CGI::Easy::URLconf - map url path to handler sub and vice versa


    This document describes CGI::Easy::URLconf version v2.0.1


        use CGI::Easy::URLconf qw( setup_path path2view set_param );
            '/about/'               => \&myabout,
            '/terms.php'            => \&terms,
            qr{\A /articles/ \z}xms => \&list_all_articles,
            qr{\A /articles/(\d+)/ \z}xms
                => set_param('year')
                => \&list_articles,
            qr{\A /articles/tag/(\w+)/(\d+)/ \z}xms
                => set_param('tag','year')
                => \&list_articles,
        setup_path( POST =>
            '/articles/'            => \&add_article,
        my $r = CGI::Easy::Request->new();
        my $handler = path2view($r);
        use CGI::Easy::URLconf qw( setup_view view2path with_params );
            \&list_all_articles     => '/articles/',
            \&list_articles         => [
                with_params('tag','year')   => '/articles/tag/?/?/',
                with_params('year')         => '/articles/?/',
        # set $url to '/about/'
        my $url = view2path( \&myabout );
        # set $url to '/articles/'
        my $url = view2path( \&list_all_articles );
        # set $url to '/articles/2010/?month=12'
        my $url = view2path( \&list_articles, year=>2010, month=>12 );


    This module provide support for clean, user-friendly URLs. This can be
    archived by configuring web server to run your CGI/FastCGI script for
    any url requested by user, and let you manually dispatch different urls
    to corresponding handlers (subroutines). Additionally, you can take
    some CGI parameters from url's path instead of usual GET parameters.

     The idea is to set rules when CGI/FastCGI starts using:
       a) setup_path() - to map url's path to handler subroutine
          (also called "view")
       b) setup_view() - to map handler subroutine to url
     and then use:
       a) path2view() - to get handler subroutine matching current url's path
       b) view2path() - to get url matching some handler subroutine
          (for inserting into HTML templates or sending redirects).


        # -- while CGI/FastCGI initialization
            '/articles/'        => \&list_articles,
            '/articles.php'     => \&list_articles,
            '/index.php'        => \&show_home_page,
        setup_path( POST =>
            '/articles/'        => \&add_new_article,
        # -- when beginning to handle new CGI/FastCGI request
        my $r = CGI::Easy::Request->new();
        my $handler = path2view($r);
        # $handler now set to:
        #   \&list_articles   if url path /articles/ and request method is GET
        #   \&add_new_article if url path /articles/ and request method is POST
        #   \&list_articles   if url path /articles.php (any request method)
        #   \&show_home_page  if url path /index.php (any request method)
        #   undef             (in all other cases)
        # -- while CGI/FastCGI initialization
            \&list_articles     => '/articles/',
            # we don't have to configure mapping for \&show_home_page
            # and \&add_new_article because their mappings can be
            # unambiguously automatically detected from above setup_path()
        # -- when preparing reply (HTML escaping omitted for simplicity)
        printf '<a href="%s">Articles</a>', view2path(\&list_articles);
        printf '<form method=POST action="%s">', view2path(\&add_new_article);
        # -- or redirecting to another url
        my $h = CGI::Easy::Headers->new();

    These two parts (setup_path() with path2view() and setup_view() with
    view2path()) can be used independently - for example, you don't have to
    use setup_view() and view2path() if you prefer to hardcode urls in HTML
    templates instead of generating them dynamically. But using both parts
    will let you configure all urls used in your application in single
    place, which make it easier to control and modify them.

    In addition to simple constant path to handler and vice versa mapping
    you can also map any path matching regular expression and even copy
    some data from path to GET parameters. Example:

        # make /article/123/ same as /index.php?id=123
        # use same handler for any url beginning with /old/
            '/article.php'          => \&show_article,
            qr{^/article/(\d+)/$}   => set_param('id') => \&show_article,
            qr{^/old/}              => \&unsupported,
        # generate urls like /article/123/ dynamically
            \&show_article          => [
                with_params('id')       => '/article/?/',
        $url = view2path(\&show_article, id=>123);



            '/path'             =>              $HANDLER,
            qr{^/path/(\d+)/$}  => @CALLBACKS,  $HANDLER,
        setup_path( $METHOD =>
            '/path'             =>              $HANDLER,
            qr{^/path/(\d+)/$}  => @CALLBACKS,  $HANDLER,

    Configure mapping of url's path to handler subroutine (which will be
    used by path2view()). Can be called multiple times and will just add
    new mapping rules on each call.

