM->new->parse('<b>теÑÑ‚ теÑÑ‚</b>')->at('b')->text; print "length=".length($str)." [$str]\n"; # length=17 [теÑÑ‚ теÑÑ‚] # You can pass string with utf8 flag without "use utf8" and it perfect works use Encode; my $test = '<b>теÑÑ‚ теÑÑ‚</b>'; Encode::_utf8_on($test); $str = HTML5::DOM->new->parse($test)->at('b')->text; print "length=".length($str)." [$str]\n"; # length=9 [теÑÑ‚ теÑÑ‚] But you can override this behavior - see L<"PARSER OPTIONS"> for details. Force use bytes: use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; use utf8; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new({ utf8 => 0 }); my $str = $parser->parse('<b>теÑÑ‚ теÑÑ‚</b>')->at('b')->text; print "length=".length($str)." [$str]\n"; # length=17 [теÑÑ‚ теÑÑ‚] Force use utf8: use warnings; use strict; use HTML5::DOM; my $parser = HTML5::DOM->new({ utf8 => 1 }); my $str = $parser->parse('<b>теÑÑ‚ теÑÑ‚</b>')->at('b')->text; print "length=".length($str)." [$str]\n"; # length=13 [теÑÑ‚ теÑÑ‚] =head1 BUGS L<https://github.com/Azq2/perl-html5-dom/issues> =head1 SEE ALSO =over =item * L<HTML::MyHTML|https://metacpan.org/pod/HTML::MyHTML> - more low-level myhtml bindings. =item * L<Mojo::DOM|https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::DOM> - pure perl HTML5 DOM library with CSS selectors. =back =head1 AUTHOR Kirill Zhumarin <kirill.zhumarin@gmail.com> =head1 LICENSE =over =item * HTML5::DOM - L<MIT|https://github.com/Azq2/perl-html5-dom/blob/master/LICENSE> =item * Modest - L<LGPL 2.1|https://github.com/lexborisov/Modest/blob/master/LICENSE> =item * MyHTML - L<LGPL 2.1|https://github.com/lexborisov/myhtml/blob/master/LICENSE> =item * MyCSS - L<LGPL 2.1|https://github.com/lexborisov/mycss/blob/master/LICENSE> =back