# NAME optex - General purpose command option wrapper # VERSION Version 1.02 # SYNOPSIS **optex** _command_ \[ **-M**_module_ \] ... or _command_ -> **optex** symlink, or **optex** _options_ \[ -l | -m \] ... --link, --ln create symlink --unlink, --rm remove symlink --ls list link files --rc list rc files --nop, -x disable option processing --[no]module disable module option on arguments # DESCRIPTION **optex** is a general purpose command option handling wrapper utilizing Perl module [Getopt::EX](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX). It enables user to define their own option aliases for any commands on the system, and provide module style extensibility. Target command is given as an argument: % optex command or as a symbolic linked file to **optex**: command -> optex If the configuration file `~/.optex.d/`_command_`.rc` exists, it is evaluated before execution and command arguments are pre-processed using it. ## OPTION ALIASES Think of macOS's `date` command, which does not have `-I[TIMESPEC]` option. Using **optex**, these can be implemented by preparing following setting in `~/.optex.d/date.rc` file. option -I -Idate option -Idate +%F option -Iseconds +%FT%T%z option -Iminutes +%FT%H:%M%z option -Ihours +%FT%H%z option --iso-8601 -I option --iso-8601=date -Idate option --iso-8601=seconds -Iseconds option --iso-8601=minutes -Iminutes option --iso-8601=hours -Ihours Then next command will work as expected. % optex date -Iseconds If a symbolic link `date -> optex` is found in command search path, you can use it just same as standard command, but with unsupported options. % date -Iseconds Common configuration is stored in `~/.optex.d/default.rc` file, and those rules are applied to all commands executed through **optex**. Actually, `--iso-8601` option can be defined simpler as this: option --iso-8601 -I$ This works fine almost always, but fails with sole `--iso-8601` option preceding other option like this: % date --iso-8601 -u ## COMMAND ALIASES **optex**'s command alias is no different from the alias function of shell, but it is effective in that it can be executed as a command from a tool or script, and can be managed collectively in a configuration file. Command aliases can be set in the configuration file (`~/.optex.d/config.toml`) like this: [alias] tc = "optex -Mtextconv" You can make symbolic link from `tc` to `optex` like this: % optex --ln tc And include `$HOME/.optex.d/bin` in your `PATH` evnironment. The `textconv` module can be used to convert files given as arguments to plain text. Defined in this way, Word files can be compared as follows. % tc diff A.docx B.docx Alias name is used to find rc file and module directory. In the above example, `~/.optex.d/tc.rc` and `~/.optex.d/tc/` will be referred. It is also possible to write shell scripts in the config file. The following example implements the C-shell `repeat` command. [alias] repeat = [ 'bash', '-c', ''' while getopts 'c:i:' OPT; do case $OPT in c) count=$OPTARG;; i) sleep=$OPTARG;; esac done; shift $((OPTIND - 1)) case $1 in [0-9]*) count=$1; shift;; esac while ((count--)); do eval "$*" [ "$sleep" ] && (( count > 0 )) && sleep $sleep done ''', 'repeat' ] Read ["CONFIGURATION FILE"](#configuration-file) section. ## MACROS Complex string can be composed using macro `define`. Next example is an awk script to count vowels in the text, to be declared in file `~/.optex.d/awk.rc`. define __delete__ /[bcdfgkmnpsrtvwyz]e( |$)/ define __match__ /ey|y[aeiou]*|[aeiou]+/ define __count_vowels__ <