    If optional METHOD parameter defined, then all mapping rules in this
    setup_path() call will be applied only for requests with that HTTP
    method. If METHOD doesn't used, then these rules will be applied to all
    HTTP methods. If some path match both rules defined for current HTTP
    method and rules defined for any HTTP methods, will be used rule
    defined for current HTTP method.

    MATCH parameter should be either SCALAR (string equal to url path) or
    Regexp (which can match any part of url path).

    HANDLER is REF to your subroutine, which will be returned by
    path2view() when this rule will match current url.

    Between MATCH and HANDLER any amount of optional CALLBACK subroutines
    can be used. These CALLBACKS will be called when MATCH rule matches
    current url with two parameters: CGI::Easy::Request object and ARRAYREF
    with contents of all capturing parentheses (when MATCH rule is Regexp
    with capturing parentheses). Usual task for such CALLBACKS is convert
    "hidden" CGI parameters included in url path into usual $r->{GET}

    Return nothing.


        $handler = path2view( $r );

    Take CGI::Easy::Request object as parameter, and analyse this request
    according to rules defined previously using setup_path().

    Return: HANDLER if find rule which match current request, else undef().


        $callback = set_param( @names );

    Take names of {GET} parameters which should be set using parts of url
    path selected by capturing parentheses in MATCH Regexp.

    Return CALLBACK subroutine suitable for using in setup_path().


            \&HANDLER1 => $PATH,
            \&HANDLER2 => \@PATH,

    Configure mapping of handler subroutine to url path (which will be used
    by view2path()). Can be called multiple times and will just add new
    mapping rules on each call.

    HANDLER must be REF to user's subroutine used to handle requests on

    PATH can be either STRING or ARRAYREF.

    If PATH is ARRAYREF, then this array should consist of CALLBACK =>
    TEMPLATE pairs. CALLBACK is subroutine which will be executed by
    view2path() with single parameter \%params, and should return either
    FALSE if this CALLBACK unable to handle these %params, or ARRAYREF with
    values to substitute into path TEMPLATE. TEMPLATE is path STRING which
    may contain '?' symbols - these will be replaced by values returned in
    ARRAYREF by CALLBACK which successfully handle %params.

    Example: map \&handler to /first/ or /second/ with 50% probability

            \&handler   => [
                sub { return rand < 0.5 ? [] : undef }  => '/first/',
                sub { return []                      }  => '/second/',

    Example: map \&handler to random article with id 0-999

            \&handler   => [
                sub { return [ int rand 1000 ] }    => '/article/?/',

    Return nothing.


        $url = view2path( \&HANDLER, %params );

    Take user handler subroutine and it parameters, and convert it to url
    according to rules defined previously using setup_view().


            \&handler   => 'index.php',
        my $url = view2path(\&handler, a=>'some string', b=>[6,7]);
        # $url will be: 'index.php?a=some%20string&b=6&b=7'

    If simple mapping from STRING to HANDLER was defined using
    setup_path(), and this is only mapping to HANDLER defined, then it's
    not necessary to define reverse mapping using setup_view() - it will be
    defined automatically.


            '/articles/'    => \&list_articles,
        my $url = view2path(\&list_articles);
        # $url will be: '/articles/'

    Return: url. Throw exception if unable to make url.


        $callback = with_params( @names );

    Take names of parameters which must exists in %params given to

    Return CALLBACK subroutine suitable for using in setup_view().


 Bugs / Feature Requests

    Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker at You will be
    notified automatically of any progress on your issue.

 Source Code

    This is open source software. The code repository is available for
    public review and contribution under the terms of the license. Feel
    free to fork the repository and submit pull requests.

        git clone


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    Alex Efros <>


    This software is Copyright (c) 2009- by Alex Efros <>.

    This is free software, licensed under:

      The MIT (X11) License